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Acrobat weapon proficiency problem

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Hello everybody,

I just created an EET installation and started playing an Acrobat. I spent two points in dagger and after after a while I noticed that the APR bonus isn't applied for dagger and throwing dagger according to the character sheet. Damage modifier seems to work. I also increased other weapons with EEKeeper to the same result. The companions are fine. Starting a new game with the same character shows the same effect.

I didn't install that many mods and apart from a few content mods at the beginning the install order is the following:

Refinements (No Bard/Thief HLA)

Is this a bug in S&S or produced by other mods or just a display error?

Thanks in advance

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I just did another test with and created a sharpshooter. It shows the same behaviour like the acrobat, while an ordinary an ordinary ranger has a proper APR. So it seems to be a problem with the kits of this module.

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Are you sure this isn't a Bard/Thief feature, rather than the kit itself exclusively. As in, the (EE)* game has this table called; "clswpbon.2da" which has a zero in the bard kit that says that no, you cannot have APR from proficiencies.
*The non-EE game has this hardcoded.

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You are correct. I just checked the BG Wiki and it describes in case of the the Swashbuckler, that you just get the THAC0 and damage bonus but no APR and the weapon proficiency sheet states that APR applies only to warrior classes. I still think it would be helpful to add a small hint in the relevant kits, because not everyone might know that.

Thanks very much.

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