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Poison arrows?

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I don't know exactly where this question should go, so -- there's clearly the concept of poison arrows in BG(x), but AFAIK, in none of the games can you actually obtain any as a PC or for your party NPCs.  I think there's maybe one character that can create poison arrows, but it's something rare, while various low-level enemies use them very often.

Not really a question, but maybe an idea would be for a store to sell them, or a generic spell to poison arrows (or bladed weapons).


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They're working for me, with the same poison messages as Dagger of Venom (on BG2EE v2.6.6). Character is poisoned, then you get the yellow poison damage text a bunch of times. It doesn't do 30% hp. It lasts 20 seconds and does 1 damage per second, sometimes stopping at 19 damage, for some reason. This is the arow05 item, same one you can buy from stores in BG2.

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