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Stat changes during a dialogue


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I have written a long dialogue with many consecutive states. It's possible to go back and forth between them, but every transition drains a point of Wisdom from the character for a time. I'm using a spell with a temporary effect there. The conversation doesn't notice changes in stats, though. The transitions should become unavailable and the conversation end with less than 2 points of Wisdom left, instead the character can move back and forth forever but dies from losing all Wisdom when the dialogue is closed. How can I change stats within the dialogue? Would it help to make the spell a type 7 casting, instantaneous?

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Make the reply take at least 2 states after the intended change, and calculate it with an incrementing GLOBAL rather than actual stat change, so the global can be set after each reply and then be actuated. Which takes the two states to be counted, or so I read from somewhere in a dialog tutorial. And have the end of the conversation cast the spell according to the set global, or don't. Bonus, no insta deaths.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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Okay, this is gibberish. Looking for better answers. In fact, it takes only one extra transition to register a global change, and I have that taken care of, but this dialogue doesn't want to notice this. The spell does get cast when DO commands it to, I found that out, but the change in statistics isn't perceived. The reason for this unusual behavior may be that this is a conversation of a talkable item, in effect, the character speaks with himself. Could be something different about these dialogues. Or it could be that the stat boost effect only begins to work in real time, unpaused.

Edited by temnix
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But I've changed globals inside dialogues. It just takes an extra state to update. You set the trigger, set the global, but the transition leads not to the original state but to another that says "You succeed," and then you come back to the first state and this option will be gone. With this conversation I can't set any globals mid-course and all spell stat changes and ChangeStat actions apply at the end, even though other spell effects come into force right away. I bundled this stat-changing spell with a Character glow solid, and it begins to shine right at DO, but the stats are held off until later. I'm less concerned about Wisdom, though, than the globals. Without them I can't mark the conversation as completely read through when all of the states have been visited.

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