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Compatibility with Spell Revisions

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Posted (edited)

Apologies if this has been discussed before; did a simple search for "Spell Revisions" in this forum but could not find answer from the 3 search results...

What would happen if Iwdification was to be installed after Spell Revisions? Both include Icelance, for example. Would Iwdification always overwrite SR, or would it skip its own spell leaving SR's version untouched (ala SCS method) instead?

Edited by guyudennis
Posted (edited)

Works find as long as you use up-to-date versions. I think any duplicate spells are kept from the first mod installed, and skipped by the second one. I think?

EDIT - nope, it’s the opposite: last mod wins. 

Edited by subtledoctor
Posted (edited)

I just tested this (twice) on a fresh 2.6 English version go BG2EE with only Spell Revisions (v4b18) and Iwdification (RC1). Arcane Spell Pack errors out with consistent error message. Debug file attached.

Edit: uninstalling SR made it possible for Iwdification to install without any trouble. So it definitely looks like there's a incompatibility between SR (v4b18) and Iwdification (RC1) at the moment.


Edited by guyudennis

Just tried. It could indeed install in such an order without any warnings, and SR actually overwrote Iwdification (so your previous think that any duplicate spells are kept from the 1st mod installed turned out to not be the case 😜 ). However, when I look at Iwdification's tp2, it contains code to check for SR, thus it gives me the impression that the intention from Iwdification was to be installed after SR?

Actually both ways make some sense:

  • Installing after SR seems to me to be the most "logical" way, because SR's pool of spells is static, so it makes sense for any spell-adding mods to want to be installed "on top of" SR. In case of duplicate spells, it might be preferred to keep the SR versions intact, to preserve the balance and "cohesion" of SR's core pool.
  • Installing before SR achieves just that currently, but an admittedly far-fetched ideal state would be to update SR to "recognize" Iwdification, in which case SR would cease to overwrite duplicate Iwdification spells with SR's own copies, but rather patch (parameter 1, duration, saving throw, etc) Iwdification's version with code to SR's "systematic rebalancing". This way, SR's core pool is still "sane", while we get to enjoy all the state-of-the-art spell resources (projectiles, opcodes, etc) plus a few goodies SR always wanted to include but could not back in the day (whirlwind and wall of moonlight comes to mind).

I'm not demanding anything to happen; just sharing some thoughts.

7 hours ago, guyudennis said:

when I look at Iwdification's tp2, it contains code to check for SR, thus it gives me the impression that the intention from Iwdification was to be installed after SR?

Well, sure, in an ideal world it would work either way, so the intent should be that it is able to be installed after SR. And it’s definitely worth mentioning any errors, so that anyone working on this can look into it. 

But if you just want to play the game, and it works one way but not the other, then install it the way it works. 

7 hours ago, guyudennis said:

because SR's pool of spells is static, so it makes sense for any spell-adding mods to want to be installed "on top of" SR

Not any longer. SR adds spells dynamically since 4b17. 




I'm I correct in understanding that OVERWRITE_SR.2DA and SKIP_SR.2DA controls which SR spells get overwritten and which get skipped respectively if IWDification/SCS were to be installed after SR, and that I can amend the contains within before installation to tailor them to my liking?

Follow-up question: The number of spells both IWDification and SR alter/add is much greater than that being listed in SKIP_SR.2DA. Any particular reason to omit the others not listed in this file? Take Icelance for example, SR adds both a wizard version and a cleric version, while IWDification/SCS only adds the wizard version. If a player installs SR first then IWDification/SCS later, by current logic, he would end up with a IWDification version of Icelance for wizards, while still having a SR version of Icelance for clerics/druids.

On 10/5/2021 at 10:47 AM, guyudennis said:

I'm I correct in understanding that OVERWRITE_SR.2DA and SKIP_SR.2DA controls which SR spells get overwritten and which get skipped respectively if IWDification/SCS were to be installed after SR,


On 10/5/2021 at 10:47 AM, guyudennis said:

and that I can amend the contains within before installation to tailor them to my liking?

How dangerously do you like living?

Spell systems are not very modular. SCS assumes the standard choices here; you run the risk of breaking it.

On 10/5/2021 at 10:47 AM, guyudennis said:

Follow-up question: The number of spells both IWDification and SR alter/add is much greater than that being listed in SKIP_SR.2DA. Any particular reason to omit the others not listed in this file? Take Icelance for example, SR adds both a wizard version and a cleric version, while IWDification/SCS only adds the wizard version. If a player installs SR first then IWDification/SCS later, by current logic, he would end up with a IWDification version of Icelance for wizards, while still having a SR version of Icelance for clerics/druids.

No, because WIZARD_ICELANCE isn't listed in overwrite_sr.2da.


Sorry for necro'ing an old thread, but I think I've discovered a new incompatibility between SR and IWDification.

First, I've confirmed this issue on both EET and SoD (Beamdog version so no Modmerge needed).

Basically, Installing the IWDification Arcane Spell Pack after IR+SR, then when one tries to use Wand of Monster Summoning (wand10.itm) in game will result in CTD.

Here're the combinations I've tested (on a fresh install of either SoD or EET), always starting a new game with the pre-made elf mage chic, then consoling in wand10 and scrl75 (for identification):

  • IR alone (since IR also alters wand10.itm) - OK
  • IR + SR (either SR4b18 or latest Git master) - OK
  • IR + IWDification (either v2 or latest Git master) - OK
  • IR + SR (either SR4b18 or latest Git master) + IWDification (either v2 or latest Git master) - CTD

While I understand this does not necessarily mean it's a bug/issue on IWDification's part (it could well be SR or even IR), I'm posting here anyways mainly because (1) IWDification was the last of the 3 mods in my installation order, and (2) trying to make sense of IWDification's code is beyond my skill level...

Weidu log for the CTD scenario attached for reference.



My recent BG2EE install had these:

~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Item Revisions by Demivrgvs: V4 Beta 10 SD 15
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Spell Revisions: v4 Beta 18 sd 3
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #20 // Mirror Image Fix: v4 Beta 18 sd 3
~SPELL_REV_REV/SPELL_REV_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Spell Revisions Patches: 1.0
~SPELL_REV_REV/SPELL_REV_REV.TP2~ #0 #1 // Spell Revisions Tweaks: 1.0
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #55 // Spell Deflection blocks AoE spells: v4 Beta 18 sd 3
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #60 // Update Spellbooks of Joinable NPCs: v4 Beta 18 sd 3
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1500 // Include arcane spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: v33.4
~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #1510 // Include divine spells from Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition: v33.4

...and I used the Wand of Monster Summoning plenty of time with no CTD.

I just installed a similar setup on BGEE, but with SR 4b19 instead of 4b18, and IWDification v2 instead of SCS. I haven't started the game yet but I'll check the wand when I get a chance.

Posted (edited)

How about "90 - Expanded Polymorph Self" (that gives the possibility to polymorph into winter wolf, polar bear, and boring beetle) ?

I did try to install this component with SR (v4b19Beta) with the following warning (i think after SR)  :

//WARNING: no effects added to spwi416.spl
//INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS     Expanded Polymorph Self

Is there any incompatibility between this component an SR ? (as SR may have already done some mod. on this spell?).


EDIT : Both versions add new forms to the vanilla spell, and are not compatible. In case you want to play with Spell Revisions , don't install "90 - Expanded Polymorph Self"



Edited by Mordekaie

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