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WeiDU Mod Packager GitHub Action updated with multi-platform package creation and many more improvements!

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WeiDU Mod Packager is a highly customizable GitHub Action that can be used to automate the creation of mod packages. Like AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager it takes care of adding PI-specific iemod packages and platform-specific zip archives whenever a new mod release is published.

The latest update provides:

  • Creation of a unified mod package that includes installers for all supported platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS).
  • More customization options, such as a mod filter, and more options to customize the mod package name.
  • Several improvements, such as creation of mod packages that contain several mod folders (e.g. EET, EET_end, and EET_gui).

More details, operating instructions and a number of predefined scripts can be found on GitHub: WeiDU Mod Packager

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