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Ragefast's alignment


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According to FR canon, Ragefast's alignment is Neutral Good. But in the game one may easily conclude that he is evil. I don't have a convenient save in the city whereby I can have a character cast Know Alignment on Ragefast and Abela, the nymph he has imprisoned. (He imprisons her out of 'love' or infatuation, etc., but from what I can vaguely recall of her conversation it's hardly okay with her.) Anyone have a convenient save whereby they can check Ragefast's and Abela's alignments? Or simply look this up via an editor perhaps?


Also, in the Helm of Balduran quest, I see in Dan Simpson's walkthrough that Degrodel informs you that it was Ragefast who petrified the six adventurers found in Felonius Gist's home. Again, I don't have a convenient save by which to review the conversations in that quest. Was Ragefast's petrification of that party an ostensibly evil act? Or was it something that could reasonably be viewed otherwise?

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Degrodel's Dialogue File:




IF ~NumberOfTimesTalkedTo(0)
~ THEN BEGIN 0 // from:
 SAY #79377 /* ~You have done well to bypass all of my guardians.  I should be angry with you, but to be truthful, I have been on the lookout for skilled adventurers. So, I would ask you, do you wish to help me in a task, or would you rather die?~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #79378 /* ~Don't threaten us mage!  We've dealt with far more powerful than you.~ */ GOTO 1
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #79379 /* ~We want to die.~ */ GOTO 1
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #79380 /* ~What is it that you want us to do?~ */ GOTO 2
 IF ~Global("X#VicDegro","GLOBAL",0)
~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("X#VicDegro","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN ~_VICONJ~ 86

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 1 // from: 0.1 0.0
 SAY #79381 /* ~So you want to die, do you?  Well then, let me assist you achieve your desire.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~CreateCreature("_HELMHO",[371.427],0)

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 2 // from: 0.2
 SAY #79390 /* ~First of all, my name is Degrodel.  I can only assume that you're <CHARNAME>, the adventurer who has been stirring up so much trouble in the recent past.  Now that introductions are done, let us get down to business.  My task is very simple.  Some years ago, an evil band of mercenaries were all petrified while trying to break into the home of Ramazith.  For those of you with a limited vocabulary, petrified means 'turned to stone'.  Anyhow, one of those adventurers had in his possesion an item of power:  the helm of Balduran.  Ragefast didn't know this at the time and so, after turning them all to stone, he simply sold their bodies to an art collector living in the heart of Baldur's Gate.  What I would like you to do is find these statues, turn them back to flesh, and take the item.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #79391 /* ~How much are we going to be paid to do you this service?~ */ GOTO 4
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #79392 /* ~How do we turn them from stone back to flesh?~ */ GOTO 5
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #79393 /* ~How did you come by this information?~ */ GOTO 3
 IF ~Global("X#QuaDegrod","GLOBAL",0)
~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("X#QuaDegrod","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN ~_QUAYLJ~ 25

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 3 // from: 4.1 2.2
 SAY #79394 /* ~How I came by this information is unimportant.  Suffice to say, no one but I know of this, and I would like to keep it that way.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #79391 /* ~How much are we going to be paid to do you this service?~ */ GOTO 4
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #79392 /* ~How do we turn them from stone back to flesh?~ */ GOTO 5

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 4 // from: 3.0 2.0
 SAY #79395 /* ~You will be payed 5000 gold for this service.  This is a kingly sum, so I won't barter with you about the amount.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #79392 /* ~How do we turn them from stone back to flesh?~ */ GOTO 5
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #79393 /* ~How did you come by this information?~ */ GOTO 3

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 5 // from: 4.0 3.1 2.1
 SAY #79396 /* ~Very simple really.  I will give you these six scrolls of stone to flesh.  Use them on the statues when you find them.  The estate can be found just west of the fairgrounds in the center of town.  Good luck, and don't entertain any thoughts about betraying me.  It could be very hazardous to your health.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("Baldurian","GLOBAL",1)
~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #79397 /* ~We're to do a service for a wizard named Degrodel.  He wants us to find the helm of Balduran.  It can be found on the petrified bodies of a group of adventurers.  The bodies are currently in the possesion of an art dealer who lives in an estate just west of the fair grounds.  We can find Degrodel in an estate in the north west part of the town.~ */ EXIT

IF ~!PartyHasItem("HELM07")
~ THEN BEGIN 6 // from:
 SAY #79398 /* ~You don't have the Helm of Balduran!  Until you have the helm, don't bother me!~ */

IF ~PartyHasItem("HELM07")
~ THEN BEGIN 7 // from:
 SAY #79399 /* ~Thank you for returning with the helm of Balduran.  It was so good to do business together.  Here is your payment, and I shall take the helm.  Now I must be off, I'll leave you with some of my servants to escort you out.  My servants aren't known for their gentle nature, so I would leave as soon as possible.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveGoldForce(5000)

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Er, not quite so simple, as BioWARE confuses the two mages: it's Ramazith' house they broke into, but Ragefast turned them to stone...


I can only assume that you're <CHARNAME>, the adventurer who has been stirring up so much trouble in the recent past. Now that introductions are done, let us get down to business. My task is very simple. Some years ago, an evil band of mercenaries were all petrified while trying to break into the home of Ramazith. For those of you with a limited vocabulary, petrified means 'turned to stone'. Anyhow, one of those adventurers had in his possesion an item of power: the helm of Balduran. Ragefast didn't know this at the time and so, after turning them all to stone, he simply sold their bodies to an art collector living in the heart of Baldur's Gate.

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This is greatly appreciated, thanks Domi!


I guess the question is whose name is the typo--Razimuth's or Ragefast's. It could be either, really.


Is Razimuth of evil alignment?


Also, if it's no trouble I'd be curious also to know the alignment of the petrified adventurer's in Gist's home. Are they in fact evil?


And finally, I recall that Abela is doomed to die if Ragefast keeps her imprisoned. Do we have any indication of whether Ragefast is aware of this? Do we learn this from Razimuth? From Abela herself? I have a vague recollection that Abela needs to return to her home or she will die, that's about it.


(Thanks again, and that's it for my questions about this--if I have more I'll just have to wait to get a game into chapter 5. :))

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Ramazith is Lawful Evil. The dialogues are as following:


// WARNING: this file contains non-trivial WEIGHTs

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 0 // from:
 SAY #80161 /* ~Destiny or no, I am not long for this place.~ [_ABELA01] */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 1 // from:
 SAY #80162 /* ~Look unto me, Ragefast.  My beauty fades even now.~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 2 // from:
 SAY #80163 /* ~'Tis flattering, but you are blinded by your passion.  Truly see what is become of me.  I should not age, but my spirit fades in this ugly place.  Yours does as well, but from obsession over me.  ~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 3 // from:
 SAY #80164 /* ~In my glade, amidst the stars and moon.  'Twas beauty in that, but I cannot be confined with thee.  I am not human, and this is not my home.~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 4 // from:
 SAY #80165 /* ~I am not without fault, but 'tis my nature to breed obsession in people.  A hazard of just being who and what I am.  As for my impromptu saviors, my gratitude is boundless!  Please, take a lock of hair to remember me by.  I doubt I shall seek the company of man for some time.  Goodbye. ~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItem("_MISC51",LastTalkedToBy)

IF WEIGHT #1 /* Triggers after states #: 10 even though they appear after this state */
~ THEN BEGIN 5 // from:
 SAY #80166 /* ~My poor Ragefast.  Like many humans, he could not understand the feelings my kind elicits.  What of you, savior.  I should like to believe I am free, but mankind often does good things for bad reasons.  What are your plans for me?~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80167 /* ~I don't trust any of the players in this game.  You are free by my hand, and none shall cage you again.~ */ GOTO 6
 IF ~Global("HelpRamazith","GLOBAL",1)
~ THEN REPLY #80168 /* ~I have a duty to complete, regardless of how I feel.  You are to be delivered to Ramazith, but I don't imagine his treatment of you could be worse than Ragefast's.~ */ GOTO 8

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 6 // from: 8.1 5.0
 SAY #80169 /* ~It will be good to feel the grass beneath my feet once more.  If you would just release this restraining collar, I will regain a measure of my talents.  I thought it only ornamental when he gave it to me.  Please...will you help me?~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 7 // from: 6.0
 SAY #80170 /* ~My gratitude is boundless!  Please, take this cloak made from my hair to remember me by.  I doubt I shall seek the company of man for some time.  Goodbye. ~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItem("_MISC51",LastTalkedToBy)

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 8 // from: 5.1
 SAY #80171 /* ~Ramazith!?  Ragefast was deathly afraid I should fall into his hands.  He would not say why, but it worries me nonetheless.  I beg of you, do not do this!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80172 /* ~These are mere words.  Ramazith shall have thee, as the deal we struck decrees.~ */ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #80173 /* ~Ragefast thinks that Ramazith has evil plans in store for the nymph named Abela.~ */ GOTO 9
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80167 /* ~I don't trust any of the players in this game.  You are free by my hand, and none shall cage you again.~ */ GOTO 6

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 9 // from: 8.0
 SAY #80174 /* ~I fear I am to die in this ugly town.  Drag me on, for I care not.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("_MISC68",LastTalkedToBy,0,0,0)

IF WEIGHT #0 ~Global("HelpRamazith","GLOBAL",2)
~ THEN BEGIN 10 // from:
 SAY #80175 /* ~I am to be a captive here now?  I shall die amidst this ugliness!~ */

IF WEIGHT #2 ~Dead("ramazith")
~ THEN BEGIN 11 // from:
 SAY #80220 /* ~Well!  Have you anymore mad friends to pass me on to, or shall I just kill myself now to save time for everyone.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80221 /* ~My sincerest apologies!  Had I but known his plan I would have released you before!  ~ */ GOTO 13
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80222 /* ~Perhaps Ramazith had a good idea!  Mayhaps your body can get me the money he spoke of!  Hello, time to die!! ~ */ GOTO 12

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 12 // from: 11.1
 SAY #80223 /* ~You are an absolute monster!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ReputationInc(-5)

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 13 // from: 11.0
 SAY #80224 /* ~Spare me your repentance and just remove this restraining collar.  I shall accept no more gifts or assistance from human kind for some time, to be sure!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ForceSpell(Myself,DRYAD_TELEPORT)


// WARNING: this file contains non-trivial WEIGHTs

IF WEIGHT #1 /* Triggers after states #: 21 even though they appear after this state */
~ THEN BEGIN 0 // from:
 SAY #80176 /* ~Good eve and on you and yours, my friend.  Might I have your ear a moment?~ */
 IF ~ReactionGT(LastTalkedToBy,NEUTRAL_UPPER)
~ THEN REPLY #80177 /* ~Certainly, good sir.  What is your concern?~ */ GOTO 3
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80178 /* ~I'm in no mood for idle chatter.  Leave me be.~ */ GOTO 1
 IF ~ReactionGT(LastTalkedToBy,NEUTRAL_UPPER)
~ THEN REPLY #80179 /* ~Say your piece and move along.  My time is valuable. ~ */ DO ~~ GOTO 4
 IF ~ReactionLT(LastTalkedToBy,FRIENDLY_LOWER)
~ THEN REPLY #80177 /* ~Certainly, good sir.  What is your concern?~ */ GOTO 4
 IF ~ReactionLT(LastTalkedToBy,NEUTRAL_LOWER)
~ THEN REPLY #80177 /* ~Certainly, good sir.  What is your concern?~ */ GOTO 5
 IF ~ReactionLT(LastTalkedToBy,FRIENDLY_LOWER)
~ THEN REPLY #80179 /* ~Say your piece and move along.  My time is valuable. ~ */ DO ~~ GOTO 5

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 1 // from: 8.3 7.3 6.3 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 0.1
 SAY #80180 /* ~As you wish.  I'll trouble you no more.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("HelpRamazith","GLOBAL",4)

IF WEIGHT #2 /* Triggers after states #: 21 even though they appear after this state */
~ THEN BEGIN 2 // from:
 SAY #80181 /* ~Changed your mind have you?  The offer be good 'til I find someone.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80182 /* ~My position has not changed.  It's a risk I do not wish to take.~ */ GOTO 1
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80183 /* ~What is it I will be expected to do?~ */ GOTO 6

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 3 // from: 0.0
 SAY #80184 /* ~I've a been watching you, but rest assured it no be in the bad evil eye way.  You and your compatriots be so obviously...well...I just say you no look like farmers or merchants.  I've a service needing completion, and it require that which I think you have.  I reward well, but the mission is dangerous and...beyond...what the law would technically allow.  Interested, yes?~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80185 /* ~I've no desire to sully my good name in this town by crossing the law!  Take your offer and leave!~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("RefusedRamazith","GLOBAL",1)
~ GOTO 1
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80183 /* ~What is it I will be expected to do?~ */ GOTO 6

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 4 // from: 0.3 0.2
 SAY #80186 /* ~You are mercenary, no?  I can tell because you are battle-ugly with scars, yes?  I have need of a stealthy, well equipped group, to perform an act the guard would frown upon.  I trust you are available and willing?  I pay better that common blade-wage, but you need be discreet.  I go on, yes?~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80185 /* ~I've no desire to sully my good name in this town by crossing the law!  Take your offer and leave!~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("RefusedRamazith","GLOBAL",1)
~ GOTO 1
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80183 /* ~What is it I will be expected to do?~ */ GOTO 6

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 5 // from: 0.5 0.4
 SAY #80187 /* ~I would perhaps look to a mercenary guild for more...professional help, but my time is limited and you will have to do.  I pay more than you're worth so you listen well, no?~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80185 /* ~I've no desire to sully my good name in this town by crossing the law!  Take your offer and leave!~ */ DO ~SetGlobal("RefusedRamazith","GLOBAL",1)
~ GOTO 1
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80183 /* ~What is it I will be expected to do?~ */ GOTO 6

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 6 // from: 5.1 4.1 3.1 2.1
 SAY #80188 /* ~My proposition is thus; I would have you enter into the home of a colleague of mine, and effect the release of a creature he has imprisoned there.   Ragefast be his name, and he has in his possession one of the most beautiful and useful creatures in all of Faerun.  It's a Nymph he captured some time ago, and I know not what laughable plans he has for her, but I am sure she be more...productive in my care.  I not so rich as to be able to offer huge gold, but as competent wizard I do have the odd magical item of worth. Perhaps an enchanted weapon will serve your needs, no?~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80189 /* ~Why not do this yourself?  You do not seem as powerless as your plea makes you sound.~ */ GOTO 7
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80190 /* ~Your terms are acceptable.  I agree.~ */ GOTO 9
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80191 /* ~Your offer is interesting, but I would prefer if it were larger. It's quite the risk you wish me to take.~ */ GOTO 8
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80192 /* ~Bah!  This petty larceny is beneath me!  I'll have none of it!~ */ GOTO 1
 IF ~Global("SkieRamazi","GLOBAL",0)
~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SkieRamazi","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN ~_SKIEJ~ 9
 IF ~Global("KivanRamazi","GLOBAL",0)
~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KivanRamazi","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN ~_KIVANJ~ 19

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 7 // from: 8.2 7.2 6.0
 SAY #80193 /* ~Indeed I be proficient in that which is magical, but so is Ragefast.  None know better how to defend against a wizard than another wizard.  This require stealth and guile, or quick blade with muscle behind.  You have; I lack.  Simple, no?~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80194 /* ~Your offer is interesting, but I would prefer if it were larger.  It is quite the risk you wish me to take.~ */ GOTO 8
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80190 /* ~Your terms are acceptable.  I agree.~ */ GOTO 9
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80189 /* ~Why not do this yourself?  You do not seem as powerless as your plea makes you sound.~ */ GOTO 7
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80192 /* ~Bah!  This petty larceny is beneath me!  I'll have none of it!~ */ GOTO 1

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 8 // from: 8.0 7.0 6.2
 SAY #80195 /* ~Would that I did have magical items strewn about the place.  Were it so, I could simply sell them and pay you gold.  It is not as though they are cheap to come by.  As it is, you must take the offer as is or not at all.  I trust you understand, no? ~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80196 /* ~Your offer is interesting, but I would prefer if it were larger.  It's quite the risk you wish me to take.~ */ GOTO 8
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80190 /* ~Your terms are acceptable.  I agree.~ */ GOTO 9
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80189 /* ~Why not do this yourself?  You do not seem as powerless as your plea makes you sound.~ */ GOTO 7
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80192 /* ~Bah!  This petty larceny is beneath me!  I'll have none of it!~ */ GOTO 1

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 9 // from: 8.1 7.1 6.1
 SAY #80197 /* ~Most agreeable!  Already you show intelligence needed to succeed!  I give you directions to Ragefast's abode, and you take it from there, yes?  You will find Ragefast's home just west of the Hall of Wonders.  We meet at my home when you complete your mission.  Do not tarry, for I have many plans.  Let not the guard see you with the Nymph.  They will surely question her presence.  I will expect you soon.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("HelpRamazith","GLOBAL",1)
~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #80198 /* ~We have agreed to obtain a nymph currently in the possession of a mage named Ragefast.  The mage Ramazith has hired us, and desires the Nymph for reasons unknown to us.  We are to meet Ramazith at his home when we have the nymph.  Ragefast's home is located just north east of the Hall of Wonders.~ */ EXIT

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 10 // from:
 SAY #80199 /* ~Enter and climb, I meet you at top, yes?~ */

IF WEIGHT #3 /* Triggers after states #: 21 even though they appear after this state */
~ THEN BEGIN 11 // from:
 SAY #80200 /* ~I see that you have returned, yes?  You need not say that you have betrayed me, for I scrye and spy!  Certainly you are foolish to have come here after breaking our deal!  I have many spells waiting for parts of nymph, and will be a long time looking for another.  An expensive delay you have cost me, and compensation be from your hide!  Come get me at the top, if you dare!~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 12 // from:
 SAY #80201 /* ~Come little fly, the spider's larder you must flee!~ */

IF WEIGHT #4 /* Triggers after states #: 21 even though they appear after this state */
~ THEN BEGIN 13 // from:
 SAY #80202 /* ~A profitable day for both our interests!  A service of immense proportions you have served me!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("HelpRamazith","GLOBAL",2)

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 14 // from:
 SAY #80206 /* ~No child, you need not worry your pretty little head.  In but a tenday you will no longer be here, or anywhere.  I would have a word with your 'liberators' a moment, wait in this corner please.  ~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #0 /* ~<NO TEXT>~ */ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #0 /* ~<NO TEXT>~ */ GOTO 15

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 15 // from: 14.0
 SAY #80207 /* ~A job done well in every respect, and no finer a specimen could I have wished for.  By far, she is the most elusive spell component I have ever had to seek.  Her body will yield a score of Human control potions, as well as at least two or three items of 'command!'  I am assured wealth for this season and next at the very least, and I have you to thank.  You please have this item and enjoy, yes.  It is a good thing you do here today.  Show yourselves out, I have much work to attend to.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItem("_BRAC02",LastTalkedToBy)

IF WEIGHT #5 /* Triggers after states #: 21 even though they appear after this state */
~ THEN BEGIN 16 // from:
 SAY #80208 /* ~Why have you remained in my home?!  Have I not paid as we agreed?  I must have solitude, so I ask you again and you go, yes? ~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80209 /* ~My apologies, Ramazith.  I will disturb you no further.~ */ GOTO 20
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80210 /* ~Am I to understand that you plan to dissect this creature?~ */ GOTO 18
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80211 /* ~Your intentions are diabolical!  Release Abela at once, or face my wrath!~ */ GOTO 17

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 17 // from: 18.1 16.2
 SAY #80212 /* ~Oh you have named it!  How cute.  No longer useful you are, and I'll not suffer your pining for your pet!   Intruders in my home!  Deadly self-defense!  Come battle me at the top, if yu dare!~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 18 // from: 16.1
 SAY #80213 /* ~Her beauty is priceless in the eyes, but bottled and powdered it is gold in my coffer!  ~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80209 /* ~My apologies, Ramazith.  I will disturb you no further.~ */ GOTO 20
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80211 /* ~Your intentions are diabolical!  Release Abela at once, or face my wrath!~ */ GOTO 17
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80214 /* ~You must realize that this is an abomination worse than keeping her caged!  Do not do this!~ */ JOURNAL #80215 /* ~Ramazith plans to use the nymph Abela as spell components for many of his spells.~ */ GOTO 19

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 19 // from: 18.2
 SAY #80216 /* ~She is a resource to be tapped!  If you would stand before me, it is you who will be stopped!  The guard will see your charred and dead bodies as bandits in my home!  Come find me at the top, if you dare!~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 20 // from: 18.0 16.0
 SAY #80217 /* ~Be sure you do not.  Good eve to you.~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobalTimer("Ramazith","GLOBAL",20)

IF WEIGHT #0 ~StateCheck(Myself,STATE_CHARMED)
~ THEN BEGIN 21 // from:
 SAY #80218 /* ~I'm your best friend!  It's a strange feeling being friends with such as you; afterall, you're far beneath me in intellect and possess very little good mannerisms.  I doubt I can tell you much that you would find useful; most of my work is far beyond your limited perceptions.  I'm sorry that I could not be more useful as a friend. ~ */

IF WEIGHT #6 ~True()
~ THEN BEGIN 22 // from:
 SAY #80219 /* ~I have no time to waste with you right now, so could you kindly be on your way.~ */


// WARNING: this file contains non-trivial WEIGHTs

IF WEIGHT #1 /* Triggers after states #: 16 even though they appear after this state */
~ THEN BEGIN 0 // from:
 SAY #80160 /* ~Now know thee well I cannot let thee leave.  We are meant to be together, whether ye know it or no.  ~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 1 // from:
 SAY #80225 /* ~What!?  What bandit dares enter the home of Ragefast?!  Identify your purpose here, that I might know what to put on thy tombstone!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80226 /* ~Strong words mage!  Have ye the will to back them up?!~ */ GOTO 2
 IF ~ReactionGT(LastTalkedToBy,HOSTILE_UPPER)
~ THEN REPLY #80227 /* ~Dare you speak of me as bandit, when you commit such crimes as you do?!~ */ GOTO 5
 IF ~Global("HelpRamazith","GLOBAL",1)
~ THEN REPLY #80228 /* ~I should like as little trouble as possible!  If you simply hand over the Nymph I shall return to Ramazith.~ */ GOTO 3
 IF ~ReactionLT(LastTalkedToBy,NEUTRAL_LOWER)
~ THEN REPLY #80227 /* ~Dare you speak of me as bandit, when you commit such crimes as you do?!~ */ GOTO 4

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 2 // from: 5.0 1.0
 SAY #80229 /* ~I know not what has brought thee here, but six shall carry thee out!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy()

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 3 // from: 11.0 6.1 5.2 1.2
 SAY #80230 /* ~Ramazith sent thee!?  That treacherous eel will not have Abela!  What he suggests is against all tenets of decency!  His foul plan dies here with thee!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy()
~ UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #80173 /* ~Ragefast thinks that Ramazith has evil plans in store for the nymph named Abela.~ */ EXIT

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 4 // from: 1.3
 SAY #80231 /* ~What gall thou must possess, to accuse me of crimes within my own household!  Especially when 'it's you who has entered without consent!  You shalt die as a thief should for violating my home!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy()

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 5 // from: 1.1
 SAY #80232 /* ~What nonsense is this?!  Explain yourself before I dispense with you! ~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80233 /* ~I explain nothing!  You will release the nymph to me or die!~ */ GOTO 2
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80234 /* ~You hold this beauteous creature captive, and still claim the moral high ground?  It's a contradiction! ~ */ GOTO 6
 IF ~Global("HelpRamazith","GLOBAL",1)
~ THEN REPLY #80235 /* ~I and Ramazith have now both witnessed the cruel confinement you place upon this creature.  ~ */ GOTO 3

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 6 // from: 5.1
 SAY #80236 /* ~No!  This wondrous being is my love and life!  I would be hers as well, but it takes time!  She will grow to care for me, as I her!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80237 /* ~One does not cage those he cares for!  You may break her spirit and she will serve you, but this is not love!  Listen to her!~ */ GOTO 8
 IF ~Global("HelpRamazith","GLOBAL",1)
~ THEN REPLY #80238 /* ~This is an impossible goal!  Best for her that you release her to me, that I might free her under the sight of Ramazith.~ */ GOTO 3
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80239 /* ~Your twisted feelings cloud your sight!  Release her, before you both come to harm!~ */ GOTO 7

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 7 // from: 6.2
 SAY #80240 /* ~My feelings are genuine, and none shall harm the angelic Abela!  I will let no one come between us!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy()

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 8 // from: 6.0
 SAY #80241 /* ~She will learn to be happy here!  We shall grow old together.~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 9 // from:
 SAY #80242 /* ~Abela, thy beauty is as brilliant now as the day I found you.  Say not such things.~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 10 // from:
 SAY #80243 /* ~But we were meant for each other!  Thy very words had said so!~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 11 // from:
 SAY #80244 /* ~But this is MY home...~ */
 IF ~Global("HelpRamazith","GLOBAL",1)
~ THEN REPLY #80245 /* ~She will die in your 'care.'  Ramazith is right to want her release.~ */ GOTO 3
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY #80246 /* ~Whine if you wish, but tonight she is free!  Stand in the way and you perish with your foolish dreams.~ */ GOTO 12
 IF ~CheckStatLT(LastTalkedToBy,7,WIS)
~ THEN REPLY #80247 /* ~This Abela will die with you.  Free her if you truly feel as you do.~ */ GOTO 13
 IF ~CheckStatGT(LastTalkedToBy,6,WIS)
~ THEN REPLY #80247 /* ~This Abela will die with you.  Free her if you truly feel as you do.~ */ GOTO 14

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 12 // from: 11.1
 SAY #80248 /* ~My innermost thoughts are displayed before you, and I must suffer your mockery?  Trifle with me no longer!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy()

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 13 // from: 11.2
 SAY #80249 /* ~I would sooner we both died here, than lose her beauty in my life!  You will pay for this pain stranger!  'Twas not your place to meddle with me!~ */
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy()

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 14 // from: 11.3
 SAY #80250 /* ~I...it is so.  Forgive me Abela, I have been a fool.  I release you from my enchantments, and you are free to leave.  Please do not think too harshly of me.  I am but a foolish old man.~ */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 15 // from:
 SAY #80251 /* ~I know not why you have  turned on me, but your life is forfeit for it!~ */

IF WEIGHT #0 ~StateCheck(Myself,STATE_CHARMED)
~ THEN BEGIN 16 // from:
 SAY #80252 /* ~I've led a rather cloistered life, so I know little of the outside world.  I wish I could tell you more friend, but my knowledge is limited to my studies.~ */

IF WEIGHT #2 ~GlobalGT("HelpRamazith","GLOBAL",0)
~ THEN BEGIN 17 // from:
 SAY #80253 /* ~Have you not bothered me enough?  Leave me be, and get out of my home.~ */

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It seems that Ragefast isn't unambigiously evil here, as I first thought he was. He has succumbed to the nymph's natural enchantment effects. And although for that reason Ragefast is unable to release her, he is also performing an ostensibly good act by protecting Abela from certain death at the hands of Razimuth. On the other hand, Ragefast did apparently deliberately decieve and capture Abela against her will, which are clearly not Good-aligned acts. I guess LN is about right for Ragefast in this story, though it is a clear departure from the canon character.

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Well, you have to consider circumstance with alignment. Even though Ragefast trapped Abela against her will, if there is a charm effect going on, it probably counts as being controlled. And if it's a powerful passion rather than a charm... that makes people do weird stuff. In that case, he may be decieving himself that Abela's claims to be dying are just a means for her to leave him and aren't serious.


Alignments aren't entirely set in stone... everyone lapses now and again. :p

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