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Posting of Stats for Human Subraces


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Ok, here is the section on the stats and other details about all the human subraces that I've listed as doable. I've redone the different sections with a more standard form and updated much of the information.


Note: The Mazticans have a god named Azul, who is Lawful Evil (Bhaal's old alignment), and basically deals with death & murder. It could be easily taken as Bhaal with a different name


Note that the ability score ranges are prior to any racial adjustments.


Dog People

Information Source: Maztica Campaign Setting/52

Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane

Principle Deities: Maztica, Tezca, Plutoq

Abilty Adjustments/Score Range:

STR: 3-18 DEX: 3-18* CON 3-18* INT 3-18* WIS 3-18* CHA 3-18*

*: Bards, Thieves, Priests & Druids recieve +1 INT, +1 WIS, and -1 CHA, Fighters & Barbarians Recieve +2 con, +1 dex, - 1 wis, -1 int, -1 cha

Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Druid, Thief, Bard, Barbarian

Thieving Skills: No bonuses or penalties

Typical Alignment: Any

Maximum Age: 90+2d20

Average Height: 60+2d10(m), 59+2d10(f) inches

Average Weight: 140+6d10(m), 100+6d10(f) pounds

Movement Rate: 12

Appearance: Dark Brown skin, Dark Eyes and Hair.

Special Advantages: None

Disadvantages: None.


Green Folk

Information Source: Maztica Campaign Setting/52

Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane

Principle Deities: Gods of Nature, Watil, Nula, Maztica, Qotal

Abilty Adjustments/Score Range:

STR: 3-18(-1) DEX: 3-18(+1) CON 3-18 INT 3-18 WIS 3-18 CHA 3-18

Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Bard, Druid, Barbarian

Thieving Skills: No bonuses or penalties

Typical Alignment: Any

Maximum Age: 90+2d20

Average Height: 60+2d10(m), 59+2d10(f) inches

Average Weight: 140+6d10(m), 100+6d10(f) pounds

Movement Rate: 12

Appearance: Dark Brown skin, Dark Eyes and Hair, Short and Muscular.

Special Advantages: +1 to Hit with Bow

Disadvantages: None.



Information Source: Maztica Campaign Setting/51

Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane

Principle Deities: Zatlec, Qotal, Maztican Pantheon

Abilty Adjustments/Score Range:

STR: 3-18(+1) DEX: 3-18 CON 3-18 INT 3-18(+1) WIS 3-18(-1) CHA 3-18

Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Druid, Barbarian, Thief, Bard

Thieving Skills: No Bonuses or Penalties

Typical Alignment: Any

Maximum Age: 90+2d20

Average Height: 60+2d10(m), 59+2d10(f) inches

Average Weight: 140+6d10(m), 100+6d10(f) pounds

Movement Rate: 12

Appearance: Dark Brown skin, Dark Eyes and Hair, Tall and Lean.

Special Advantages: None

Disadvantages: None.



Information Source: Maztica Campaign Setting/50

Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane

Principle Deities: Quotal, Maztican Pantheon

Abilty Adjustments/Score Range:

STR: 3-18(-1) DEX: 3-18(+1) CON 3-18(-1) INT 3-18(+1) WIS 3-18(+1) CHA 3-18

Class Options: Fighter, Barbarian, Priest, Thief, Bard, Druid

Thieving Skills: No Bonuses or Penalties

Typical Alignment: Any

Maximum Age: 90+2d20

Average Height: 60+2d10(m), 59+2d10(f) inches

Average Weight: 140+6d10(m), 100+6d10(f)

Movement Rate: 12

Appearance: Dark Brown skin, Dark Eyes and Hair, Short and Muscular.

Special Advantages: +1 hp to natural healing (heal one more hit point per rest period)

Disadvantages: None.



Information Source: Dragon Magaine 241/47, Faiths & Avatars

Encountered: Oerth, Torill, Prime Material Plane, Underdark

Principle Deities: Syrul (Oerth), Ibrandul (Toril)

Ability Adjustments/Score Range:

STR: 3-18 (-1) DEX: 6-18(+2) CON: 3-18 INT 3-18 WIS:3-16(-1) CHA: 3-14(-4)

Class Options: Fighter, Cleric, Mage, Illusionist, Thief, Psionist

Thief Skill Adjustment: PP -20%, F/RT +5%, MS +30%, HS +85%.

Typical Alignment: CE, NE, N, CN.

Maximum Age: 60+2d10

Average Height: 59+2d6(m), 56+2d6(f) inches

Average Weight: 110+3d12(m), 80+3d12(f) pounds

Movement Rate: 12

Appearance: Light Grey Leathery Skin able to shift color in order to blend in with their surrounding. Hairless. Blue Eyes (Oerth) or Pink Eyes (Toril).

Special Advantages: Unclad they have 90% chance to completely camoflague themselves. Making a successful Dexterity check, they can backstabs as theives with a -3 suprise penalty if camoflaged. They also leave a traceless path, with a penalty of a 1/3 reduction to attempt to track. Can be mult-classed.

Disadvantages: They are primarily noctornal, take 5d6 days to adjust to a diurnal cycle. 50% chance of being effected by human controling spells. Any fear attacks recieve a -6 penalty to save.



Information Source: The Great Glacier/20

Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane

Principle Deities: Quakuko

Abilty Adjustments/Score Range:

STR: 6-18(+1) DEX: 3-16(-1) CON 9-18(+1) INT 3-18 WIS 3-18 CHA 3-15(-1)

Class Options: Fighter, Barbarian, Mage, Priest, Psionist, Bard

Thief Skill Adjustment: None

Typical Alignment: Any

Maximum Age: 90+2d20

Average Height: 50+2d10(m), 49+2d10(f) inches

Average Weight: 140+6d10(m), 100+6d10(f) pounds

Movement Rate: 11

Appearance: Light Yellow Skin, Black Hair, Brown Eyes, Thick Toes and fingers.

Special Advantages: 15% cold resist

Disadvantages: None.



Information Source: Planescape Campaign Setting, The Planewalker's Handbook

Encountered: Prime Material Plane, Inner Planes, Outer Planes, Toril, Crystal Spheres, Oerth

Principle Deities: Any

Ability Adjustments/Score Range:

STR: 3-18(-1) DEX: 7-18 CON 3-18 INT 9-18(+1) WIS 3-18(-1) CHA 9-18(+1)

Class Options: Fighter, Barbarian, Wizard, Sorcerer, Priest, Thief, Bard, Ranger, Monk, Multi-Class

Thief Skill Adjustment: F/RT +5%, MS +10%, HS +10%

Typical Alignment: Any alignment except lawful good.

Maxiumum Age: 100+1d100

Average Height: 59+2d10 (m), 57+2d10 (f) inches

Average Weight: 140+6d10 (m), 90+6d10 (f) pounds

Movement Rate: 12

Appearance: Humanoid with widely varied details such as red skin, blue hair, six fingers, forked tongue, horns on head, tails, body covered in fur, etc.

Special Advantages: infravision 60', Can cast Darkness 15' Radius once per day, 50% cold resist, +2 saving throws vs fire, electricity, poison (See Haer'Dalis' corrected resistances for BG II conversion). Can optionally replace Darkness 15' radius and resists with results from rolling 5x on Tiefling ability table found in The Plane Walker's Handbook on page 81.

Disadvantages: None



Information Source: Warriors of Heaven: page 85 & 117, Plane Walker's Handbook

Encountered: Prime Material Plane, Inner Planes, Outer Planes, Toril, Crystal Spheres, Oerth

Principle Deities: Any non-evil

Ability Adjustments/Score Range:

STR: 8-18(+1)* DEX: 5-18 CON 5-18(-2) INT 11-18 WIS 11-18(+1) CHA 13-18(+1)*

*: Aasimar may add +1 to either str or cha.

Class Options: All Character class options, Multi-class (no dual classing allowed)

Thief Skill Adjustment: F/RT +10%, MS +5%, HS +10%, DN +5%

Typical Alignment: Non-Evil

Abilities: Infravision 60', 1 ability & 1 side effect from list below (chosen randomly)

Maximum Age: 125+2d20

Average Height: 61+2d10 (m), 60+2d10 (f) inches

Average Weight: 140+5d10 (m), 90+5d10 (f) pounds

Movement Rate: 12

Appearance: Beautiful human, golden hair, fair skin, (can be confused with elves)

Special Advantages: 50% cold and fire resist, +2 saving throws vs charm, fear or domination. non-wizard Aasimar have 10% magic resist. Can replace resistances to heat and cold with at least one ability from Warriors of Heaven page 117.

Disadvantages: dishonorable acts can cause Aasimar to lose innate powers or magic resistance until they have atoned for their actions.



This is as far as I have gotten in redoing the information.


Pureblood Yuan-ti


Purebloods can pass for humans 80% of the time. They may have slit eyes, a forked tongue, or even small fangs. Otherwise they appear as normal humans. They have 20% magic resistance, a +2 bonus to their intelligence, and they can cast as an innate ability once per day each: cause fear, darkness 15' radius, snake charm, sticks to snakes, neutralize poison, suggestion, and polymorph other.








And another, from NIGHTMARE's post:






The daughter of a satyr and a human woman, or of a dryad and a human man, is known as a half-dryad.


Appearance: The half-dryad appears as a normal (and usually quite attractive) human woman, with one exception. When the dryad is about 12 years old, her hair color turns to a brilliant green.


Life history: If born to a dryad, the half-dryad may be raised by her mother until adolescence. At that time, the youngster, realizing she is not a true dryad, may seek out human, half-elven, or elven company. On the other hand, a half-dryad born in human society may develop an unusually intense interest in the forest and its inhabitants. In any case, half-dryads, like half-satyrs, become acquainted with both human and woodland ways.


Point of view: On the whole, half-dryads are more serious than half-satyrs. They are not given to excess drinking of alcoholic beverages. They do, however, love to sing and dance, and are quite proud of their beauty and its effects on men. Half-dryads can be quite flirtatious.


Classes: A half-dryad character may be a druid, fighter, ranger, mage, sorcerer, thief, or bard.


Racial talents: Half-dryads have a 50% chance of identifying plant type, animal type, and pure water. They are 90% resistant to charm spells cast by creatures associated with nature, but they have no resistance to spells cast by music and singing.


Armour and weapons: Because of their close connection with nature, half-dryads are acutely uncomfortable in metal armor, and therefore refuse to wear it, regardless of profession. The only exception to this rule is elven chainmail, which may be presented as an award to a particular half-dryad by grateful elves. Because of its make, elven chainmail also does not interfere so sharply with this "natural connection", and so can be worn by half-dryad fighters and rangers (including multiclassed characters), and bards. They can, however, use any type of shield or weapon available to their class.


Stat adjustments: +1 CHA, -1 CON


Thief skill adjustments: +5% Hide In Shadows




I found the section with the stats & info on Gensai:


Gensai: General: -2 reaction penalty with all planar races



Air Gensai (Wind Dukes)



Stats +1 dex, +1 int, -1 wis, -1 cha


Abilities: can levitate 1/day as innate ability (they call it "merging with the wind"). Do not need to breathe (not affected by inhaled cloud effects and other respiratory transmitted effects.)


Resists and Saving Throws: +1 bonus/5 levels against all air based magic & spells.


Classes: priest (specialty priests must be of a diety of elemental air, or some other type of sky god, but cannot be druids.), fighters, wizards (speciality wizards must be of air elementalism). Multiclass of fighter/cleric, fighter/wizard


Alignment: Any non-lawful


Appearance: One or more of the following traits: Light blue skin or hair, constant wisp of a breeze about them at all times even when indoors, distinctive breathy voice with strange inflections and accent, flesh that is cool to the touch.




Earth Gensai (Stone Prince, rarely: Stone Champions (paladins))



Stats: +1 str, +1 con, -1 wis, -1 cha


Abilities: Natural AC of 8, can use pass without trace 1/day as innate ability (they call it "merging with the stone")


Resists & Saving Throws: +1bonus/5 levels for all spells vs earth based magic & spells


Classes: Fighters, Wizards (Speciality wizards must be of earth elementalism), Priests (specialty priests must serve some sort of Earth Elemental Deity, or some earth power, or god of the forge (even a dwarven power), but cannot become druids) cannot multiclass, Stone Champions may become Paladins in addition to other classes but may not worship any of the specialty priest approved deities.


Alignment: any non-chaotic alignment


Appearance: One or more of the following traits: brown, leathery (almost stone-like) skin; a metallic sheen to their skin or hair; Block features, thick torso, and limbs; Brown, black or even gray hair; Rough, almost gritty flesh; Deep, slow speech like the rumbling of the earth; Black eyes like deep pits.



Fire Gensai (Flame Lords)



Stats: +1 int, -1 cha


Abilities: Infravision 60', Affect normal fires 1/day as an innate ability (they call it "reaching to the blaze")


Resists and Saving Throws: Immune to normal fire, get +1 bonus/5 levels to all saves vs fire based magic and spells.


Classes: Fighters, Wizards (Speciality wizards must be of fire elementalism) , multiclass Fighter/Wizard.


Alignment: Any


Appearance: Have one or more of these traits: Deep red or coal black skin; Deep red hair moving on its own like waving flames; A voice crackling like the sound of fire burning; Perpetually Warm flesh, even hot to the touch; Fiery red eyes glowing with the intensity of flames



Water Gensai (Sea Kings)



Stats: +1 con, -1 cha


Abilities: Can breathe in water as easily as air, Swim at movement 15, 1/day can cast create water as innate ability (they call it "calling to the wave")


Resists & Saving Throws: +1 bonus/5 levels to all saving throws vs water based magic and spells


Classes: Fighers, Wizards (Speciality wizards must choose water elementalism), Priests (Speciality priests must serve a deity of elemental water, or some sort of sea god but cannot be druids), Bards, Rogues, multiclass fighter/priest, fighter/thieves.


Alignment: Any Neutral (NG, LN, TN, CN, NE)


Thieving Adjustments: +5 Move Silently, +10 Hide in shadows


I believe 2nd Edition Genasi are detailed in the Planescape Player's Handbook. I don't have it, but I did find a website which has a few of their 2E stats.


Air Genasi:


Stat Modifiers: +1 Dex and Int; -1 Wis and Cha





Stat Modifiers: +1 Str and Con; -1 Wis and Cha





Stat Modifiers: +1 Int; -1 Cha





Stat Modifiers: +1 Con; -1 Cha


Thieving modifiers: +5% Move Silenty, +10% Hide In Shadows


Note: I've added another Subrace to the top post: The Ulutians, Pureblood Yuan-ti, and Half-Dryads, Tieflings updated with new abiilty and effects chart for more varied characters. Also added more complete Gensai listings from Planar Manual.


I've partially redone the list for human subraces, and I've added a few new races that are possibilities. Check it over to see what you like and don't like.


@ Air Gensai (Wind Dukes)

Abilities: can levitate 1/day as innate ability (they call it "merging with the wind"). Do not need to breathe (not affected by inhaled cloud effects and other respiratory transmitted effects.)


That should be hard to implement :D I like the race though


Levitating would be next to impossible in the Infinity Engine, but immunity to Stinking Cloud, Death Fog, etc seems though it'd be relatively simple :D


Sorry, I copied to much text. The later attributes seem quite doable indeed, but what the Genasi would be all about IMO or a big thing for the class would be that one special feature. That is why I liked the Rockseeker elf so much. :D


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