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Can One Check if PLAYER2-6


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Basically what I need is the check in a reply option that will tell me that PLAYER2(or any for that matter) is not one of the known NPCs. I am guesisng that there should be a function that checks for NPC's position (since we have the 'becoming the leader' reaction in soundsets) but what is it?

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Well, there is InPartySlot:


0x4090 InPartySlot(O:Object*,I:Slot*)

Returns true only if the specified object is in the party and in the slot specified (slots are 0-5).


But that does not make difference between a PC or an NPC (or who the person on that slot is, for that matter). Despite of trying I haven't figured out how to tell difference between PC and NPC, so for the purposes of Amber's player2 romance I "simply" use a check that ensures that player2 is not any of the NPCs that I know of (or female).


!Name("SUBRU",Player2)  // Bons' Bruce PPG
!Name("JCBruce",Player2)	// Compton's Bruce PPG
!Name("WILLYB",Player2)  // Willie Bruce CoM
!Name("G#CASS",Player2)  // Cassius CoM
!Name("FWGHARETH",Player2)	// Ghareth PPG
!Name("Gozaloth",Player2)  // Goo PPG      
!Name("HUBELPOT",Player2)	// Hubelpot FW
!Name("lrirenic",Player2)	// Irenicus (Longer Road) FW
!Name("J#Kelsey",Player2)  // Kelsey PPG
!Name("DKido",Player2)  // Kido Modlist
!Name("Kindrek",Player2)	// Kindrek CoM
!Name("P#KIVAN",Player2)	// Kivan of Shilmista G3
!Name("SK#NEHT",Player2)	// Neh'Taniel Blacksheep 
!Name("Sola",Player2)  // Solaufein PPG 
!Name("TSUJATH",Player2)	// Tsujatha CoM
!Name("VANIM",Player2)  // Vanim Modlist
!Name("TLXAN",Player2) 	 // Xan Modlist
!Name("SDNPC",Player2)  // Yikari FW
!Name("Robilard",Player2)	// Robillard (TDD) Modlist  
!Name("Avaunis",Player2)	// Auvanis (TDD) Modlist  
!Name("Adario",Player2)  // Adario Kalvaras (TDD) Modlist 	 
!Name("KAGAINdd",Player2)	// Kagain (TDD) Modlist    
!Name("KIVANDD",Player2)	// Kivan (TDD) Modlist    
!Name("montaron",Player2)	// Montaron (TDD) Modlist   	 
!Name("xzardd",Player2)  // Xzar (TDD) Modlist    
!Name("yeslicdd",Player2)  // Yeslick (TDD) Modlist
!Name("BOLIVAR",Player2)  // Bolivar (SoS) FW  
!Name("TOMASTM",Player2)  // Tomas (SoS) FW


This of course requires keeping eye on new NPCs. :)

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Doesn't the protagonist have a scripting name (deathvariable) of 'NONE'.

You might want to try Name("NONE")


There are also objects like Player<X>Fill


Probably the Protagonist object refers only to players (or the first player too).

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Name is exactly what I want then, thank you, since all I want is to make sure that I do not repeat any of the NPCs that have specific replies. I will try combining with "NONE" to eliminate PC saying that she'll go talk to herself if she is not in Player1 position. :) YAY!

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Is not Gabber the person who talks to someone, so if I have a conversation with Valygar, won't the Gabber allways be Valygar (as he initiated the banter?). What I need is to check that a male in the party is not one of the known NPCs to provide a 'generic' male option for PC with his name inserted in it as opposite to the 'customized' ones to the named NPCs and to avoid duplicating the 'named' NPCs in the generic options. I think 'Name' should work. I will test er... shortly?

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