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EET installed once , now I get permission denied???

Guest BGEnvy

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Guest BGEnvy

Hi, Looking for a possible solution....


Never had issuees before installing mods on the original series and even managed to get an EET install on the EE editions once. Had IWD, IWD 2 and NWN in EET working also. Had some bugs after installing more mods so had to redo.

However for the life of me I do not know why I cannot do another  install, keeps telling me int he log that it cannot acces some file, permission denied.

Not sure what to do here, I trioed to reinstall the games and redo several times, I tried to remove all traces og BG in between but even when i reinstall it seems to remember where i installed it and it keeps giving me the error when itry to install. Sometimes straiight away, sometimes right after hours trying to install (there is an issue there obv - it took like a few mins the time it worked.). Installs over 14000 files and then reverts back. Debug file is 15megs!!!!

Ill post the first and last parts - in between seems ok,,,,,,


WeiDU v 24700 Log

 S:\games\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition\setup-EET.exe
[.\CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 881668 bytes
[.\CHITIN.KEY] 191 BIFFs, 62570 resources
[./goglog.ini] loaded, 98 bytes
[./unins000.ini] loaded, 41 bytes
[.\engine.lua] loaded, 104 bytes
[.\weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes
[.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] loaded, 11653630 bytes
[.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] 103584 string entries
WARNING: parsing log [WeiDU.log]: Sys_error("WeiDU.log: No such file or directory")

Choose your language:
 0 [English]
 1 [Polski (Polish)]
 2 [Spanish]
 3 [French]
 4 [Czech]
 5 [Russian]
 6 [Deutsch (German)]
Using Language [English]
[English] has 6 top-level TRA files
[EET/lang/en_US/prompts.tra] has 56 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/setup.tra] has 18 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/chapters.tra] has 95 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/dialog.tra] has 37 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/2da.tra] has 55 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/compatibility.tra] has 6 translation strings

Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk

Would you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]o

Install Component [EET core (resource importation)]?
nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
Installing [EET core (resource importation)] [V13.4]



argv[0] = %argv[0]%

argv[1] = %argv[1]%
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes

Creating 1 directory
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 2 files ...
[EET/other/cpmvars/eet_cpmvars.tpa] loaded, 60099 bytes
[EET/other/EET_functions.tph] loaded, 46503 bytes
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[EET/bgee_dir.txt] loaded, 35 bytes

../Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition directory assigned via EET/bgee_dir.txt
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copied [.../bgee_dir.txt] to [EET/bgee_dir.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[../Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes

Copying and patching 1 file ...
[../Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/WeiDU.log] loaded, 288 bytes
Copied [../Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/WeiDU.log] to [WeiDU-BGEE.log]
Copying 1 file ...
Copied [.../arch_var.bat] to [arch_var.bat] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
[arch_var.txt] loaded, 8 bytes

arch_var = x86_64\

lua assigned to EET\bin\win32\x86_64\lua.exe

ffmpeg assigned to EET\bin\win32\ffmpeg.exe

weidu assigned to EET\bin\win32\x86_64\weidu.exe
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[../Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/WeiDU.log] loaded, 288 bytes

1 BG:EE mods detected. Checking compatibility...
[EET/tbl/compatibility.tbl] loaded, 1146 bytes

DLCMERGER BG:EE component detected
Copied [../Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/WeiDU.log] to [EET/temp/WeiDU.log] (NO BACKUP MADE!)


TLK merging...
Copying 1 file ...
Copied [.../append.tra] to [EET/temp/append.tra] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
Appending to files ...
[EET/temp/append.tra] loaded, 0 bytes
Appended text to [EET/temp/append.tra]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[EET/temp/tlk_cnt.txt] loaded, 14 bytes
Copied [EET/temp/tlk_cnt.txt] to [EET/temp/tlk_cnt.txt] (NO BACKUP MADE!)
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copied [.../string_set.tph] to [EET/temp/string_set.tph] (NO BACKUP MADE!)

tlk_start = 103583; tlk_end = 271403
[EET/temp/string_set.tra] has 167821 translation strings


Extracting BG:EE resources...


Preparing are files...
Creating 1 directory
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[EET/temp/bash.debug] loaded, 68642 bytes..............................


Last part:......................................

[.\CHITIN.KEY] 191 BIFFs, 62570 resources
Unable to Unlink [EET/backup/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/backup/0/READLN.0")
Unable to Unlink [EET/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "EET/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT")
ERROR: Sys_error("C:\\Users\\John: Permission denied")
PLEASE email the file SETUP-EET.DEBUG to K4thos (swit)
Using Language [English]
[English] has 6 top-level TRA files
[EET/lang/en_US/prompts.tra] has 56 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/setup.tra] has 18 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/chapters.tra] has 95 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/dialog.tra] has 37 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/2da.tra] has 55 translation strings
[EET/lang/en_US/compatibility.tra] has 6 translation strings

Install Component [EET core (resource importation)]?
nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Saving This Log:
6849430 characters, 167899 entries added to DIALOG.TLK
[.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] created, 271483 string entries

NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS EET core (resource importation)

        WeiDU Timings
OUTER_INNER_PATCH_SAVE           0.000
EXTEND_TOP                       0.000
<<<<<<<<                         0.000
OUTER_WHILE                      0.000
ACTION_MATCH                     0.000
ACTION_BASH_FOR                  0.000
load TLK                         0.000
DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION            0.000
resolve labels                   0.000
ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY              0.000
LAUNCH_ACTION_MACRO              0.000
INCLUDE                          0.000
MKDIR                            0.000
parsing tlk-path files           0.000
ADD_PROJECTILE                   0.000
ACTION_PHP_EACH                  0.000
find local string                0.000
ADD_AREA_TYPE                    0.000
strings to add                   0.000
APPEND_COL                       0.000
AT_EXIT                          0.000
OUTER_FOR                        0.000
STRING_SET_EVALUATE              0.000
DEFINE_ACTION_MACRO              0.000
OUTER_INNER_PATCH                0.000
WITH_TRA                         0.000
GET_DIRECTORY_ARRAY              0.000
Parsing TPP files                0.000
EXTEND_BOTTOM                    0.000
ACTION_CLEAR_ARRAY               0.000
resolve strings                  0.000
DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO               0.000
OUTER_TEXT_SPRINT                0.000
unmarshal BIFF                   0.016
Parsing TP2 files                0.016
AT_NOW                           0.016
APPEND                           0.016
PRINT                            0.016
stuff not covered elsewhere      0.016
BUT_ONLY                         0.031
ACTION_TO_UPPER                  0.031
parsing .ids files               0.047
DISABLE_FROM_KEY                 0.047
ACTION_FOR_EACH                  0.063
adding translation strings       0.063
process .D files                 0.063
OUTER_SET                        0.063
unmarshal TLK                    0.063
marshal and save TLK             0.078
add strings to TLK               0.109
TP_ALTER_TLK_*                   0.125
Parsing TPA files                0.156
ACTION_GET_STRREF                0.188
marshal DLG                      0.203
OUTER_SPRINT                     0.219
unmarshal DLG                    0.250
ACTION_IF                        0.266
COMPILE                          0.359
COPY_LARGE                       0.422
parsing .tra files               0.453
MOVE                             0.453
tp2 uninstall                    0.469
STRING_SET_RANGE                 0.594
marshal KEY                      1.031
emit D                           1.063
DELETE                           1.156
COPY                             1.625
parsing .d files                 1.641
saving files                     1.734
loading files                    2.234
parsing .baf files               2.266
BIFF                             3.094
marshal BCS                      4.125
unmarshal KEY                    4.250
STRING_SET                       5.344
parsing .bcs files               6.781
eval_pe                          9.266
READ_*                          26.672
process_patch2                  31.406
function overhead               46.703
TOTAL                          155.297
Executing: [rmdir /s /q EET\temp]



Permission denied comes right at the end, what gives? Never had the error the first time, it was all smooth, onlty when ive tried to reinstrall everything i ran into this trouble.

Any help would be much appreciated, I would like to do a full playthrough, it obviously worked before so I dont know why the pc is denying me now?!?!?!


Kindest regards

6 hours ago, Guest BGEnvy said:

ERROR: Sys_error("C:\\Users\\John: Permission denied")

This error message suggests some issues with the user directory. EET requires access to the Documents folder of the game which is located somewhere in the user directory.

Does the user name contain spaces or non-ascii characters? It's possible that EET cannot resolve it properly. You could try again with the master version of EET which contains fixes for non-ascii characters in file paths and may also handle spaces in folder names.

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