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precision on effect 234 Spell Effect: Contingency Creation

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Also applies to effect #257 Spell: Spell Sequencer Creation

On EE editions, if one of these two effects is used by a pure clerict (without mage levels), the game crashes.
Note: this remark does not apply to oBG2. In this version of the game, a cleric can use these effects without any problem.


They cannot put spells into either (as their mage book screen is blocked by the UI - any mod enabling such needs to include a fix), but the game does not crash.

Which game version are you running?


On the EEs these effects involve the UI and you need tweaks to UI.menu for them to work. I have done so successfully, a long time ago… but I don’t recall specifics. Sorry. Pretty sure there is a post or two about it on the Beamdog forums, some decent google-fu should uncover the info. 

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