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Adjusting gold received from quests.

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Hello. I’ve read just about every tutorial regarding BG2 I could find and have not as yet found an answer to my current dilemma. I am working on a thief NPC that if asked to join <CHARNAME> would require a percentage of the quest gold accumulated while he’s in the party. This would be explained in his background story. It’s a relatively small amount (3-5%) because I want to make it believable and appropriate to said background story. I am looking for ideas on how to implement this. I am not presuming to enforce this on items sold, only quest amounts. I don’t foresee the need to keep track of the amount so that is not an issue. I think it would be somewhat similar to what SimDing0’s Experience Fixer did with XP. The difference being he made permanent changes and I would need to evaluate each instance, either of which is quite beyond my current abilities. Since I would like to keep compatibility with other mods at a maximum any and all advice on how this might conceivably be accomplished would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,


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I guess maybe you could look into each quest dialogue and see how much the GivePartyGold command gives out, then take some of that and put it in the NPC's personal gold. I'm not sure exactly how this might be accomplished.... a special gold bag that is inaccessable to the party and so won't be accidentally added back to the party maybe?

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What is the nature of this "gold accumulation"? Does the thief just hoard the amount, or does it "disappear"?


If the latter, why not have a condition that, if an amount of gold is gained, simply subtract the percentage? Furthermore, is this subtraction for everything, or just large incriments (IE, ten gold versus ten thousand).

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@ BigRob - Yeah, I been thinking I might have to see if I could do something like that. Maybe make a script that looks at the condition met for completion of each quest where the party receives a financial reward and when the party gets the gold take the correct percentage out at that time. I'm just not real sure how to best accomplish it. I have been planning on much trial and error but I've honestly kind of been putting off attempting this in the hopes that someone else might have a good solution.


@ Guest - The gold actually will "disappear". What happens would be explained in the mod and if I can get my own forum I would post a character background there that would also explain it. However right now I really don't want to go into too much detail until I get far enough along that I'm comfortable asking for a forum. I will say the NPC doesn't keep the money for himself. My plan is that it would just apply to gold received from quests regardless of amount. I would like to avoid a general condition of 'if the party gained gold' because that might include sold items as well and I really don't want to get into that. My backup plan is to make it more of a "mercenary" type thing where he takes a predetermined amount at set intervals. Compatibility is my foremost concern followed closely by flexibility/ease of implementation.





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