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So anybody heard of the third game, then ?

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As we all know, the EET is supposed to be a trilogy of games, but I can only use two fingers when I count the games I use to make this "trilogy".

As that is the BG1EE and BG2EE.
Surprizing yeah, but that's just a duology. Now yes, the BGT had it's name also wrong in the sameway, as the BG2SoA and ToB were not a games of their ownright, but in the same package and patch. But that was so much in the past that people probably needed to use their limbs to count things cause they didn't have fingers yet. 😉

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1 hour ago, jastey said:

Siege of Dragonspear?


We already discussed here that EET should definitely be called Enhanced Edition Pentalogy (BG, TotSC, SoD, SoA, ToB). In short: EEP!

Problem is, those are not independent games. The TotSC relies on the former to exist on the computer, yes the SoDs can be bought as an independent game, but it just a extracted BG1EE engine without the originals files. Same thing with SoA and ToB. So; do, better.

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