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Inquisitor flat-value modifier for Dispel Magic instead

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With the current 1.5x and 1.0x tweaks, Inquisitor Dispel Magic becomes capped at level 30 and 20. In the late game, this is considerably weaker than a Cleric or Bard's dispel magic, both of which go up to 40. 

I think a better way is to have Inquisitor Dispel Magic cast at their level + a flat modifier, for example Paladin Level + 6, and to extend SPCL231's progression up to level 34 (like SPCL211 Lay on Hands), instead of stopping at level 20 as is currently. 

Perhaps options could be given in installation for +4, +6, +8 or other values.

If I have misunderstood how SPCL231 works, let me know. I am going by how the effects stop at level 20, whereas SPCL211's go up to 34.

Edited by dizzyorange
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There's already a topic about this on this page. From what was discussed there, you are correct in your assessment of the nerf being quite severe, (moreso than intended most likely).
It's an interesting Idea. It'd be better than 2x if you're playing BG1, but would decline in power in BG2, unless you like to grind (which is not uncommon from what I've seen in IE community).

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