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[beta 13] Scorn Injury HLA (Enrage upgrade) not working

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From a quick search, I can see that RoyalProtector mentioned this was fixed at some point. If it was fixed, then it's been unfixed.
This is an extension of the issue I brought up in this post: https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/38591-beta13-iwd-poison-weap-text-multiclass-featsprofs-other-notes/

In that post, I mentioned the feedback string, which apparently is only with EEex, which fixes the bug where op206 doesn't display the string message. The real issue is that the HLA effects are below the op206. Even though op318 or op324 are usually used to block effects below, op206 will also block effects below.

I think keeping the HLAs in the same SPL file can work, so you don't need a subspell. The op206 needs to go last in the order. The HLA stuff right above it, then the op318 with the spellstate check above those. Both the op206 and the op318 should be set to duration of 60. This way, whether or not you have the HLA, you'll be prevented from using Enrage again for 1 turn.

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Yes, I agree with this diagnosis of the problem.

There is a minor issue with your solution: the 206 message only plays if you have Scorn Injury. (Not a big deal since it only shows up at present if you use EEEx to fix the bug in opcode 206.) Still, I've fixed it slightly differently (cast a subspell to do the 206, with a delay of 0 so it doesn't block the Scorn Injury payload).

Fixed locally, will be in beta 14.

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