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Probelm with a dialog


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APPEND ~pdialog.2da~

~B#Gem B#GemP B#GemJ B#GemD B#Gem25P B#G25J B#Gem25D B#Gem25~



(this is from my first post).


Le last IF is incorrect, this is supposed to be a UNLESS.

And with the UNLESS, everything goes well^^


I don't understand. It should be "IF" because you want to have the 7 dialogue files assigned if ToB is installed.


If there is no ToB, you have the UNLESS case with the three dialogue names for SoA. See the pdialog appending of my NPC mod:


APPEND ~pdialog.2da~
~C#Ajantis  C#AjanP  C#AjanJ  C#AjanD~
UNLESS ~C#Ajantis~

//Dialoguesets für installiertes ToB
APPEND ~pdialog.2da~
~C#Ajantis  C#AjanP  C#AjanJ  C#AjanD  C#Aja25P  C#Aja25J 	 C#Aja25D  C#Ajan25~
UNLESS ~C#Ajantis~


Are you playing with a pure SoA install only?

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