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[Beta 13] Multi/dual-class fighter kits, and weapprof issue

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When installing Multi/dual-class barbarian/C and F/C kits, this error message came up:

ERROR: cannot convert weapprof_array_CROSSBOW_DW_RAGING_FLAME_OF_KOSSUTH or %weapprof_array_CROSSBOW_DW_RAGING_FLAME_OF_KOSSUTH% to an integer
ERROR: [weapprof.2da] -> [override/weapprof.2da] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)

I disabled it in the dw_talents.ini, and other kits came out with this problem with the same error message:

With those disabled and the component installed, the ones for the C/M kits, C/T and D/T kits, and M/T kits installed without problems. Then for the F/M/C kits it started again, althought only one of the kits:


As a note and attending to different instructions and comments left about it, the install order I've been running has been ToF from Stratagems of Mystra up to the New Classes, then varied tweak mods, then resume ToF with what's left of it. So this may possibly be due to TA's proficiency changes, just like the other threads. I'm guessing like with the monk staff issue, the code is trying to look for proficiencies that are now folded into a differently named one.

I didn't install the other fighter kits components, but I suspect they may also get this problem.


I'm afraid you're on your own if you try installing other things partway through ToF - there are lots of ways that could cause trouble.

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