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Kit Description Missing

Guest morpheus562

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Guest morpheus562

I am experiencing an issue where kit descriptions and names for modified or new kits are not displaying during the BGEE portion of the game but are showing correctly when entering BG2EE. I am not sure if this has been addressed or if a workaround has been discovered, but I haven't found an answer. I noticed this during previous versions of eet on patch v.2.5.x from Beamdog and again with the recent eet v13 running Beamdog patch v2.6.6.

Does anyone know why these are not displaying correctly when playing EET? Thank you!


Did you start a new game/campaign after installing every mod you have, as not doing that will not give/update the full dialog.tlk file in the save game. Which is what is likely to lead into this problem.

2 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

I am experiencing an issue where kit descriptions and names for modified or new kits are not displaying during the BGEE portion of the game but are showing correctly when entering BG2EE. I am not sure if this has been addressed or if a workaround has been discovered, but I haven't found an answer. I noticed this during previous versions of eet on patch v.2.5.x from Beamdog and again with the recent eet v13 running Beamdog patch v2.6.6.

Does anyone know why these are not displaying correctly when playing EET? Thank you!

When you patched kit descriptions, did you patch just kitlist.2da/clastext.2da? Did you also *additionally* patch bgclatxt? I believe in EET the former is used for the BG2/ToB portion of the game, while the latter is used for the BG1/SoD portion of the game. sodcltxt.2da is also there, but I don't know if it actually has any impact.

Guest morpheus562

Manually editing the bgclatxt in the EET override folder did the trick! Now to figure out how to modify the weidu function to also add to the bgclatxt.2da file.


Shameless borrowed from Kit Revisions:

// YYS: adapted from kit_strref.tpa
  STR_VAR kit_name = ~~
  RET kit_strref_eet
  OUTER_SET kit_strref_eet = 0 - 1
  ACTION_IF (STRING_LENGTH ~%kit_name%~ > 0) BEGIN
    COPY_EXISTING ~bgclatxt.2da~ ~override~
      TO_LOWER kit_name
      COUNT_2DA_COLS cols
      READ_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW rows cols
      FOR (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) BEGIN
        READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows row 0 kit
        TO_LOWER kit
        PATCH_IF (~%kit%~ STRING_EQUAL ~%kit_name%~) BEGIN
          READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows row 4 kit_strref_eet
          SET row = rows

Then in tp2 I did this:

ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~bgclatxt.2da~) BEGIN // YYS: utilize bgclatxt.2da for eet games
  LAF ~GET_KIT_STRREF_EET~ STR_VAR kit_name = ~fighter~ RET kit_strref_eet END // YYS: get class/kit description string ref
  STRING_SET_EVALUATE kit_strref_eet @1 // YYS: update class/kit description

You need to do the same for clastxt.2da as well.

If EET is your only focus, then that's all I believe. If you somehow also wants your mod to be compatible to individual EE games and also the classic games, then you first need to set up a few more checks so that it can fall back to kitlist.2da for classic games, then you need to take care of the Archer, whose codename changes from Feralan (in bg/sod) to Archer (in bg2/tob). OUTER_SPRINT a variable, set it to ~archer~ by default then if GAME_IS (~bgee sod~) set it to ~feralan~ instead...

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

Manually editing the bgclatxt in the EET override folder did the trick! Now to figure out how to modify the weidu function to also add to the bgclatxt.2da file.

but this is one of the things done automatically by EET_end (if unique entries are not present in all variants of campaign 2da files). Check your weidu.log to be sure that it's actually installed (after that kit mod).

Edited by K4thos

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