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[Beta 13] prof_npc.tpa and non-ToF weapon proficiency mods

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There seems to be a problem with prof_npc.tpa reading .CHR files when a weapon proficiency mod (like Tweaks Anthology's Alter weapon proficiency system) is present. I've seen it happen both with ToF's minor feats and Revised Weapon Proficiency System. I've seen error messages like these:

ERROR: cannot convert weapprof_array_93_BERSERKER or %weapprof_array_93_BERSERKER% to an integer
ERROR: [0A1FIGHT.CHR] -> [override/0A1FIGHT.CHR] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)

ERROR: cannot convert weapprof_array_90_FIGHTER or %weapprof_array_90_FIGHTER% to an integer
ERROR: [OH1FIGHT.CHR] -> [override/OH1FIGHT.CHR] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)

OH1FIGHT.CHR is the pregenerated Abdel character in BG2, and 0A1FIGHT.CHR is Gorris from IWD.


Additionally with Lava's Candlekeep Revisited for BG1EE, which changes some of the Candlekeep characters, I get this:

ERROR: cannot convert weapprof_array_92_DWARVEN_DEFENDER or %weapprof_array_92_DWARVEN_DEFENDER% to an integer
ERROR: [ARKANI.CRE] -> [override/ARKANI.CRE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)

I tried taking the cre files off the override folder and try again, letting it read directly from CREATURE.BIF. But then it repeats the same error on Arkanis:

ERROR: cannot convert weapprof_array_92_FIGHTER or %weapprof_array_92_FIGHTER% to an integer
ERROR: [ARKANI.CRE] -> [override/ARKANI.CRE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)


Also, when Lava's Urchin for IWD is present, I get this:

ERROR: cannot convert weapprof_array_92_L#URCH or %weapprof_array_92_L#URCH% to an integer
ERROR: [L#URCHIN.CRE] -> [override/L#URCHIN.CRE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)


Commenting out lines 42 to 54 of prof_npc.tpa allows to hop around the .chr issue, it's not like I intend to use the pregenerated characters, but something may be wacky here.

Edited by Connelly
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