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Does anyone know what the item BOOTGR02.ITM (+50 stealth, +1DEX) is?

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This item gives +50 stealth and +1 DEX to thieves. I got this item installed by Auril's Bane mod for Icewind Dale. Unfortunately though, while Bootgr01, Bootgr03 and Bootgr04 were in /AB/New and each copied individually with the English text strings,


COPY ~AB/new/bootgr01.itm~      ~override/bootgr01.itm~       
  SAY NAME1 @125 
  SAY NAME2 @126 
  SAY DESC @128 

COPY ~AB/new/bootgr03.ITM~      ~override/bootgr03.ITM~       
  SAY NAME1 @125 
  SAY NAME2 @129 
  SAY DESC @131 

COPY ~AB/new/BOOTGR04.ITM~      ~override/BOOTGR04.ITM~       
  SAY NAME1 @125 
  SAY NAME2 @132 
  SAY DESC @133 

Bootgr02 was in /AB/Overrides and just copied in bulk without any text strings.

COPY ~AB/Overrides/Copy~     ~override~

As such this item has no name or description.

Since Bootgr01.itm are Nirel's Boots of Protection, which after googling seem to be also part of Northern Tales of the Sword Coast, and Bootgr03 and Bootgr04 are yeti and winter wolf boots respectively, I was wondering whether Bootgr02.itm was also present in some other mod.


Does anyone know if there is a mod item that is a +50stealth, +1DEX boot? Alternatively, maybe someone has an older version of Auril's Bane (Or Project Auril, or Winter's Bane) that would shed some light on what this item was supposed to be?


Edited by ZFR
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