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[Mod incompatibility] Fishing for Trouble, races, and restrictions

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There's an interaction between Fishing for Trouble and "Introduce new races and subraces" and "Eliminate class/race restrictions and most class/ability score restrictions" that causes the latter one to fail to install. I wouldn't call this a bug or even ToF's fault. But this can be a warning for others and to avoid installing all these together for now.

This is racetext.2da, both the original file and after going through ToF.

           ID         NAME       DESCSTR       UPPERCASE  BIOGRAPHY
HUMAN      1          7193       9550       1096          15895
ELF        2          7194       9552       1097          15891
HALF_ELF   3          7197       9555       1098          15892
DWARF      4          7182       9551       1100          15890
HALFLING   5          7195       9554       1101          15893
GNOME      6          7196       9553       1099          15894
HALF_ORC   7          53186      53191      53212         31709
VAMPIRE    125        85097      -1         54779         -1
TIEFLING   153        8332       -1         8330             15891
            id          name        descstr     uppercase   biography
aasimar     185         332661      -1          332662      -1
genie       147         332663      -1          332664      -1
duergar     138         332651      -1          332652      -1
svirfneblin 163         332653      -1          332654      -1
human       1           7193        9550        1096        15895
elf         2           7194        9552        1097        15891
half_elf    3           7197        9555        1098        15892
dwarf       4           7182        9551        1100        15890
halfling    5           7195        9554        1101        15893
gnome       6           7196        9553        1099        15894
half_orc    7           53186       53191       53212       31709
vampire     125         85097       -1          54779       -1
tiefling    153         8332        -1          8330        15891

When Fishing for Trouble installs, it adds one single line to it.

108         15946

Note both the lack of the four last columns and more importantly the absurdly long id.

Now, when I installed Fishing for Trouble alone followed by "Eliminate class/race restrictions [...]" there was no issue. But if I install "Introduce new races and subraces" in between, that line becomes:

108         15946       -1          -1          -1          -1

And when "Eliminate class/race restrictions [...]" follows, it throws the following error:

CREATE: the resource reference "dwdcr15946" is longer than 8 characters
ERROR: [dwdcbase.spl] -> [override/dwdcbase.spl] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("CREATE: the resource reference \"dwdcr15946\" is longer than 8 characters"))

As I said, less reporting a bug in ToF itself, and more of a warning that FfT is trying to be special. :P


For further comparison this is what is introduced by the mods that add their own races: The Journey to the Whin Hill, In Love, Undeath, The Return of Hephernaan, Varshoon, Verr'Sza, Will o'Wisps, Yoshimo's Remorse, and Wilson Chronicles.

kobold      112         15929       -1          15974       -1
revenant    8           160056      -1          9352        -1
half-curst  9           162885      -1          162886      -1
antisolar   157         197708      -1          64152       -1
mind_flayer 124         264166      -1          54775       -1
rakshasa    128         265445      -1          54788       -1
spectre     133         270723      -1          124072      -1
wraith      134         316913      -1          3086        -1
bear        103         317849      -1          147649      -1
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You are right and this is bad codding from Fft: EE and ToBex don't have the same form for this table.

I have open an issue for tracking (https://github.com/InfinityMods/FishingForTrouble/issues/15).

Thank you for this report

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The origin of the bug, I think, is that FFT works either in EE or with ToBEx. ToBEx also has a racetext.2da, but the format is different (it's a 1-column 2DA where the row labels are just the IDs). That append is legal for the ToBEx format, but not for EE. FFT needs to check whether it's on EE or not and append racetext differently accordingly, to include a column header ('ghoul', most naturally), and ideally fill in the uppercased name too, on EE.

Since I think FFT is being actively maintained I'll leave its maintainers to sort this out.


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