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Posted (edited)

Item Name

Snilloc's Frozen Meteor

Item Type

level 4  mage spell

Item Description

Caster fires one icy globe per level for 5-8 +3 cold damage per globe

20% chance of causing slow on hit


Edited by DiesIrae

Item Name

Boots of self expertise

Item Type


Item Description

These dark ordinary looking boots show no outward sign if being special but apparently they know what class you are... and your freinds


Provides +1 to primary stat dependent on class

Art Direction

Look like a dark brown pair of boots


Item Name


Item Type

Long sword

Item Description

This ancient elven sword apparently of Avariel descent (though this is dispute along with there existence)  And used in combat against Elaacrimalicros. if it seriously wounded the oldest of dragons of the high forest it is unknown but it still inhabits Star mounts the reported Avariel ancestral home


Combat abilities: critical hit causes slow to be applied to the enemy for 2 rounds (accumulative) 

THAC0: +5
Damage: 1d8+1, +2d6 cold damage 
Damage type: Slashing r
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Long sword
Type: Two-handed
 13 Strength


Weight: 14

Art Direction

[Blue hilted long sword with a blur scabbard with silver stars. glows like ice/starlight in combat

Other Notes

This is based on my favourite sword from middle earth and was the last weapon to hurt Morgoth in single combat (may need to change the name for copyright)

Posted (edited)

Item Name

Bullets of detonation 

Item Type


Item Description

This bullet has a particularly debilitating effect on its victims as, upon impact, it explodes into a huge ball of fire and shrapnel affecting all within the area.


1d4+1 Missile damage 
30-ft. diameter 6d6 (fire) (Save vs. spell negates; does not bypass MR

Art Direction

Looks like a bullet of some kind


Other Notes

Basically the bullet version of Arrow of Detonation

 talking of Arrow of Detonation;  missile damage actually isn't applied in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition but removes the false part from the description. In the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, 1d6 missile damage is implemented maybe something to fix within the mod

Edited by DiesIrae

Item Name

Arrow of frozen Detonation

Item Type


Item Description

This arrow is a version of the Arrow of Detonation but does cold damage and may freeze people hit by it.


1d6+1 Missile damage 
30-ft. diameter 3d6 (cold no save) 
anyone hit in the explosion frozen for 1d4 rounds (Save vs. spell negates ; does not bypass MR)

Art Direction

A blue arrow?

Other Notes

Like Arrow of Detonation but cold;  missile damage actually isn't applied in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition but removes the false part from the description. In the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, 1d6 missile damage is implemented maybe something to fix within the mod

Posted (edited)

A review of the item submissions so far, in post order.

Post #3: Akkabar's Battleblade by @WanderingScholar
Looks good to me; no real issues to worry about.

Post #4: Various spellbooks by @Glittergear
They could use more flavor text. Mechanically speaking ... what's the caster level? Caster level makes a huge difference to spells like these.

Post #6: Various half-baked ideas by Guest ksp.
Nope, sorry, there just isn't enough there on any one item.

Post #7: Vine Shield by @Mithradates
An excellent design. On the AC bonus and enchantment number: A small shield should provide no protection against missile attacks. That should be in the description. A +N shield provides +N+1 to overall AC, so as posted that's a +0. If you want it to be a +1 small shield, it should provide +2 to AC, except no protection against missile attacks.

Post #8: Slippery court by @lynx
Er, what? A bare-bones description plus an "undocumented" hidden ability? I don't get it.

Post #9: Golden Hammer +5 by @Jarno Mikkola
Hammers deal 1d4+1 base damage. That should be 1d4+6 damage in the description. As for "But also it is technically not a magical weapon, but also can hit opponents that are immune to magical and non magical weapons." - no, this doesn't work. Either it has the "magical" flag and can hit opponents immune to nonmagical weapons (assuming the enchantment level is sufficient), or it doesn't have the flag and can hit opponents immune to magical weapons. You can't have both.

Post #10: Cloak of Sound Rest by @subtledoctor
Looks good to me. (Also, Gorion's robe is a Knave's robe with +1 vs slashing and +1 death saves. Not an acid resistance robe.)

Post #11: Graze by @Thacobell
Looks good to me. And +0 magic weapons are perfectly acceptable.

Post #12: Lunar Shards by @suy
Solid flavor. To hit all lycanthropes in BGEE and BG2EE, you need the magical, silver, and cold iron flags, but not any elevated enchantment level; these can stay at +1 safely. Recovering these from the target ... that's problematic, because on-hit effects come after the basic damage and "drop item into target's inventory" doesn't work if the target is already dead. So unless you can come up with a clever workaround, these will inevitably dwindle in number as you kill enemies with them.

Post #15: Never Alone and Tinkerer's Spectacles by @cdx
Needs more flavor. Especially that anti-spider ability on the second - that's crying out for a story.
Mechanically, "Never Alone" looks like just about the best monk hat I've ever seen. Immunity to some of the few status effects they aren't already protected from, plus crit protection? And you can throw out some mirror images every so often? That's a seriously powerful item.
On the Tinkerer's Spectacles, the confusion when equipping them contradicts the "easy to use by anyone" part of the description. No, if they cause confusion, they're not easy to use. Then, +50 total points of thief skills? That's pretty serious stuff; only three items beat it in the entire series (Alora's rabbit foot, the Drow Piwafwi cloak, and the Mercykiller ring). Be wary of power level.

Post #16: Kajiros Drying Pole by @Oracle (is that a typo in the name? I'd expect an apostrophe)
There's a fundamental contradiction in the flavor here; a ninjato is a short sword. Less than two feet long, meant to be easily concealed when not in use. You can't impale multiple opponents on that. Impale one enemy, and there's no blade left to fight with. So, that needs a fix. Probably the simplest fix is to make it a two-handed sword. With piercing damage, or maybe the halberd's slashing/piercing hybrid.
On the mechanics ... there are two existing weapons with bleed damage (which is technically poison). "Jhor the Bleeder" at 2 per round for five rounds, and Valygar's sword at 3 per round for two rounds. This would be more powerful than either ... probably OK, even though it does stack with itself. Most enemies just don't last long enough for its full power to matter.

Post #18: Throwing spears and Storm Spear by @DiesIrae
Generic throwing spears ... probably out of scope for this little project. Sure, they make sense, but integrating them into the game is a larger project.
Storm Spear: needs more flavor. Unanswered question: does it get strength bonuses? Given that it doesn't do any base physical damage, it probably shouldn't. Having a THAC0 bonus that's higher than the enchantment level ... confusion. If you really want that, it needs a clear justification in the flavor text. Usability is an issue; the system in these games is subtractive, and you basically can't allow it for both a priest of Talos and an unkitted fighter without also allowing it for an unkitted cleric. Mods that give cleric kits the ability to use their gods' weapons require a much broader overhaul, which is out of scope here.

Post #20: Belt of Urdunnir by @DiesIrae
Quite the run-on sentence there in the flavor text. Mechanically ... yes, having this be better for dwarves makes sense. Though a +N strength bonus rather than a strength-setting effect - that's not something that shows up very often. In fact, only clerics and the Bhaalspawn ever get access to it in the base game (DUHM and some other cleric spells, the holy symbol rings at level 25). Might want to rethink that part of this item.

Post #23: Brother Morcalad's Hallowed Panoply by @Grand Inquisitor
It all sounds cool - but is it possible? I don't think so.
First, the "cast X when Y is exhausted" effects. Decrementing spell protection opcodes like Spell Deflection let you cast a specified spell when the protection is exhausted; this is usually used to clean up any lingering effects of the original spell. Mirror images and stoneskins don't have that feature. Which leaves you with some very hacky workarounds, which will have significant delays or worse.
Second, the effects related to receiving critical hits. Critical hit effects are a thing, but only from the attacker's perspective. So you'd have to apply an effect to everybody, which then filters based on whether the target is wearing the items ... it's a total mess. And I don't think you can filter critical hit chances like that at all.

Post #25: Peril-Sensitive Goggles by me.
Not applicable. I'm not reviewing my own item.

Post #26: Trident of Sekolah by @DiesIrae
This could definitely use more flavor text. Also, human form?
The large bonus against exactly one enemy doesn't feel appropriate. Maybe make that +1d4 against fire elementals and demonic creatures? Also, what type of damage?
"Much more powerful in the hands of a Sahuagin" - you do that by giving the king two versions, the equipped one undroppable with higher damage. Which would then allow you to pickpocket the version you can use, since the king starts out neutral, unless you flag it unstealable ... complicated, but doable.

Post #27: Belt of the witch king by @DiesIrae
More flavor text, please.
This one has an odd loophole mechanically; I can see how to do it by combining the nishruu effect with a heal, but the loophole is that it works even if you're completely out of spells.

Post #28: The Realmshaper's Brush by @CrevsDaak
Flavor text?
Yes, this would be a nightmare to code. I can see how to do it by casting spells on hit, which detect each other and apply effects, then remove the previous coloring marker ... wait, you have a special effect that needs to remember two steps back? That's it, I'm leaving.

Post #29: Executioner Putty by @Giovanski
Sure, looks fine. Well, except for the fact that I'm pretty sure IWD2 is based on 3rd edition, and the details of combat are very different between 2nd and 3rd editions. Balance should be carefully examined.

Post #30: Minstrel's Defense by @Grand Inquisitor
Parrying melee attacks? The game just isn't set up for that. You might be able to hack something together, but it's seriously hard.
Also, this is an absolute no-brainer item for bards that sit back and sing without ever attacking. The weapon slot is usually nearly worthless for that build, and here you have +3 protection?

Post #31: Mystra's Inquisition by @DiesIrae
Yet another flavor-light item. Also, probably shouldn't mention the current shop in the flavor text. He's a collector; of course he's got some eccentric items.
Mechanics ... ah, I see you've decided to make it easy for a protagonist paladin (or rogue) to reach 100% MR. There's a reason the Cloak of Balduran isn't available in BG2; that much magic resistance from the cloak slot is seriously powerful especially when you have all the other magic resistance options from higher-level play. A chance of Mirror Image when hit ... that's some absolutely ridiculous tanking power, except that it's incredibly unreliable. Wild swings that will either leave you feeling indestructible or dead.
Weight 14? For a cloak? What is that thing made of, lead?

Post #32: Robe of the Archmage Jasteya and Emerald Ioun Stone by @Prof Errata
As expected from items that are already out there in an established mod, well done. One language correction: the English text for that regeneration effect should be "Regenerate 1 Hit Point per round" for consistency with other regeneration items.

Post #38: Spiked Armor by @a.greene
Is that "or" a case of "if you can't make this work, do that instead?" If so, it shouldn't be an issue; the hard part is conditioning things on being enraged, and that's something I can easily see how to do.

Post #39: Various darts by @Marzx13
Holy power creep. These are absolutely over the top busted. Your "some love" looks like "OK, darts are now the most powerful ranged weapons in the game." Here's a detailed comparison of the "Dart of the Severing Mist" to the most powerful bow/arrow combination in the game:
- Damage. 1d3+5+2d4 = 12 average damage for the darts, split between physical and elemental. 1d8+2+1d6+1+1d3 = 13 average damage for the Gesen bow with acid arrows again split between physical and elemental. Modified by proficiency and similar effects, which can be considered equal.
- To-hit bonus: 5 each.
- Attacks per round: 3 base for the darts, 2 base for the bow.
- Enchantment level: +5 for the darts, +1 for the bow and arrows. You can get higher enchantment levels up to +4 with the bow, but only at a significant damage cost.
- On-hit effects. Nothing for the bow and arrow. Slow and no-save vorpal for the darts. Yowch.
- Equip effects. Nothing for the bow and arrow. Permanent acid fireshield and 1/day Mislead for the darts.
So that's the most powerful ranged weapon in the game, right? Well, maybe. It does have to beat out your other darts.
I would not want these in my game. They're just too much.

Post #40: Kheshebik's tooth by @DiesIrae
Flavor text ... needs work. Something like "This vicious blade is carved from a tooth of some large reptile. While legend claims the tooth belonged to the giant crocodile Kheshebik, once worshipped by the Khoroshen tribe of lizardfolk, there is no way to verify these claims."?
special Death roll? I have no idea what you mean there. But bleed damage and paralyzation (with a save) on a critical hit is fine.
Wait, putting this in the Mae'var fight? The reward for completing that quest is a +3 short sword with no other properties; you'd be overshadowing that. This quality of item should appear somewhat later in SoA.

Post #45: Selune's Judgement by @DiesIrae
Flavor ... thin.
Maces deal 1d6+1 damage base; you've got an imbalance between enchantment level/attack bonus and damage. More concerning, you're playing in the same space as the Mace of Disruption; more bonus damage against undead, but no save or die effect. Why should this item exist when another item that's so similar already does?

Post #46: Snilloc's Frozen Meteor by @DiesIrae
Not an item.

Post #47: Boots of self expertise by @DiesIrae
Oh, come on. Put more effort into these! Don't just toss out half-formed ideas!
Also, strength boosts are always strength-setting effects, except for a few that clerics get. Breaking that paradigm for something as trivial as this ... no.

Post #48: Ringil by @DiesIrae
What even is that flavor text? No punctuation, jumbled together with barely a hint of grammar...
"slow for 2 rounds (accumulative)" ... no, I don't think that's doable. Reset the timer every time the effect triggers, yes. Stack the durations, no.
Speed 8? That's really slow. Much slower than a standard long sword, which is completely counter to the inspiration - a nimble elven warrior getting in hits while avoiding counter-strikes from a much larger and tougher but slower foe.

Posts #49, 50: More detonation ammo by @DiesIrae
Kind of impossible to evaluate without more context; detonation ammo you can buy and stack large numbers of is ridiculous but also hard to use without causing a disaster, while detonation ammo that only drops randomly is mostly pointless. But I don't think it would make the game better.
Also, altering existing items to "fix" them is out of scope for this project.

After going through this whole thread, that's a lot of posts by @DiesIrae. My recommendation? Pick one of your item proposals. Then put some real thought into it, refining it with more detail and especially flavor text. That you proofread. And have that be your submission.

Edited by jmerry
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, jmerry said:

Minstrel's Defense

Parrying melee attacks? The game just isn't set up for that. You might be able to hack something together, but it's seriously hard.

Actually something like this can be done fairly easily with 7eyes.2da - see Better Monk Missile Deflection in the OlvynTweaks mod. That was the inspiration for my mod’s current melee parrying ability which is a % chance to block a melee attack, once per round. Removing the once-per-round limitation would make it simpler, not harder. (But could also be wildly powerful.)

How to tie it to “while using bard song” is the real tricky part here. I suppose you could, like, set a spellstate with the sword and then patch all bard songs (0x1c=5, I think?) to provide the protective effect, with op318 blocking when the spellstate is absent. But that makes it very install-order-dependent, and I feel like item packs usually go before kits/tweaks that affect bard songs…

Overall, I like this idea, and it seems largely doable if willing to amend a detail or two. If implemented in a reliable way and balanced well, it could be cool. 

(Though it might be better flavored for shamans… maybe make it an item that both shamans and bards can use, and have the protection activate when singing or dancing…)

Edited by subtledoctor
Posted (edited)
53 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

Actually something like this can be done fairly easily with 7eyes.2da - see Better Monk Missile Deflection in the OlvynTweaks mod. That was the inspiration for my mod’s current melee parrying ability which is a % chance to block a melee attack, once per round. Removing the once-per-round limitation would make it simpler, not harder. (But could also be wildly powerful.)

How to tie it to “while using bard song” is the real tricky part here. I suppose you could, like, set a spellstate with the sword and then patch all bard songs (0x1c=5, I think?) to provide the protective effect, with op318 blocking when the spellstate is absent. But that makes it very install-order-dependent, and I feel like item packs usually go before kits/tweaks that affect bard songs…

Overall, I like this idea, and it seems largely doable if willing to amend a detail or two. If implemented in a reliable way and balanced well, it could be cool. 

(Though it might be better flavored for shamans… maybe make it an item that both shamans and bards can use, and have the protection activate when singing or dancing…)

Thank you! The values can of course be changed.

I was also thinking about pairing it with a buckler that'd grant a lingering song effect for 1 round to allow for some limited melee now and then...Or, if that's too strong, I'd have it grant Lingering Song for a certain period X times per day maybe?

As for the Shaman - perhaps another item for them would be be a better idea? I'll try to think of something.

Edited by Grand Inquisitor

@jmerry Thank you for the feedback. Most of the ideas are done on my phone whilst I am commuting.

Will probably suggest the Belt of Urdunnir as my item. I will write it upon more detail when at my pc (commuting again)

14 hours ago, jmerry said:

Post #38: Spiked Armor by @a.greene
Is that "or" a case of "if you can't make this work, do that instead?" If so, it shouldn't be an issue; the hard part is conditioning things on being enraged, and that's something I can easily see how to do.


Thank you for your message, the 'or' was placed in there in case the first option was technically not possible due to limitations within the games engine.

My first choice is:

While enraged, any opponent within 5-ft. that successfully hits the wearer suffers 1d4 points of piercing damage (Berserker). 

Posted (edited)

Hey @jmerry thank you for taking the time to review my post (and the others too).


Post #39: Various darts by @Marzx13
Holy power creep. These are absolutely over the top busted. Your "some love" looks like "OK, darts are now the most powerful ranged weapons in the game." Here's a detailed comparison of the "Dart of the Severing Mist" to the most powerful bow/arrow combination in the game:
- Damage. 1d3+5+2d4 = 12 average damage for the darts, split between physical and elemental. 1d8+2+1d6+1+1d3 = 13 average damage for the Gesen bow with acid arrows again split between physical and elemental. Modified by proficiency and similar effects, which can be considered equal.
- To-hit bonus: 5 each.
- Attacks per round: 3 base for the darts, 2 base for the bow.
- Enchantment level: +5 for the darts, +1 for the bow and arrows. You can get higher enchantment levels up to +4 with the bow, but only at a significant damage cost.
- On-hit effects. Nothing for the bow and arrow. Slow and no-save vorpal for the darts. Yowch.
- Equip effects. Nothing for the bow and arrow. Permanent acid fireshield and 1/day Mislead for the darts.
So that's the most powerful ranged weapon in the game, right? Well, maybe. It does have to beat out your other darts.
I would not want these in my game. They're just too much.

I am happy to make some adjustments to tone them down somewhat. When I shared the ideas in a separate Discord server, the consensus was that darts would still suck even with the over-the-top bonuses. Also, the +5 would be TOB stuff, not SoA. I also thought it would make sense to pick a top three and make one +3, +4 and a +5, not all of them. 

Regarding; ranged damage, my understanding with darts is that they do not get a bonus to damage from any of the following:

- No ammo, so no bonus to hit or damage from ammo (like Bows, crossbows, and slings get. crossbows have a 4d4 lighning bold for instance.)
- No bonus to damage from dex or damage from strength (like throwing axes etc.)
- No bonus stacking when ammo is added to bows and crossbows that generate their ammo (Like the Firetooth from watchers keep - can be obtained right after Iranicus' dungeon)

Here is a note (I am quoting from the Beamdog Forums):


the Firetooth crossbows deserves a special mention: although not documented in your character screen, it does massive damage. It fires "fantom" bolts if nothing is equiped in the quiver, with +2 fire damage on top. But the real seller is that, in fact, if you equip something in your quiver, you will do the bolt damage AND the fantom bolt damage on top of that (not documented but tested again and again), and off course the +2 fire damage that is so good at disrupting spellcasters since it bypasses mirror images and stoneskin. There you have great utility and massive damage on top. Note that this works also for Gesen Bow, but the base damage from its fantom arrows (outside the electrical damage) is only 2

I'll keep an eye out for your reply and tag you regarding; any edits I made to the weapons.

Edited by Marzx13
On 10/3/2024 at 10:26 PM, DiesIrae said:

Item Name

Belt of Urdunnir or the Girdle of dwarven fortitude

Item Type


Item Description

Reportedly an item from the Urdunnir dwarves originally from Shanatar this plain grey girdle provides the strength and constitution bonus of  this race of dwarves related to shield dwarves.

Urdunnirin were created by Dumathoin from the shield dwarves that lived in Shanatar. After their creation, the urdunnirin went into the depths of the Underdark and became creatures of legend


+2 Strength +3 constitution

Weight: 4

Art Direction

looks like the Girdle of Fortitude but done in grey scale

Other Notes
Available from the duergar in the underdark

Amendments to the item 

Improvements to stats and description)

Item Name

Belt of Urdunnir 

Item Type


Item Description


The Urdunnirin were created by Dumathoin from the shield dwarves of Shanatar. Being a generally a non-aggressive race they retreated from other races into the depths of the Underdark the became know for there abilities to walk through stone and shape it with ease. they are now treated as legend as they are rarely seen by other races of the underdark and almost unheard of by those on the surface.

This griddle harnesses their strength and endurance providing a strength and constitution bonus to who ever wears. the bonus is more pronounced with the Urdunnirin's dwarven kin.

The girdle itself looks very plain but robust, made of thick sturdy but ashen grey leather it seems quite unremarkable until worn where it provides surprising strength and vigour. It is also noticeably heavy to carry but not wear.



Strength +2

Constitution +3

Everyone else

Strength +1

Constitution +2

Weight: 8


Art Direction

looks like the Girdle of Fortitude but done in grey scale

Other Notes
Available from the duergar in the underdark

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