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Tweaks Anthology Version 10 Released

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On 3/8/2022 at 10:02 PM, Guest Mike said:

The component 'Use BG Walking Speeds' should include more animation IDs for the BGT part:

            ("%anim%" = 0xC600)
         OR ("%anim%" = 0xC610)
         OR ("%anim%" = 0xC700)
         OR ("%anim%" = 0xC710)
         OR ("%anim%" = 0xC800)
         OR ("%anim%" = 0xC810)
         OR ("%anim%" = 0xC900)
         OR ("%anim%" = 0xC910)
         OR ("%anim%" = 0xCA00)
         OR ("%anim%" = 0xCA10)
         OR ("%anim%" = 0xCB00)) BEGIN


Ok, I may know what happened to my BGT game...

All NPCs that are running like crazy got their original '0xC...' animation (9 walking frames) replaced by one from IAs 'More Planescape: Torment Animations...' (15 frames) component.

So, the '0xC...' are ok.

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On 3/8/2022 at 5:15 PM, CamDawg said:

Not really, but there's a possible workaround for the EEs at least.

For the record, for oGB2 players, there is also a workaround. you can use insomniator mod :http://www.shsforums.net/files/file/1265-bg2-improved-gui/ // Disable Portrait Icons Added by Class Abilities/Equipped Items

And for the most brave (foolish?) testers, as there is always a third way, you can also replace the States.bam file with another bam file - for example, you can try copy SPWI915A.bam in override folder and rename it STATES.bam to replace the original file... it will take away all the portrait icons from items, effects, spells and won't CTD... But this is for the most foolish one on oBG2 that haven't discovered insomniator mod which is a far better solution of course...


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On 3/3/2022 at 3:41 PM, CamDawg said:

(Re: bugs with "Enforce PnP Proficiency Restrictions for Dual-Class Characters) The little animation and string stuff is easy to fix. The extra spell slots, not so much. The main problem is, the scripted kit-change to shadow kits is affecting multiclass characters as well as dual-class characters. In EE games this is easy to control for, just add OriginalClass checks in the script. On the old engine, though (which I think I was using way back when I made this), there is no such trigger. So the options are:

  1. Assume ToBEx? I'm pretty sure it adds the OriginalClass trigger, but I've never worked with it and I don't know how to make that assumption work in the context of CDTweaks.
  2. Forget using OriginalClass triggers, allow the script to change MC characters' kits, and apply a spell that reduces wizard spell slots by 1 to counteract the hard-coded engine behavior. This gets a little finicky, because you really really don't want to apply that more than once by mistake (e.g. with characters leaving/rejoining the party, etc.) and coding for the old engine prevents the use of opcode 321. opcode 206 will probably work fine... just, you know, this is always slightly murky waters.
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Guest Frenzgyn


First and most important thing: thanks for the dedication and effort you put into this project.

Now, I may have spotted two bugs in the Friendly Random Drops component on IWDEE.

( ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3241 // Friendly Random Drops -> Choose your drop: v10)

Two random drops seems to be missing (I didn't receive the token, just one of the item):

1) Temple of the Forgotten God – level 1 (AR3601) chest (x=488, y=1712);
2) Severed Hand – level 3 (AR5003) Shadowed Orc Chieftain (dbone.itm, zzn6gc.itm or poker.itm);
3) Tower of Solonor level 3 (AR5203) Shadowed Elven Priest (drops 1 out of 4 unique necklaces: corello.itm, labelas.itm, shevara.itm or solonor.itm).

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On 3/17/2022 at 4:11 PM, Guest Frenzgyn said:

1) Temple of the Forgotten God – level 1 (AR3601) chest (x=488, y=1712);
2) Severed Hand – level 3 (AR5003) Shadowed Orc Chieftain (dbone.itm, zzn6gc.itm or poker.itm);
3) Tower of Solonor level 3 (AR5203) Shadowed Elven Priest (drops 1 out of 4 unique necklaces: corello.itm, labelas.itm, shevara.itm or solonor.itm).

Alright, this is done. In reverse order:

For #3, TotLM and IWDEE use a different script name for this creature than base IWD or IWD+HoW. This was accounted for in the 'randomize on reload' version of the tweak, but I apparently forgot to bring this adjustment to the other two variants. This is fixed.

For #2, IWDEE handles the spawning such that the normal script name of the chieftain is not transferred from oIWD. This component now assigns the name in IWDEE games, which fixes the issue.

For #1, this was a deliberate design decision to exclude this from the randomization. The problem was that the one is a mix of unique and common items--it essentially allowed you to, say, pick up a Shortbow +1 from anywhere (there's one for sale from Conlan and a couple in the Vale) and then immediately trade it with the wandering merchant for a unique item. In turn this allowed you to potentially pick up another copy of the unique from that chest. However, this really isn't an issue for token and randomize on re-load variants, so I've enabled it there.

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