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Item Randomizer - Outdated .exe Weidu?

Guest Alex

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Hi all,

I am getting ready to continue my playthrough of Baldur's Gate into the second game. I have every other mod installed (tweaks, SCS, EEex, Ascension, Rogue Rebalancing) but now I want to apply the Item Randomizer mod.

It seems to me that the existing Item Randomizer mod is using an older version of Weidu. The download is just the .exe so I'm not sure how I could update it.

The command prompt seems to indicate that it is updating something, but it very really runs? Not sure- keen for someone with a Wisdom and Lore score higher than my own.

Command Prompt:

[D:\AA GAMES\INSTALL\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition\setup-randomiser.exe] WeiDU version 24600
{Setup-Ascension.exe} Queried (pid = 348) version = 24900
{setup-rr.exe} Queried (pid = 352) version = 24900
Newest WeiDU is version 24900, updating!
WeiDU files in version order:
  [setup-stratagems.exe] version 24900
  [setup-rr.exe] version 24900
  [setup-iwdification.exe] version 24900
  [setup-EEex.exe] version 24900
  [setup-cdtweaks.exe] version 24900
  [setup-bubb_spell_menu_extended.exe] version 24900
  [Setup-Ascension.exe] version 24900
  [setup-randomiser.exe] version 24600
        Copying [setup-stratagems.exe] -> [setup-randomiser.exe]: false
[setup-stratagems.exe] WeiDU version 24900
Auto-Updating on behalf of [setup-randomiser.exe]
        Copying [setup-stratagems.exe] -> [setup-randomiser.exe]:
Auto-Updating on behalf of [setup-randomiser.exe] (done)
[setup-randomiser.exe] WeiDU version 24900
{Setup-Ascension.exe} Queried (pid = 208)


Weidu has an update mechanism - when you have multiple mods within a folder, launching a WeiDU executable goes through them, tries to find the newest and then update all the other older variants to this found-latest version. If you got the mod prompts. this succeeded.

Sometimes this does get stuck, just close and restart the file then.

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