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3.5 mechanics for martials?

Guest cretin

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Guest cretin

reading through the mod features, it strikes me that so much of it is inspired by 3e

I got to thinking, have you given any thought to trying to implement extra maneuvers for martial classes? Trip, grappling and so on. Or something along those lines.

I briefly played IWD2EE mod where they have working AoOs (albeit using an "engagement" type system ala pillars of eternity, for the AI's benefit I believe), trip attacks and grappling (ton of fun although it does look janky), all stuff I think people previously assumed wasn't possible due to the engine but now actually just seems like it was because BI did not have time to implement it properly in IWD2.

An enduring criticism of BG1/BG2 is that martial classes feel perfunctory and take a back seat to the caster extravaganza. I think having maneuvers or even just erstwhile "spells" with tactical themes would do a lot to make them more interesting to play. 


I haven't - my initial feeling is that it would be difficult to do without (a) looking clunky and (b) messing with tactical balance quite a lot.

But feel free to suggest more broadly! - lots of people, not just me, do tweak mods like this.

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