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Posting of Stats for Half-Elven Subraces


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Stats: if +1 dex then -1 con otherwise no stat changes


Abilities: No infravision, but underwater sonar up to 180 feet.


Saving Throws and Resists: 30% resistant to sleep and charm spells.


DisadvantagesCannot breath underwater if they can breath on the land and vice versa. Dehydrate twice as quickly as humans (double damage from Azi-Dabhim's Horrid wilting?).


Thieving Modifiers: +5find/remove traps, +5 Hide in shadows, +5 detect noise, +5 detect illusion,


Allowed Classes: Fighter, Mage, Priest, Druid, Thief, Bard, Typical Half-Elf Multiclasses


Physical Appearance: Light green to light blue skin, slightly taller than elven parent, eyes are silver-blue to brown, hair tends towards green and blue tints, slight webbing in toes and hands






Stats: +1 dex, -1 con


Abilities: Infravision 60', can see 50% further than humans, +1 bonus with bows,


Saving Throws and Resists: 30% resistant to sleep and charm spells.


Disadvantages: Suffer -1 to saving throw vs fire based attacks, double damage from all bludgening attacks (because of hollow bones)


Thieving Modifiers: +5 find/remove trap, +5 hide in shadows, -5 detect noise, +5 detect illusion,


Allowed Classes: Fighter, Ranger, Mage, Priest, Druid, Thief, Bard, Typical Half-Elf Multiclasses


Physical Appearance: Pale skin, blue or sometimes hazel eyes, Hair colour same as elven parent,






Stats: +1 dex, -2 cha


Abilities: Infravision 90', can cast dancing lights, faerie fire, and darkness once per day as innates, Spell casters can cast one of these spells one additional time per day.


Saving Throws and Resists: 30% resistant to sleep and charm spells, 10% magic resist +5% per level, +1 bonus to save vs magic


Disadvantages: -1 to dex and attack rolls in sunlight or continual light spell, opponents get a +1 bonus to save vs half-drow's spell when in sunlight.


If the half-drow spends more than two weeks outside of the Underdark, he begins to lose his special advantages. These fade at the rate of one power a day. This starts with the most powerful innate spell casting down to the weakest. He also loses his magic resistance at the rate of 10% per day. This process reverses itself at the same rate after the half-drow spends one day in the Underdark for each week spent underground.

All races, including other half-drow, hate the half-drow. This means that they suffer a -3 reaction penalty.


Thieving Modifiers: +5 pickpocket, +5 find/remove traps, +5 move silently, +10 hide in shadows, +5 detect noise, +5 detect magic, +5 detect illusion,


Allowed Classes: Fighter, Ranger, Mage, Priest, Druid, Thief, Bard, All other multi-classes normally allowed to half-elves


Physical Appearances: Light Grey to dusky grey skin, Black or red eyes though rarely blue or brown, white or silver hair but sometimes brown or blonde hair






Stats: if +1 int then -1 cha or -1 con. Otherwise no modifiers


Abilities: Infravision 60', +5 to learn spells check, +1 to all non cross bow attack rolls or +1 to hit with long and short swords.


Saving Throws and Resists: 30% resistant to sleep and charm spells


Disadvantages: -2 reaction roll with Grey Elves


Thieving Modifers: +10 pick pockets, +5 hide in shadows, +5 detect magic, +5 detect illusions


Allowed Classes: Fighter, Ranger, Mage, Bard, Priest, Thief, Druid, All multi-classes normally allowed to half-elves


Physical Appearance: Slightly Darker skin than normal elf, light brown to blonde hair, grey or brown or blue eyes






The current Half-elf that is in the game (note, half-high elves receive the 30% resistance to sleep and charm spells)






Genderless and Sterile. Doable, but probably not wanted for game.





Native to Greyhawk. Not valid.






Stats: +1 str or +1 dex and -1 con or -1 cha


Abilities: Infravision 60', charm forest animal (like the Sylvan elf version)


Saving Throws and Resists: 30% resistant to sleep and charm spells


Disadvantages: Penalty (same as sylvan elves) to detecting secret doors, -2 reaction penalty when dealing with elves


Thieving Modifiers: +5 move in shadows, +5 hide in shadows, -5 detect illusions


Physical Appearance: Hair colour typically brown sometime black, skin colour same as human


Allowable Classes: Fighter, Ranger, Mage, Priest, Thief, Bard, Druid, All Multi-classes normally allowed for Half-Elves.






Also, the following on Half-Elven Gods is from the Complete Guide to Half-Elves, which has been okayed by TSR.



The Gods


(Mighty Lord)

Greater God, Neutral Good (Chaotic tendencies)

Portfolio: Half-elves.

Aliases: None.

Domain Name: Several, including: Arcadia, Elysium, Gladshiem, Happy Hunting Grounds, Olympus, and the Twin Paradises.

Superior: None.

Allies: All the half-elven gods and elven gods as well as Mielikki, Thor, Eilistraee, Ishtar, and Frey.

Foes: Lolth, any other evil gods.

Symbol: Six silver stars arched over a silver cresecent moon on a background of royal blue.

Wor. Align.: Any non evil.

Beleghir was the mortal offspring of the Greater Elven Deity, Corellon Larethian; and the Elven Princess, Galadriel Calenbirthe; last of the noble line of House Shannara. Beleghir is the finest example of the perfection possible within the mixture of human and elven lineage. After Beleghir was old enough, he left the Elven Nation and traveled wide and far; gaining fame as an adventurer. Although his ancestry was obscured at first, Beleghir’s history became known after the death of the King {his Grandfather}, and his mother. The Elven Nation first balked at having a Half-elven “bastard’, but were quickly subdued when the High Priest of Corellon provided proof of Beleghir’s “real’ parentage. During most of Beleghir’s reign, the Elven Nation enjoyed a “golden age’. The large human kingdom that was encroaching on their borders became a staunch ally largely due to the fact that the kingdom’s ruler and Beleghir were old adventuring companions, and the fact that the human had been adopted by the prior Elven King, also helped matters greatly. During this time, it was through Beleghir that work started on the future home of a special order of mages that were to be headquartered within the Elven Forest. After 50 years of ruling, Beleghir faced his greatest trial. He was forced to face the Drow Spider God, Lolth. Since the first epic battle between Corellon and Lolth, the two were prohibited from facing each other directly. Thus, Beleghir, as the son of Corellon, was called upon by his father to do battle with Lolth upon the Astral Plane. During the battle, Beleghir was able to slay the form of Lolth, but not Lolth herself, sending her back to the Abyss for another 5,000 years before she could try to gain the Prime Material Plane again. Although Beleghir won, it was not without a price. Lolth mortally wounded Beleghir with a special poison that she had prepared for the battle. All attempts to heal Beleghir’s wounds failed, and after a year of torment, Beleghir asked his father to end the pain. However, due to being Corellon’s son and the special poison, Beleghir didn’t actually die. Instead, Beleghir’s mortal shell was burnt away and he ascended into his divine heritage. Upon his rise to divinity, Beleghir found that he as the sole deity of a newly recognized race, Half-elves; thus making him a Greater Power and equal to his father! Sages have theorized that Beleghir’s ashes were scattered across the world when he ascended, and like the drops of Corellon’s blood, his ashes bound the Half-elves to him; thus making him a deity for Half-elves, and they a recognized race in the world. As the news of Beleghir’s battle and rise spread, so did the worship of Beleghir. Now, one can find Beleghir worshipped by various sorts of creatures, as well as along side the current Elven pantheon; with no hard feelings as Beleghir isn’t worshipped in place of any racial deity, but rather along side the racial deities.


Beleghir’s Avatar (See below)

Beleghir can assume the form of any creature of the forest including any special abilities the creature might have, e.g., a unicorn. While in animal form, Beleaghir can cast spells without needing any

components. Beleghir’s most favored form is an average half-elven adventurer. When he takes this form, he may choose to be single, or multi classed with the following levels:

Cleric: 20

Druid: 18

Ranger: 20

Mage: 20 (may cast Wild Magic spells)

Specialist Mage: 20

Thief: 15

Bard: 20

Psionicist: 15

He may appear as any multi-class option even if not normally allowed to half-elves.

AC -10; MV 24; HP 450; THAC0 varies by class; #AT varies per class; Dmg by weapon or spell + Strength bonus; MR 97%; SZ M(6 feet)

Str 25, Dex 23, Con 21, Int 23, Wis 25, Cha 23

Spells P: Only when in priest form, W: only in wizard form

Saves (saving throws) PPDM 2; RSW 2; PP 2; BW 2; Sp 2

Special Att/Def: Beleghir has a few innate abilities. The first is improved invisibility at will. He can use this in any form he takes. He can also cast a lightning bolt each round that does 50 points of damage, 25 if a successful save versus spells is made. This can also be done in any form the avatar is in. It requires no components. Beleghir can also only be hit by +4 or better weapons.

Psionics: PSPs: 2000; Beleghir has any of the psionic powers available to psionicists native to the world he is on. If Beleghir is not in his psionicist form, then he is considered to be a wild talent with 5 powers of his choice and only 500 PSPs.

Beleghir has several weapons and armors that he uses.


Beleghir’s Shield: +5 large shield. It has virtually no weight to it, and has no encumberance value. Any evil being who touches the shield must save versus Death Magic at -10 or die. Should the lucky soul make this save, then he takes 10d10 points of damage. Non-worshippers who touch the shield are stunned for 2 days.Any worshipper of Beleghir who attempt to take the shield without permission, will be struck dead with no save. Beleghir’s shield can deflect any type of missile, magical or otherwise. The missile to be deflected can be be from a spell (magic missile, flame arrow), or from a device (arrow of slaying), or even simply hurled (javelin of lightning, boulder from a giant). The wielder must make a successful Dexterity check on 4d6. Beleghir has a 50% chance of directing the deflection. If a mortal is using the shield, and does not maintain physical contact with it, the shield will return to Beleghir immediately.


Beleghir’s Cloak of the Winds: This cloak grants flight at Fl 48, MC A. The cloak can also control winds increasing or decreasing the wind speed by 10 mph each round. The cloak also grants immunity to all wind/air-based attacks.


Beleghir’s Medallion: This medallion is in the form of Beleghir’s holy symbol, made of the purists components. It creates a triple strength protection from evil, 10’ radius. Once per month, Beleghir may consider granting a weaker version of this medallion for his most faithful followers. This lesser version acts as a normal protection from evil, 10’ radius.


Beleghir’s Sword: +5 defender. This long sword does +10 points of damage against any tanar’ri pr baatezu, as well as any creature that is connected to the negative material plane. It does 5d10 points of damage on any successful hit, against ay type of creature. Beleghir’s Sword can also heal the wielder twice per day.

The sword also acts as a scarab of protection and a ring of double strength fire resistance. It also protects the wielder as if he is the recipient of a protection from lightning spell.

The sword can also absorb lightning bolts, fireballs, and magic missiles and then release them the following round wherever the wielder points the sword. This power extends to all similar attacks as well (chain lightning, red dragon breath weapon, Snilloc’s Major Missile, etc.). For the sword to absord, the wielder must make a successful Dexterity check on 4d6. The act of aborbing also lowers the wielder’s magic resistance by 50%.

The final power grants the wielder the ability to detect lie as long as he can hear what is being said. This is flawless. The wielder also has true seeing as per the priest spell of the same name.

Only Beleghir can wield this powerful sword with no ill effects. If anyone else attempts to even hold it, then the sword acts in all ways as Beleghir’s Shield.


Beleghir’s Sphere: This is rarely used, and can only be controlled if in mage form (single or multi-classed). The sphere is twice as poweful as a normal sphere of annihilation, and Beleghir has a 100% chance of control. Only another avatar, or a god-like being can attempt to wrest control. This attempt is made at -50%. If control is taken, then both the avatar and the sphere vanish immediately.


Beleghir’s Crown: This acts as a hat of disguise. Only those using true seeing can see through this disguise. The crown also completely protects the wearer from all mental invasions (i.e., magical or psionic mind attacks).


Other Manifestations

As stated earlier, Beleghir can assume any shape he desires, as long as it is of any forest creature. Beleghir can also assume any of the classes mentioned above. Beleghir is a hands-on diety. He enjoys the company of mortal women often making Zeus look prude. Beleghir prefers not to become distanced from his followers as so many of the elder gods have done.


The Church

In the headings in this section, the following abbreviations are used for character classes: C=cleric, Cru=crusader, D=druid, SP=specialty priest, Mon=monk, Mys=mystic, Sha=shaman, F=fighter, Pal=paladin, R=ranger, W=all wizard classes, M=mage, Abj=abjurer, Con=conjurer, Div=diviner, Enc=enchanter, Ill=illusionist, Inv=invoker, Nec=necromancer, Tra=transmuter, Spell=spellsinger, T=thief, B=bard. Note that the spellsinger wizard character class is described in Wizards and Rogues of the Realms.

Clergy: Cleric, Crusader, Druid, Speciailty Priest, Fighter, Ranger, Wizard, Thief, and Bard.

Clergy’s Align.: Any non-evil.

Turn Undead: Cleric = Yes, all others = No

Cmnd. Undead: None.

As a priest of Beleghir, a person must first of all be non-prejudicial of other races since Beleghir accepts all races. All priests must lead exemplary lives for others to follow. They must always strive to drive evil from the world, especially that of the outer planes and followers of Lolth. As a priest of Beleghir, a person must be able and not afraid to use force to get the job done. Beleghir’s priests will have many other varied duties depending on the duties of the temple he resides in. The high priest is known as the Bishop of <temple name>.

The breakdown of the clergy is difficult to discern since there are so many types of followers. For simplicity, the clergy is about 20% clerics, 10% druids, 20% specialty priests, and the remaining 50% is divided equally among the other classes.


Dogma: The priests of Beleghir believe that only through acceptance, can they find a place in the universe. They strive to be an intergral part of the society they are in. The only time the priests do not worry about acceptance is when dealing with outer planar creatures and followers of Lolth. “If Lolth cannot accept understanding, then I shall teach her humility.â€Â


Day-to-Day Activities: Some things that are expected by the priesthood are helping the underdog. Often this means that they will give money to the poor, but sometimes they will provide shelter or protection if that is what is needed. Beleghir is not blind to those who would take advantage of his kindness, and expects his followers to use good judgement when granting aid.


Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: Beleghir also has only one holy day for the entire priesthood, and that is the day he accended to god-hood. At the start of each year, everyone is invited to a week long ceremony to celebrate. For the first three days, everyone fasts while the clergy partakes in prayer and mediation as well. All the general followers are expected to be dressed in the simplest clothes they have. There is good wine, food, and song for all who wish to join. Those who cannot make it, are expected to either start a celebration whever they are (even if alone), or to go into meditation if a celebration is not possible.

The other important ceremonies vary from world to world. These are often the king’s birthday or other world events. These ceremonies are sometimes delayed if they conflict with Beleghir’s holy days.

Finally, in areas where other racial dieties (e.g., the Seldarine) are also worshipped, Beleghir’s followers observethose holy days as well.


Major Centers of Worship: There is one major center near the largest city on each world. Some worlds have several large cities (Toril, for example), and will have one temple near each one.


Affiliated Orders: There are several orders accociated with Beleghir. They are all detailed individually below. There is also a group known as the Order of the Warders. Their numbers consist of ranger druids who are elven, half-elven, or centaur. Not much is known about them since they are rarely seen. They are not adventurers, and therefor PCs would not be members. This order is not mentioned to anyone who is not a bishop.


Priestly Vestments: When serving in the temples or shrines, all the priests wear robes of royal blue with a cassock of purple that has the holy symbol embroidered in silver thread on the front and back. The Bishop of a temple will have his cassock trimmed with a golden thread edging. The High Patriarch of the Church will have a robe of silver and his royal-blue cassock will be trimmed with gold thread edging. Also, no headgear of any type is allowed in the temple at any time, and soft shoes (slipper-like) are provided in the temple entrance for wear inside.


Adventuring Garb: Althought adventuring priests will wear the most comfortable attire they can find, it should be noted that they stay with the color scheme mentioned above.


Contemporary (Specialty Priest)

Requirements: Wisdom 9.

Prime Req.: Wisdom.

Alignment: Any non-evil.

Weapons: Standard for cleric, and long sword and long bow at 5th level.

Armor: Any.

Major Spheres: All, Astral, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Protection.

Minor Spheres: Creation, Elemental, Thought, Travelers, Wards, Weather.

Magical Items: Any normally allowed to priests, and long swords.

Req. Profs: None.

Bonus Profs: None.

Granted Powers

• All priests have an additional 60 foot infravision. This means that those without infravision will have a minimum of 60 feet.

• All contemporaries have a base magic resistance of 5% per level.

• At 5th level, they may cast heal one time per week. This improves to one time per day at 7th level.

• At level 10, they may cast raise dead once per week.


Pandion Knight (Fighter or Ranger)

Requirements: Wisdom 9, Charisma 14.

Prime Req.: Wisdom, Charisma.

Alignment: Any Good.

Weapons: Any.

Armor: Any.

Major Spheres: All, Combat, Divination, Healing.

Minor Spheres: Creation, Travelers.

Magical Items: Any normally allowed to warriors.

Req. Profs: Long sword, lance.

Bonus Profs: Riding Land-Based, Horse; one slot in a fighting style available to the campaign.

Granted Powers

o +1 to hit with their favored weapon. This increases by +1 at level 5, again at level 9 and once more at level 13.

• Starting at level 3, they may add +1 to hit with one other weapon of their choice. This increases by another +1 at level 7, 11, and 15.

• When fighting from horseback, Pandion Knights are considered to be 5 levels higher.

• At level 10, they may lay on hands for 1 point per level. Treat this the same as the paladin ability of the same name.



Order of the Pandion Knights

The Pandion Knights are a highly militaristic order. The Order is open to all who worship Beleghir regardless of race, however each entrant has a very arduous initiate phase to go through before actually training to be a Pandion Knight. Once a initiate enters training, they start their training as a Squire serving a Pandion Knight. The duration of servitude as a Squire is a minimum of 5 years, and longer than that is quite possible. Once Squirehood is passed the member becomes a low ranking Pandion Knight; which is a Cleric/Gladiator multiclass. Any racial restrictions on the class combination or multiclassing are waived for members who make it through all the training and receive their Knighthood. Although not the only Knighthood affiliated with the Church of Beleghir, the Pandions are by far the largest and most widespread; thus making them a very powerful military arm for the Church of Beleghir.

The Order maintains its presence through the use of “Chapterhousesâ€Â. Each Chapterhouse is essentially more a fortress than a temple; although there is always at least a chapel within each Chapterhouse. The Heads of each Chapterhouse is appointed by the overall leader of the Order, who is known as the Lord {or Lady} Preceptor. The Preceptor is appointed to his position by The High Patriarch of the Church of Beleghir. The size of any particular Chapterhouse is dependant upon the location of the building and the size of the contingent of Pandions assigned to it. The largest Chapterhouse is the Legacy House, a huge sprawling monastic fortress that is the residence of the Lord Preceptor.

Pandions are easily recognized by their deep forest green plate armor with the symbol of Beleghir boldly engraved in silver on the breastplate of the armor as well as the Knight’s shield, and the royal blue cloak that shows a rampant griffin facing the crescent moon in the symbol of Beleghir.

Due to their arduous training, all Pandion Knights are at least of the 4th level in each class. Also, in addition to the various skills of their multiclasses, their training also imparts to them all of the mount-related abilities of the Cavalier class; i.e. fight as 5 levels higher from horseback, falling from mount, etc. {See Unearthed Arcana, Cavalier class for complete information on mount-related skills}.

The Pandions have a very military-like rank structure within their order; although the titles of Initiate and Novice are not considered rank, as rank titles are only for full Pandion Knights. The rank structure of the order is as follows, from lowest to highest: .Knight, Knight-Lieutenant, Knight-Captain, Knight-Commander, Knight-Colonel, Knight Templar. Note, these ranks are not used publicly, but only to distinguish the ranking of Pandions in regards to other Pandions for military matters. In Church related matters, all Pandions are considered to be non-titled Priests. The only exceptions are the Head of a Chapterhouse,

who is considered to the equivalent of a High Priest; and the Lord Preceptor, who is considered the equivalent of a Patriarch. The Pandion Knights are usually Chaotic Good; although there are a few Neutral Good and Lawful Good in the order as well.


Order of the Warders

The Warders are a highly elite and somewhat secretive Knighthood associated with the Church of Beleghir. The Warders patrol the wilds, and only come into towns and such when needed. A Warders are only Half-Elven, Elven, or Centaurs, with them being a multiclass Ranger/Druid of Neutral Good alignment. The Warders main function is keep the wilds from encroaching and endangering the areas of civilization that are under the protection of the Church, while secretively “herding†the growth of those same civilized areas towards paths that preserve the same wilderness areas. The Warders can be easily recognized

when in a town as their cloak is worn reversed, which causes it to constantly sparkle throughout the color spectrum, much like the magical Robe of Scintillating Colors, albeit without the magical effects. When in the wilds, the cloak is worn the opposite side out, which makes the cloak behave as a Cloak of Elvenkind in all respects. Not much else is known about the Warders, except that they answer only to the Great Druid within the Church of Beleghir, or the High Patriarch if the Great Druid is missing, dead, or a new Great Druid is raised up from the ranks of the druidical hierarchy within the Church of Beleghir. Due to Beleghir’s aid and support of the Shadowweirs of Mielikki during his mortal life, and continuing into his immortal life; Beleghir and Mielikki have attained a steadfast friendship. This friendship is evident in that the Warders have access to all of the specialty spells that Mielikki grants her Shadowweirs {as listed in the accessory, Faith & Avatars}, since Mielikki has personally taught Beleghir these spells. Also, it is not uncommon to encounter a Shadowweir working alongside a Warder; and there is one instance of a Shadowweir member and a Warder entering into marriage.


Church Knights

Church Knights is a generic term for those individuals that are paladins within the Church of Beleghir. There are 3 types of paladins that exist within the Church: Paladin {Lawful Good}; Myrikhan {Neutral Good}; and Garath {Chaotic Good}. The majority of paladins in the church are either Myrikhans or Garaths. There is no rank structure for paladins, they are simply referred to by either their title, i.e.; Sir Garath, or by Sir Knight, or even by name, Sir Sturmonus. Church Knights that attain high enough levels will be referred to as Lord Knight. The paladins of the church serve the whole church, but are usually based out of the chapel or temple from which they were ordained a paladin by the Bishop of the chapel or temple. Church Knights who have attained Lord status and are allowed to construct a stronghold, will do so and become both Lord Knight and Bishop of their stronghold’s chapel or temple. The requirements for the Paladin can be found in the Players Handbook, albeit with the racial limitations waived; the Myrikhan and Garath are detailed in Dragon Magazine #106; A plethora of paladins.



Intermediate Power, Neutral Good

Portfolio: Inner conflict and acceptance, bards.

Aliases: Split-Elf and the Lover.

Domain Name: Unknown.

Superior: None, but tends to agree with Beleghir.

Allies: Palitra.

Foes: .

Symbol: A black circle with a light green tear drop in the center.

Wor. Align.: All half-elves accept the Split-Elf, but the Purists tend to ignore his teachings.

Kelsar is an old half-elf who spent a good part of his life teaching the half-elves not to hate those who would hate them. He brought many communities together, and helped prevent more wars than nearly any other. At one point, he found a helm of understanding, except this helm was more than his mind could handle. He nearly went insane trying to deal with the understanding of the universe. Beleghir saw his plight and granted him sanity once again. The helm remained, and Kelsar was brought into the heavens as the second half-elven god.


Kelsar’s Avatar (Bard, 15)

Kelsar is tall for a half-elf (nearly 6 foot). He usually appears as a half-high elf, but has been known to appear as any of the other subraces as well. His preferred spells are from the Enchantment/Charm school as they tend to be the most conducive to teaching others.

AC 5; MV 12; HP 50; THAC013 ; #AT 1; Dmg as long-sword; MR Nil; SZ M (6 feet)

Str 13, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 23, Wis 23, Cha 19

Spells W: As 15th level bard

Saves (saving throws) PPDM 5; RSW 5; PP 6; BW 6; Sp 3

Special Att/Def: Kelsar can attempt to charm any half-elf without casting any spells. He may do this any number of times per day, and the half-elf receives only his saving throw versus spells (at-4). There is no natural resistance to this power. Kelsar rarely uses this power, as he believes that all should make their own choices, and live with the consequences.


Other Manifestations

Kelsar often roams the lands as a bard, singing songs and telling stories of heroic half-elves. He uses many different names, but seems to prefer Kel, Sariu, and Petre. Those who listen to his songs tend to be content and calm. In fact, it is said that Kelsar’s music can stop any war. Some dieties would like to see this (namely Tempus), but Kelsar would rather have the legend than the proof.


The Church

Clergy: Cleric, Specialty Priest, Fighter, Ranger, Wizard, Thief, Bard.

Clergy’s Align.: They tend to be of Neutral or Good alignments.

Turn Undead: C=Yes, SP=Yes, Others=No

Cmnd. Undead: None

Most members of the clergy can play an instrument and most can sing, although it is not a requirement to do so.

The majority of half-elves respect those who teach others about the strife that the half-elf goes through. The Purists tend to attack all of Kelsar’s followers, and none are welcome within their walls. Most other human and demi-human churches accept them, as they tend to keep to themselves or sing. Even those missionaries in strange lands are not overt.

The church seems to be about 20% bards, 20% clerics, 20% specialty priests, 10% fighters, 10% rangers, 10% wizards, and 10% thieves.


Dogma: Kelsar’s followers believe that one day, all will live in harmony with each other. They do not actively seek combat (although they tend to look for where the combat is). Most will try to talk their way out of any given situation, but if that fails, they can and do defend themselves. A common saying among the clergy is “If acceptance is not accepted, and tolerance is not tolerated, then the fool is the one who dies young.â€Â


Day-to-Day Activities: The church is often seen helping other half-breeds, giving shelter and food when necessary. Kelsar’s priests will often heal other half-races without asking for exorbitant fees. The fighters often are used as diplomats when the mission is too dangerous for a priest. Although Kelsar does not require tithes, he does expect all members to contribute in some way. If it means using your carpentry skills to help build shelter for a lost half-elf, or singing a comforting song to an orphaned half-dragon. Most of Kelsar’s adventuring priests feel the need to give as much as they can afford to the church (sometimes as much as 90%). These priests live meager lives, living off their skills and knowledge rather than their material possessions.


Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: There are many holy days, however they are unique to each world. These holy days are usually anniversaries of a major war’s ending that half-elves participated in. On most worlds, the end of the Elfwar is a significant change, as it marks the beginnings of their own existence. The other two holy days are Kelsar’s birthdate (the Spring equinox is the day that is accepted since no one really knows when he was born), and his day of accession (this varies from world to world, but is often about half-way through the year.)

Each of these is a large celebration that lasts for 2 or 3 days. All are welcome, and the food and drink are free. If a half-elf misses one of these ceremonies, he is expected to have a small toast to Kelsar and do deed for a fellow half-breed.


Major Centers of Worship: Kelsar is worshipped in all major cities and anywhere half-elves are prominent. He has only a few large shrines, one on each world. This is usually in the largest city (Greyhawk, Waterdeep, etc.).


Affiliated Orders: The fighters and rangers who worship Kelsar have felt that they need to have a relatively strong defense. Together they formed a loosely fit army known as Half-Warriors. Many Half-Warriors are actually multi-classed. There is one leader for every center of worship. This leader answers to a regional leader, who answers to a world leader. This world leader can often get in contact with followers on the other worlds as well. The world leaders answer to Kelsar himself.


Priestly Vestments: Kelsar prefers to be seen. Most of his clergy wear bright colors except adventurers and rangers, who were what is most appropriate for their current mission. In towns, they tend to wear the bright colors. Even thieves will keep something bright on them, usually a headband or belt since it is easily covered if necessary.

When performing any of the anniversarial ceremonies, the high priests wear little. Most who attend wear very little, maintaining only a modest amount of decorum necessary within the society.

The Half-Warriors wear a cloak that has Kelsar’s symbol on it. It is usually in the center, but for the higher ranks, it is also on the clasps. These cloaks are often brightly colored, but they have earth tons as well, for those times when bright colors will get them killed.


Adventuring Garb: Those priests who do adventure (and there is a fair amount, almost 50%), wear what is most appropriate for the society they are in. They can all be found with Kelsar’s symbol displayed where all can see it, often on their chest or back.


Brothers/Sisters (Specialty Priest)

Requirements: Wisdom 14, Charisma, 15

Prime Req.: Wisdom and Charisma

Alignment: NG

Weapons: One handed melee weapons, bows, quarterstaff

Armor: Any, no shield

Major Spheres: All, Charm, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Protection, Travelers, Wards

Minor Spheres: Combat, Elemental, Sun, Thought, Weather

Magical Items: Any normally allowed to clerics

Req. Profs: Modern Language (either common or elven)

Bonus Profs: Etiquette


Granted Powers

• Brothers are usually half-elves, but can be any half-breeds. These other half-races would have to learn common and the language of their other half instead of elven.

• Brothers are able to sense the general mood of other half-breeds. They have a 50% +5% chance per level of being correct.

• At level 3 Brothers may cast Kelsar’s Favor. This spell must be prayed for like any other, but does not count against the maximum number of spells the brother may know.

• At level 3, Brothers may learn one additional language each level. The language must be one that represents other half-races in the campaign (draconic, dwarven, giantese, etc.). If the Brother has learned all he can, then he may begin learning other languages.



Kelsar’s Favor (Abjuration)

Level: 2

Sphere: Protection

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M

Duration: 1 round/level

Casting Time: 6

Area of Effect: 1 creature touched, per level

Save: None

This spell gives all those affected a bonus of +1 to all saving throws against mind attacks. This bonus increases by +1 for every 3 levels of the caster. For simplicity, assume that any spell that would allow for a Wisdom adjustment to its saving throw would also be affected by this spell.

The material component is a lock of half-elven or elven hair that has been soaked in holy water for 3 days.



(Lady of Birth and Life, The Bright Woman)

Intermediate Power, Neutral

Portfolio: Life, birth, reincarnation, children.

Aliases: Tralisa (Greyhawk), Haura (Forgotten Realms).

Domain Name: .

Superior: Beleghir.

Allies: Beleghir, Kelsar.

Foes: .

Symbol: A yellow circle with a red oak leaf in the center.

Wor. Align.: Any non-evil. The evil worshipperes tend to come to her when they are pregnant.

Palitra is a beautiful half-grey elf. She is very voluptious and her kindness radiates from her. It is said that those who wish to destroy life are blinded by her sight. Beleghir and Kelsar are her strongest allies, often helping her against the purists and their gods.


Palitra’s Avatar (Cleric, 18)

Palitra appears on the prime material only when she is desperately needed. When she does, she is often seen as a gorgeous woman with light, flowing robes. She wears this regardless of the season or climate. She only appears if the birth (or miscarriage) of a child will be detrimental to the society as a whole. She has been known to also appear if a half-elven hero is still needed, but there is no one who can reincarnate him.

AC 9; MV 15; HP 35; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg touch acts as an emotion spell; MR 80%; SZ M (5 feet)

Str 9, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 24

Spells P: 6 of each level, any sphere

Saves (saving throws) PPDM 3; RSW 6; PP 5; BW 4; Sp 4

Special Att/Def: Palitra’s touch acts as an emotion spell, with no saving throw. Also, if anyone actually tries to attack her, he must save versus spells or suffer immense pain in his abdomen making all actions nearly impossible (-10 to hit, saving throws, and proficiency checks).


Other Manifestations

Palitra has been seen as a fox, a doe, and a tiger. Each form is nearly pure white with touches of grey. She is seen in these forms when she is examining an area up close. Some believe that if she saves you while in this form you will be blessed with healthy children who cannot ever be ill.


The Church

Clergy: Cleric, Druid, Specialty Priest

Clergy’s Align.: Neutral.

Turn Undead: All=Yes (including druids)

Cmnd. Undead: No

All of Palitra’s clergy need to be well versed in herbs and healing so they may assist with births. They recieve both proficiencies at no cost. They must always try to assist with a birth when present, even if they have other non-religious engagements.

The common half-elf knows that Palitra wants her to have healthy children. They also know that Palitra would like for them to carry on their lives until they die of natural causes. This tends to keep her priestesses busy, even in small communities. Her church is about 33% Cleric, 33% Druid, and 33% Specialty Priestess.


Dogma: All Palitra’s followers believe that one should live life as long as possible, and be given as many chances to do so. Although they won’t always agree with the path chosen by others, they will always assist. This has led them to help the most evil of half-elves at times. This help is never without a price

however. The evil folk who have recruited Palitra’s clergy have found that everyone they have hurt, has been alerted to their whereabouts. The priestess keep a close eye on those who have taken advantage of their faith.


Day-to-Day Activities: Palitra’s church is very active in the local births, providing many mid-wives to those who request them. They are also present whenever someone is going to brough back to life within their town.

Her followers are expected to donate about 10% of their time and money to the church to help keep it going.


Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: All bays ae considered holy days, since someone is born everyday. Each day begins with a small ceremony and a blessing to all children. Whnever a child is born in the town, a celebration is begun. This consists of a banquet and a shower with gifts for the child. It is expected that friends and relatives give these gifts, but if the family is poor or not present then Pailtra will allow for the church to give a small gift, often clothing or gold (no more than 50gp).


Major Centers of Worship: There is at least a small shrine to Palitra in any town that has half-elves. Most are inconspicuous, but a few on Toril are rather pronounced.


Affiliated Orders: There are no military orders for Palitra as she is against physical combat. Her followers are not afraid of fighting, they only see it as unnecessary.


Priestly Vestments: When conducting official church duties, the priests and priestesses where white robes. They also wear low-soft boots and small caps. The only thing that sets the high priest or priestess apart from the rest is the grey mixed into the robes. The more grey, the higher the rank.


Adventuring Garb: Palitra has few adventurer followers, but those who do wear white and grey robes.


Mid-Wives (Specialty Priest)

Requirements: Wisdom 14, Charisma 14

Prime Req.: Wisdom and Charisma

Alignment: Neutral

Weapons: Only small bludgeoning weapons.

Armor: None

Major Spheres: All, Charm, Creation, Healing, Necromantic, Summoning

Minor Spheres: Divination, Guardian, Protection, Wards

Magical Items: Any normally allowed to priests

Req. Profs: None

Bonus Profs: Healing, Herbalism.


Granted Powers

• Mid-wives are able to ease pain in women who are giving birth. By simply holding her (usually her hand), all birthing pains are ignored. The woman is calm and comfortable. This allows for an easy birth, usually taking abuot half the time it would normally take (1d20 hours instead of 2d20 hours).

• Mid-wives may cast all healing spells with double effectiveness. The reverses, however, are not available. This means that cure light wounds would heal 2d8 points. The heal spell can heal both hit points and the mental effects listed.

• Upon reaching 5th level, all mid-wives take half-damage from all non-magical attacks.

• Whenever a mid-wife casts reincarnate, she may try to select the type of creature the target returns as. She must make a Wisdom check at one-half. If successful, the creature returns in the form the wid-wife desires. This may only be done once successfully per creature. Thus, if a human dies once, and a mid-wife reincarnates him, should he die again, no mid-wife may use this power.




Palitra’s Child (Necromantic, Alteration)

Level: 4

Sphere: Creation

Range: Touch

Components: V

Duration: Permanent

Casting Time: 1 turn for each effect

Area of Effect: 1 half-elf

Saving Throw: Special

This spell allows the priestess to do several things to an unborn child. The child’s mother must make a system shock roll, or the spell fails as she is thrown into convulsions. If the fails the system shock roll, she must then save versus death magic or die.

The spell can do one of the following things for every 4 levels of the priestess:

1. The child will be born with whatever gender the mother desires.

2. The child will be born without defects or illness (although he could get them later in life).

3. The child will be born stonger than normal (+1 on the initial Strength roll).

4. The child will be born more agile than normal (+1 to Dexterity).

5. The child will be born healthier than others (+1 Constitution).

6. The child will be born smarter (+1 Intelligence).

7. The child will be born wiser than most (+1 Wisdom).

8. The child will be born more alluring than average (+1 Charisma).

9. The child will be born looking more like either half, but not completely like the other half.

10. The child will be born with a natural alertness (+1 to initiative and surprise rolls).

11. The child will be born ambidextrous.

12. The child will be born in touch with nature (animal empathy similar to a ranger).

13. The child will be born with keen eyesight.

14. The child will be born with keen hearing.

15. The child will be born with keen smell.

16. The child will be born with keen taste.

17. The child will be born with keen touch.

18. The child will be born with an understanding of magic (+10% to learn spells checks).

19. The child is a natural with the first weapon he touches.

20. The child will be born with an inherent immunity to poison (+1 to all poison saves)


Whenever the mid-wife casts this spell she cannot be trying to influence any prophesies. If she does so, the spell fails and she suffers anything that the pregnant woman also suffers.

If the pregnant woman dies while this spell is being cast, then there is a 70% chance that the child will also die.



(The Outcast, The Wanderer)

Lesser Power, NG

Portfolio: Outcasts, Wanderers, Travelers, Rangers.

Aliases: None.

Domain Name: None, always wandering

Superior: Beleghir.

Allies: None.

Foes: None.

Symbol: A leaf blowing in the wind.

Wor. Align.: Any.


Lis almost literally fell into god-hood. He was a ranger who was searching for those who destroyed both his parents’ civilazations. While adventuring, he came across a portal that he believed would lead him to those he sought. Unfortunately he didn’t know exactly who he was looking for. Ending up on one of the many layers of the Abyss, he confronted and defeated the minor power he was after. Lis had managed to acquire a powerful artifact that nearly cost him his soul (the Wand of Orcus).

After the battle Orcus arrived to reclaim his wand (which he “allowed†Lis to carry and use without Lis’s prior knowledge). In return, Orcus granted Lis eternal life. After several centuries wandering the labrinthine layers of the Abyss, Lis found a portal that should have led him home. Unfortunately it led to the Ethereal plane where he was caught in an ether storm.

Lis found himself several worlds away from his home. This is when he encountered Beleghir and Kelsar. Both were looking for more half-elves to add to their pantheon and immediately recognized Lis. They offered him more than eternal life.


Lis’s Avatar (Ranger, 18)

Lis stands about 6 feet tall, and is rather stocky for a half-elf. He is half sylvan, and has dark brown hair and green eyes. His body is covered with mottled browns and greens to help him blend in with his surroundings.


Lis always carry’s a long sword and a long bow (this is a Strength bow built for 18/00 Strength), which he is specialized with. Both are +3 weapons. He wears no armor, but he does wear bracers of defence AC0. If Lis strikes any tanar’ri or batezzu, he does double damage (this includes the +3 being doubled).

AC -4; MV 15; HP 120; THAC0 1; #AT 3; Dmg per weapon +11; MR Nil; SZ M(6 feet)

Str 18/00, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 13

Spells P: As level 18 ranger

Saves (saving throws) PPDM 2; RSW 5; PP 3; BW 2; Sp 3

Special Att/Def: If Lis strikes any tanar’ri or batezzu, he does double damage (this includes the +3 being doubled).


Other Manifestations

Lis can be found in almost any natural animal form. If he shows up in this way, it is usually to guide a half-elven ranger who is lost. On rare occasions, he provides training or followers if the ranger is in an area where it would be nearly impossible to find them.


The Church

Clergy: Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Fighter, Crusader, Druid/Rangers, Specialty Priest.

Clergy’s Align.: Neutral or Good or Neutral Good.

Turn Undead: Cleric= Yes, all others = No

Cmnd. Undead: No


All followers of Lis begin play with either the survival or direction sense (orienteering) proficiencies.

Lis’s followers seek to help others find their way, either philosophically or realistically. All half-elven rangers and travelers are welcome in the church. Rangers do not need to explain their reasons for healing and are not charged for it, no matter how excessive. Any member of the clergy may be taught how to make his own heaing potions since Lis believes “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.†This will cost the him some money and time, but these potions are made with all natural ingredients. If these potions are used for others indiscriminately or excessively, he will lose all knowledge of how to make them. This knowledge is remembered and cannot be written down in any way. Only followers of Lis can learn this skill.

Lis’s clergy is about 30% ranger, 15% druid, 2% druid/ranger, 10% cleric, 20% Specialty Priest, 13% Crusader, 10% Fighter.


Dogma: Lis teaches his followers to survive by their wits. Knowledge is power, and he wants all half-elves to be extremely powerful. Most who trust Lis, prefer to be independent. They do not rely on others for survival, but do not turn it down if it is offered. Teamwork is emphazised over personal gain.


Day-to-Day Activities: Most of the day is filled with learning about the world. The animals, plants, and geography are cataloged for future use. Lis expects everyone to contribute new information as soon as possible, so that others can use it as well. Donations and tithes are not required. The church will not turn down donations however, and most followers do what they can to keep the church in operation.


Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: Four times a year (on each equinox), as many followers as possible gather for a three day celebration (the day prior until the day after). There is a lot of wine and mead, as well as a banquet. All travelers are welcome, not just half-elves.


Major Centers of Worship: Lis has no major centers of worship, but there is usually one near every large city. For Lis, near is roughly three to five days travel.


Affiliated Orders: A few of the warriors have formed a loose-knit unit called The Zephyrwolves. The leader is known as the Alpha and his decisions are final. The rest are expected to assist with all the necessary work. In order for one to become The Alpha, he must wait for the current Alpha to either step down or die. There is no combat for this position unless two or more want it. In this case, all participants anter a large clearing for unarmed combat. This fight lasts untli only one stands, but killing is not allowed.

Zephyrwolves have pledged to defend all who do not claim a home. This ranges from outcasts to outlaws. “Everyone deserves a chance,†is a common saying. Zephyrwolves do not give many chances however. Zephyrwolves often act as both guides and guards for the equinox celebrations.


Priestly Vestments: Clerics are expected to wear various shades of blues and greens. Rangers wear greens and browns. Druids wear greens. Druid/Rangers wear greens and browns but wear their holy symbol proudly. Zephyrwolves wear the color of the local wolves, with the leader always in wolfskins. Crusaders and fighters wear blues. The high priest always wears a combination of all the colors.


Adventuring Garb: The adventuring priests wear the appropriate colors, but in a camouflaged pattern.


Zephyrwolves (Ranger or Fighter)

Requirements: Charisma 15

Prime Req.: Standard for the class

Alignment: Neutral Good.

Weapons: Any, but prefer bows and swords.

Armor: Any, and shield. Note Rangers are penalized as usual for wearing heavy armor

Major Spheres: Rangers = All, Animal, Plant, Travelers. Fighters = All, Travelers

Minor Spheres: Rangers = Divination, Elemental, and Healing. Fighters = Animal, Plant

Magical Items: As per fighter

Req. Profs: Survival or Orienteering (Direction Sense)

Bonus Profs: Survial or Orienteering (Direction Sense), whichever is not taken as required.


Granted Powers

• All half-races are welcome as Zephyrwolves. Those who are not rangers however, may not become Alphas . Half-elven fighters may become Alphas.

• All Zephyrwolves can pass without trace as a druid once they reach 5th level. Rangers may do this at 3rd.

• At level 5, Zephyrwolves may shapeshift into a wolf appropriate to their home terrain. Rangers who track in this form may add +2. Others may track in this form at -2 unless they have the tracking proficiency, in which case they are also at +2.

• At level 5, Zephyrwolves may speak with wolves.

• Zephyrwolves instantly know who the Alpha is in any Zephyrwolf pack.



Wolf Howl (Evocation)

Level: 2

Sphere: Animal, Travelers

Range: 1 mile per level of the caster

Components: V

Duration: Special

Casting Time: 6

Area of Effect: Special

Save: None

This spell allows the caster to speak to all other clergy members within range. Anyone who can hear can hear the howl, but only those who follow Lis can understand what is being said. Wolves seem to also understand but are not obligated to obey. One sentence per level may be conveyed, but this must be simple. For example, one could say “There are several orcs over that ridge.†One could not say, “Gluuk, the orcish shaman is coming.â€Â

The phrase takes one round per sentence and needs to travel one round per level to reach maximum range. So three sentences take three rounds to howl, and if cast by a 3rd level caster, can travel 3 miles but needs three more rounds to get there. Each phrase begins its travel the round following its howl. It can be heard the entire way.


The only comment I have is that Belgir's avatar seems a bit overpowered compared to the avatars of the other gods, but that has never stopped TSR from releasing/approving something.


There is also a section in the Complete Book of Half-Elves for the players option which allows more customization. I can post the info from there if you'd prefer to allow for a bit more variety.


O you knowledgeable in FR lore, I have a dire question.


Regarding half-elven subraces: will the half-elven child inherit features from the human parent according to the human parents ethnic background? For example if Valygar had a child with an elf would the child have a darker skin etc. or would Yoshimo's half-elven child inherit some of his oriental (Kara-Turian) features?


I suppose I'm asking if I can have Lucy Liu (or equivalent) with pointy ears. :D




From the Complete Book of Elves:

Since they are human and elven both in demeanor, half-elves are generally easily recognizable as such. They are taller and heavier than the average elf, though their hair and eyes often reflect those of their human parent. However, they also take on some of the features of the elven parent.


The skin of those descended from sea elves is a blend of human and elven flesh, often appearing as a pale green or a very light blue. Their hair echoes that of their human parent, though it can contain a hint of green or blue.


Grey half-elves, while extremely rare, exist only in human society, since they never find homes with grey elves. They are less easy to spot than many other half-elves, for the hair and eyes of grey elves are often close to human standards. The hair and eyes of these half-elves are of a lighter tinge than many humans, but aside from the pointed ears, these half-elves can be confused as smaller humans.


As with grey elves, the descendants of high elves can easily be mistaken for humans for a short while. Since the high elf coloration is nearly identical to that of humans (although the skin is somewhat paler), their half-elf children pass among the shorter-lived races with few problems. As long as they keep their ears covered and perhaps do something to disguise their angular features, they can usually remain unnoticed.


The half-elves of sylvan blood have the easiest time passing through human lands. Since sylvan elves are the largest of their breed and their skin tans, the sylvan half-elves can pass themselves off as humans fairly well. These half-elves take to the forest easily and often become rangers; since they are on the fringes of society anyway, it is only natural that they would take a life that reflects this.


The half-elf children of drow are the most unusual in appearance of all half-elves. Their skin is dusky grey, their hair bleached white. Their ancestry is perfectly obvious to all, and they typically find no solace or sanctuary in either elf or human communities. Even worse, the drow will often seek out the individual in order to expunge the blot on drow honor.


The children of two half-elves generally appear as did their parents. In cases where a half-elf's parents were descended from different subraces of elf, the results are varied. Fifty percent of the time, the child will take on a mixture of the parents' characteristics; 25% of the time the child will resemble the mother, and 25% of the time resemble the father.


EDIT1: Ooops! Wrong paragraph. Hold on...


EDIT2: Better info, I hope.


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