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How to drop specific item from inventory?

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I've tested the "Drop item (264)" effect by adding it to a helmet and everytime I equip it, it would drop an equipped item in the following order:

  1. Amulet
  2. Armor
  3. Belt
  4. Boots
  5. Cloak
  6. Bracers
  7. Ring1
  8. Ring2
  9. Shield

Is there a way to use this opcode (or another) to drop a specific equipped item? Is there also a resource similar to this where it shows the ordering as I am not sure if what I found is accurate.


I'd assume that not a specific item (using the item name) should happen but "drop whatever armor you are wearing", which would be quite cool if it works, actually. With DropItem you need to specify the exact item in the slot which you maybe do not know.


That does seem to be a functionality that's missing. Opcode 264 has a couple of modes (and what you wrote doesn't match the description of either in the IESDP, so maybe that needs an update?) that are slot-based but don't let you choose a specific slot, and the DropItem script action is based on specific ITMs. There's nothing currently that does "drop the item in this specific equipment slot". A DropItemSlot action or new mode for opcode 264 does sound cool ... though I have a feeling that forcing PCs to drop items would be a very unpopular mechanic. There's a reason it isn't used in the standard game.


Scan all ITMs, build array of type that you need (e.g. armor). Based on array build script of blocks that check "IF equipped THEN drop it". Apply this script (e.g. with some invisible summoned creature or with cutscene). 🙃

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