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Opcode #308 and associated stat #195

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If I want to use a new innocuous detectable stat that will work in scripts between the original engine/ToBex/EE can anyone advise if opcode #308 and corollary #195 is a poor or good choice?

It doesn't seem to be stored in save games but this won't matter if it's used to keep track of things in combat (where you shouldn't really be able to save the game anyway), likewise, although it does protect from the "Tracking" HLA (which no one takes...) that's an ability that's used to discover creature's locations before a combat starts.

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14 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

But, if it only needs to be detected by scripts, why not just use a local variable?

Local variables set on party members cannot be easily checked by other creature's scripts.

Opcode #268 and associated stat #148 also appear harmless to set upon player characters, possibly also opcode #293 and stat #183. These can be used without ToBEx's expanded functionality of #318.

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