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How to get spell with non-existent icons?

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I'm patching spells that have an icon. Ones that don't are excluded. For this I'm using READ_ASCII 0x76. IF !(~%icon%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~None~), then patching goes ahead. However, I have a number of spells from my old mods that are cast by NPC, monsters and special protectors, whose icons I don't get to see, but which do have a reference to an icon in that field, only that icon is non-existent. I don't even know how many of these spells there are, but they are patched now when they ought to be skipped. Is it possible to go through spells and clean out references to icons that aren't there?

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COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.spl$~ ~override~

    READ_ASCII 0x3a "spellbook_icon"
    SET "spellbook_exists" = 0
    PATCH_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%spellbook_icon%.bam~ BEGIN
      SET "spellbook_exists" = 1
    PATCH_IF ("%spellbook_exists%" = 0) BEGIN
      PATCH_PRINT "%SOURCE_FILE% issue: Non-existent spellbook icon (%spellbook_icon%.BAM)! Removing icon..."
      WRITE_ASCII 0x3a ~~ #8

    READ_ASCII 0x76 "abilities_icon"
    SET "abilities_exists" = 0
    PATCH_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%abilities_icon%.bam~ BEGIN
      SET "abilities_exists" = 1
    PATCH_IF ("%abilities_exists%" = 0) BEGIN
      PATCH_PRINT "%SOURCE_FILE% issue: Non-existent abilities icon (%abilities_icon%.BAM)! Removing icon..."
      WRITE_ASCII 0x76 ~~ #8


Something like this? Somewhat cannibalized from lolfixer (originally for items, I refitted it for spells). Alternatively, you could just change either of the "_exists" checks to 1 and instead do your patching after instead of trying to strip all spells of their non-existent icons...either way.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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