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Filename entries in the ABILITIES column of kitlist.2da

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This comes from an interaction I noticed between with Dan_P's Worshop Kitpack and Reddbane's 3.5 weapon styles. That mod has a component to reduce the dual wielding off hand penalties for rangers; if I understand the code correctly, it goes down the ABILITIES column in kitlist.2da to find the corresponding .2da files to modify (those with a 12 or 18 in column CLASS, ranger or ranger/cleric).

A problem came when it reached the line for the C/R multi version of Moonlight Knight; while the single class version of the kit one line previous had its filename D2WK4 listed in the ABILITIES column, the multi version had an asterisk, and Reddbane's mod couldn't interpret it.

I don't particularly care about that mod having a problem here, I know it's a bit outdated and I was just playing around with it, but I was wondering why the asterisk instead of the proper filename. I can see other entries that repeat the file repeated like that of Skitia's Helga, that uses the same for both single cleric and F/C entries, seemingly without trouble. But Dan_P's kits and even Subtledoctor's ninja kits use the asterisk for the multiclass versions of their kits, when only the RESERVE line does. Any particular reason why? Worry of duplicating a change in the same file, maybe?

Posted (edited)

Short version: I believe the asterisk is placed for any multiclass kit added via the new ADD_KIT_EX function. 

Long version: when adding a multiclass kit, a modder can create their own “CLAB”-style ability table for it… but it does not necessarily have to copy that table into /override. Also, a multiclass kit could refer to an existing table instead of making a new one. E.g. you could make a cleric/ranger Archer and simply point it toward CLABRN02.2da. Finally, multiclass kits can draw from multiple ability tables - one for each underlying class in the multiclass. These can be newly-added tables, or existing tables, or a combination of both. 

In the latter case, there is not really any way to represent that in KITLIST.2da. Further, it doesn’t matter because multiclass kits do not use that column, instead they use .EFF files applied by the default no-kit ability tables. 

A single asterisk ( * ) is the default value for empty table entries, defined in KITLIST.2da as it ships with the unmodded game. So if the ADD_KIT_EX function is going to put a non-functional/empty text entry there, the asterisk is the appropriate one. Other mods should account for that. 

So e.g. when you see that Skitia’s kits place an entry there while my Ninja kit does not, it is not be ause Skitia and I specifically have different opinions about how to handle that entry. It is simply that my mod uses the modern ADD_KIT_EX function, while Skitia’s probably uses the older ADD_KIT + QDMulti combo. 

Edited by subtledoctor

I see. So whether the function you use inputs an asterisk instead of repeating the CLAB table is not quite important in the grand scheme for the user, but other mods that might look up the list are the ones responsible to account for both on their own. As this error came up in a big mega install, I suspect there aren't many of those or they're older mods, or modders at large already are aware about the different values and know to deal with it.

Such a small thing, but very curious, thanks for the answer!

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