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Bugs reported from Github

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Reposting these here for visibility.

@TotoR reported this:



  • States in Character sheet page are not aligned as with vanilla BG2. this issue come from the dash (-) in states.bam. They are not 13x13 but 2x3... FWIW using offset does not seem to works with states.BAM file
  • the ibclaw.bam of the claw weapon from the Beast Claw spell is not center. FYI the ground icon has a ref to a useless and non existing bam file...

shout (great) :

  • the projectile file (cdia315a.pro and cdia319a.pro) is missing the projectile animation (cdishout.bam does not exist) - should be shoutt.bam
  • the fire sound in cdia315a.pro does not exist - should be #FF_M100.WAV
  • CDIA431X.spl cast the cdia431V spell creating an additional shoutt animation which is not needed
  • idem for CDIA806X.spl, it cast CDIA806V.SPL and create a not needed additional shoutt animation

Smashing wave :

  • the main spell has a projectile IDPRO302.pro (should not for oBG2)

    This was reported by porkchop-sandwiches:


    I got a warning when installing component #100 of IWDification
    WARNING: no effects altered on spcl213.spl

    Checking the tp2 for IWDification it wanted to do this:
    COPY_EXISTING spcl213.spl override
    LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR match_target = 2 target = 1 END
    LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR match_duration = 60 duration = 7200 END
    LPF ALTER_SPELL_HEADER INT_VAR target = 5 END // caster

    I believe this updates spcl213 (prot from evil) to be target self, and to have a 24 hour duration for Paladins. However the Spell Revisions mod, spell_rev, also updates spcl213 to increase the duration to 300. I think this causes the above chunk of code for IWDification to fail to find spcl213 duration and update it as I had spell_rev installed first in my mod order.

    I saw a few spots in the tp2 where there appear to be compatibility patches between other mods so I figured I would report this. I'm not sure if a fix would require a full check that spell_rev exists and to handle it as a special case, or if match_duration could be changed to something else to be sure spcl213 duration is found and updated.

    All of these issues are fixed for v3.

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