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First, I mean Second, try at a big(ish) EET install

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Posted (edited)

So I kind of paused this game to make a mod :p But I used this game to test the mod and it worked out pretty well - testing stuff on an iPad is annoying, it would be a lot better to be able to install/uninstall mods on the same machine that is playing the game. But OTOH if a mod works on an iPad, it will likely work anywhere.

So anyway this party just fought through the Black Pits! And it was pretty manageable, and pretty fun! We had about 40,000 XP when we went there but quest XP is turned off and monster XP is cut in half, so I am now back at the FAI with about 46,000 XP. Not much to show for it... in versions  of the BP-in-BG mod that are currently downloadable, I've umped this with another 12,000 quest XP. Oh I also have like 65,000 gold now. Which is way too much. Anyone know how to use the console to remove gold, instead of adding it? Maybe I can  just buy some ridiculously expensive stuff from Thalantyr and throw it away.

Now I have to remember what I was doing. last I recall, it was looking for orbs from colored portals, I think part of Shadows of the Sword Coast?* I have two orbs, and there are two  more. One of them is in the Cloakwood, and one is in a "forest far from the coast." I've been to most of the forests far from the coast, but not to the one full of spiders and red wizards. I'll go check there. Then to Cloakwood and look for the mines. Then to Baldur's Gate!

I'm excited for my next level-up. At level 7 psions can learn sciences, more powerful psi powers. I'll be able to pick up Kinetic Control which is a super defensive buff. Also Material Animation which is kind of a short-duration minor earth elemental summon. Extremely useful. Then I'll move into biokinesis abilities - Camouflage is great for rangers - and clairsentience abilities, going toward Life Detection and Danger Sense.

* By the way, from what I've seen so far Shadows of the Sword Coast is a fantastic mod. It bills itself as a bunch of small quests, like BGQE or ACQuest or UB. But the quests have way more meat on their bones than almost any other side quests I've had. More on par with NTotSC or something. Hats off to @Lava, I am find it very enjoyable. If you could only choose a single quest mod to install on BGEE, SotSC might be it.

Edited by subtledoctor
Just now, StummvonBordwehr said:

If you want to ditch some gold, you can donate at the temple. You can donate 60.000 gp in one go - with a single rep point as the only hazard

Nice, I didn't realize a single  donation can only move your rep one point. Easy-peasy!

20 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

 By the way, from what I've seen so far Shadows of the Sword Coast is a fantastic mod. It bills itself as a bunch of small quests, like BGQE or ACQuest or UB. But the quests have way more meat on their bones than almost any other side quests I've had. More on par with NTotSC or something. Hats off to @Lava, I am find it very enjoyable. If you could only choose a single quest mod to install on BGEE, SotSC might be it.

Shades of the Sword Coast ^^.

I agree, SotSC is probably the best and more complete side quests mod for BG1. It is on my install order for all modded games, as long as Balduran's Seatower (a new BG City district). I really like Ascalon's Questspack too.

Since EE I don't find UB1 so mandatory, and I think BGQE is really well made but the atmosphere and ambiance of its quests are too modern for my taste.

I note to try NTotSC on a next run. 🙂


@subtledoctor I am using your Install Order as a source to my EET install work in progress. :)

I was checking your install order (and modifying mine) and i have noticed that Kelsey is intalled after Quest Pack (idem in @Graion Dilach install order).

Quest Pack readme recommends to install Quest Pack "AFTER Kelsey and/or Keto to allow their interjections to work correctly."

  Does this recommendation is still relevant ? What do you think ?  Should i move Kelsey and Keto before Quest Pack (or move Quest Pack down in the NPCs section) ?


Posted (edited)

Same situation with Sir Ajantis NPC for BGII by Jastey  "supposed" to be installed Before "Anomen's extended plot" from Hidden Adventures

Almateria's Restoration Project mod author also suggests to intstall his mod after UB.

Edited by Mordekaie
7 hours ago, Mordekaie said:

Does this recommendation is still relevant ?

Not sure, but if it says that in the Readme than I would trust the Readme. Don't take my log as gospel - there are a lot of educated guesses here. I think I've done a pretty good job of getting everything working together, but when you get into the minutiae of "is this or that NPC mod going to have banters with the other NPC mod?" there tend to be lots of rules that I can't entirely keep straight. Like, I would have put Kelsey and Keto earlier, but some of the old BWS install logs have them going in absurdly late, like after a bunch of kit a tweak mods. I remembered that, and just erred on the side of installing Kelsey and Keto late. I don't know why that decision was originally made; I just trust that whoever made it knew more about this stuff than I do. Evidently I followed that guideline a but too far!

But then, I have a high tolerance for that kind of thing. I'm more used to worrying about whether some tweak interaction makes armors unusable by fighters, or something. If the odd banter doesn't fire between two NPCs I might never have in the party at the same time anyway - but those NPCs are still functional and fun - it won't bother me.

That doesn't mean I want to get things wrong. There are just too many non-obvious rules in the NPC/quest section. (Tweak mod interactions tend to be somewhat obvious, or at least figure-out-able.) It would be wonderful if we had a post or thread collecting these "X should go before Y" rules... Maybe PI could read those newfangled .ini files and spit out a compilation of before/after rules, and then we can clean them up and post them in a sticky here...

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

Maybe PI could read those newfangled .ini files and spit out a compilation of before/after rules, and then we can clean them up and post them in a sticky here...

It does validate and report back the user if the order is wrong. However even PI's INI metadata ain't errorprone, because it's aimed against mods and not direct components, which matters on stuff like SCS non-AI components, Item Revisions' primary vs vecondary components, the list goes on. On my own list, aTweaks became the new target of experiments because the PnP components add in new creatures, so they shouldn't be installed after SCS, but before tweaks outright.... and apparently that could work if PnP Fiends wouldn't touch the demon summoning spells along, which SCS then chokes on (so probably that would work in a aTweaks PnP X components->SR/IR (everything else)-> aTweaks nonPnP x components thrown among gameplay rule tweaks prior SCS install order, but I don't play with the Revisions mods)... but if I comment out all of that spell/scroll touching, all seems to work? So yeah, the basic thing is... PI's INI can't handle split rules.

Edited by Graion Dilach
Posted (edited)

Yeah but it might just be a good place to start. Then people can make corrections in the thread and the initial post could be updated. 

I’m not too worried about IR/RR/SCS/aTweaks etc., because there just aren’t that many before/after rules and I’ve internalized most of them. But all the quest and NPC mod, with rules that you could never guess just from the content of the mods… that stuff is begging for some kind of simple guide. 

We used to have BWP, and to some extent it’s still a good resource. But its focus on pre-EE games leaves some stuff out. 

Edited by subtledoctor
51 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

Yeah but it might just be a good place to start. Then people can make corrections in the thread and the initial post could be updated. 

I’m not too worried about IR/RR/SCS/aTweaks etc., because there just aren’t that many before/after rules and I’ve internalized most of them. But all the quest and NPC mod, with rules that you could never guess just from the content of the mods… that stuff is begging for some kind of simple guide. 

We used to have BWP, and to some extent it’s still a good resource. But its focus on pre-EE games leaves some stuff out. 

I totally agree. In my experience it is really difficult to organise the quest and NPC sections.

Any particular reason to install Test Your Mettle! late in your install order (after the quest mod section) ?

2 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

But all the quest and NPC mod, with rules that you could never guess just from the content of the mods… that stuff is begging for some kind of simple guide. 

We used to have BWP, and to some extent it’s still a good resource. But its focus on pre-EE games leaves some stuff out. 

Here is the first part of my personal guide for an EET installation (BGEE mods, UI section, early mod section, quests, the grey section). The other sections are almost done but still messy. It is all about preparing my own install order, select components, keeping track of datas about mods (links, rules, order, description,...) collected from readme and forum discussions. It is maybe time to share it with the community. It is mainly for a newcomer into modding Baldur's which i am but some infos may also be relevant for more experienced modders.

Forgive me for my english. I have done my best. I don't mind if my wwriting is bugged as long as it is clear and useful.

I am open to feedbacks. Let me know if it is worth consideration.


On 7/14/2022 at 10:42 PM, subtledoctor said:

A quick test, and it seems like I've fixed Sleep. I'll update SR soon.

I'm returning to update all my mods and I'm sort of confused about all the versions of SR. Back in April I had everything set up with your SR fork.

Do I now grab the latest master from your github and just merge the spell_rev folder with my existing one, overwriting existing files? Is that the right way?

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