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Using alternative WEAPPROF.2DA tables with ToF (Beta 13)

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I've tried many different ways to use custom WEAPPROF.2DA tables with ToF. I have my own rules regarding which classes' proficiencies.

First I tried Skills and Abilities, installed after ToF. Installation (in a massive, 700+ component install) was successful. However, there was a mismatch between the WEAPPROF table in weidu_external (captured by ToF at install) and the one in Override (manipulated by S&A), so actual character creation was impossible.

I tried putting S&A before ToF. ToF installs failed repeatedly. I guessed that ToF didn't like all of S&A's proficiency changes.

I ditched S&A in favor of TA's BG1 alternative weapprof table. I had heard it was compatible with ToFToF got almost through before error-ing out with Minor Low Level Abilities.
Here's the error:

//ERROR: cannot convert weapprof_array_90_FIGHTER or %weapprof_array_90_FIGHTER% to an integer
//ERROR: [OH1FIGHT.CHR] -> [override/OH1FIGHT.CHR] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)

The Debug file is almost 5mb in size, so I cannot attach the whole thing.  I did attach my Weidu log. Let me know if there's more data that might be useful.

I had heard that TA's BG1 weapon proficiencies was compatible with ToF. Is that mistaken?
Primarily, what do I need to do to get ToF to accept my personal rules for proficiencies? What location do I edit to get ToF to use my own rulset? Either before or after install, location of file, using ToF's revised proficiency system or not, etc?

Each of these times, I edited WEAPPROF.2DA before beginning ToF install. I only did things like giving non-warriors 2 pips, changing all warriors to 4 pips, giving a few modded kits 4 pips. Nothing that should be extravagant.

EDIT: Well, the rest of ToF installed without error. If it respects the changes I made to weapprofs.2da before install, then I can certainly live without the minor low level abilities.  I honestly have no idea what the source of the error was, just guessing based on common factors amongst various install attempts.  Such is IE modding.



Edited by Lightbringer
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Follow up. No, TA's Alternative Weapon proficiency table didn't take either.  Upon character creation any character -- even fighters -- can only assign pips to weapon styles. Zero weapon proficiencies appear on the available list.

Where do I go to manually edit the weapprof.2da table either before or after ToF install so that it will show up with my changes in-game?

Or is there a particular ToF component that causes weapprofs.2da to get sequestered away that I need to avoid installing?

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On 8/23/2024 at 11:17 PM, Lightbringer said:

I had heard that TA's BG1 weapon proficiencies was compatible with ToF. Is that mistaken?
Primarily, what do I need to do to get ToF to accept my personal rules for proficiencies? What location do I edit to get ToF to use my own rulset?

It depends what you want it to do, but the short answer is: install whatever changes you want (manual or otherwise) before ToF. ToF will then try to install around what you choose - but this is fairly experimental compatibility so do it at your own risk (even more so than on a beta mod in general!) I tested this with the proficiency changes in Tweaks Anthology and it seems to work okay, but more radical things will probably cause trouble. I'll have a look at Skills and Abilities when I have the chance (though this sort of compatibility issue is low priority compared to bugfixing).

Installing proficiency changes after ToF will do nothing (if you're lucky) or break the game (if you're not).

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5 hours ago, Guest JIK said:

personally i just edit profs.2da in override and that after install

This won't do anything (if you're lucky). ToF externalizes the entire proficiency system to the UI interface, and just sets weapprof to let everyone use everything. If you tweak weapprof yourself it won't affect the proficiency constraints imposed by the UI (which are stored elsewhere).

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4 hours ago, DavidW said:

It depends what you want it to do, but the short answer is: install whatever changes you want (manual or otherwise) before ToF. ToF will then try to install around what you choose - but this is fairly experimental compatibility so do it at your own risk (even more so than on a beta mod in general!) I tested this with the proficiency changes in Tweaks Anthology and it seems to work okay, but more radical things will probably cause trouble. I'll have a look at Skills and Abilities when I have the chance (though this sort of compatibility issue is low priority compared to bugfixing).

Installing proficiency changes after ToF will do nothing (if you're lucky) or break the game (if you're not).

Thanks for the info. It may be complicated by my trying to integrate ToF into my very large install list, but I have had zero success with any mod that changes weapon groupings -- even installed before ToF. I ended coming up with my own workaround, namely keeping the profs vanilla and using EEKeeper to enforce my own weapon groups. (Got a point in long sword? Free point in bastard sword.)

I have had success with making simple number changes to vanilla proficiencies, such as giving all classes 2 pips in their existing weapons, giving swashbucklers access to mastery, and giving my own favorite kit access to grandmastery just 'cos.

Regarding Profs.2da, I actually am finding success with modifying the 2nd column (rate of proficiency gain) in NI, post complete install.  While ToF changes the first column (lvl1 points), it appears to leave the 2nd column untouched.

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Posted (edited)

Eventually (post beta?), I hope there will be an accessible way for us to modify what ToF does, post install.
For example -- making my own changes to what proficiency level some of the new kits get access to, or making specific changes to a class or two after adopting ToF's proficiency overhaul.

More specifically...
If I edit weapprofs.2da to grant a particular mod-added mage/thief kit 5 pips in its weapons before ToF install, then install ToF's proficiency overhaul, will the granting of 2 pips to all non-warriors overwrite the 5 pips I specified for that particular class?  If so, could the code be changed to not overwrite such changes?  Perhaps, "if a given kit/class is already >2, no change"?

Edited by Lightbringer
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Guest JIK

thanks for warning the others about the potential damage though they know. as lightbringer above said i only edit second column as i find mages 6 level to be a bit long but have not run to issues yet but am not in ToF.

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