Caedwyr Posted March 6, 2004 Posted March 6, 2004 Ok, here is the section on the stats and other details about all the dwarven subraces that I've listed as doable. I've redone the different sections with a more standard form and updated much of the information. A Realms dwarf+human/gnome/elf/halfling union produces a who is ~ 1 foot taller than an average dwarf. No there are no other differences from the dwarven parent. (see Dwarves Deep for more details) Note that the ability score ranges are prior to any racial adjustments. Regarding Dwarven Bards: Counter Spell: Dwarves and halflings are extremely nonmagical. These two demi-bards are not allowed to cast spells. They also fail to receive the 10th-level bard ability to use any written magical item. However, as demi-bards, these two races possess the curiosity of all bards. This leads them to study the workings of magic (i.e., dwarf and halfling demi-bards must take the spellcraft proficiency). Although this doesn't result in the acquisition of magical powers, it enables them to gain special resistances to spells they understand. If a halfling or dwarf is able to find a spell and learn it (i.e., succeed with their "chance to learn spells" roll), they become highly resistant to the effects of that spell. Of course, these two races can learn to resist only spells of the same level as bards are typically able to cast. Thus, a 2nd-level dwarf or halfling demi-bard can learn how to resist the effects of all 1st-level spells that he has learned (as per Table 6: Spell Progression). Of course, the demi-bard is still limited to the number of spells he can learn to counter. This limit is set by his "Maximum # of Spells per level" (an aspect of Intelligence). When a dwarf or halfling demi-bard is subjected to a learned spell's effects, he can roll his "chance to learn spells" in an attempt to thwart the spell's effects. This roll is in addition to all other saving throws normally allowed. This does not cancel the spell; it simply prevents it from having any effect upon the dwarf or halfling demi-bard. Jungle Dwarf (Dur Authalar, Wild) Information Source:: Demihumans of the Realms/25, Monster Compendium Annual Volume 2 TSR 2158: page 47, Forgotten Realms Campaing Setting Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane Principle Deities: Thard Harr, Rarely other Dwarven Deities. Abilty Adjustments/Score Range: STR: 8-18 DEX: 3-17 CON 11-19(+1) INT 3-18 WIS 3-18 CHA 3-16(-2) Class Options: Fighter, Priest (Specialty priests are normally of Thard Harr, but they may be of any dwarven deity), Barbarian Thief Skill Adjustment: OL +10%, F/RT +15% Typical Alignment: Any Maximum Age: 300+2d100 Movement Rate: 6 Appearance: Dark Brown Skin with Animal Grease and Tattooings, Dark Eyes, and Brown to Black Hair. Special Advantages: 60' Infravision, +1 to HP Initially, +2 attack bonus with darts, + 2 to hit Ogres Trolls, Giants and they Suffer -4 to hit. +1 to save vs Magic and +2 to Poison for every 4.5/CON points, +4 to save parasitic infection or disease, -1damage/die from insect bites and heat related attacks. Disadvantages: (Optional) needs specially tailored Armor if worn. Gold Dwarf (Hill Dwarf, Southern) Information Source: Dwarves Deep/7, The Complete Book of Dwarves, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane Principle Deities: Dwarven Pantheon. Abilty Adjustments/Score Range: STR: 8-18 DEX: 3-17 CON 11-18(+1) INT 3-18 WIS 3-18 CHA 3-17(-1) Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Bard, Psionist Thief Skill Adjustment: OL +10%, F/RT +15% Typical Alignment: Any Maximum Age: 275+2d100 Movement Rate: 6 Appearance: Cinnamon-Brown, Mahoganey-Hued, Brick Red skin color and Dark hair. Special Advantages: 60' Infravision + 2 to hit Ogres, Trolls, Giants and they Suffer -4 to hit, +1 to save vs Magic and Poison for every 4.5/CON points. Disadvantages: Poor relations with other races due to typical gold dwarf arrogance. Shield Dwarf (Northern, Mountain) Information Source: Dwarves Deep/7, The Complete Book of Dwarves, Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane Principle Deities: Dwarven Pantheon. Abilty Adjustments/Score Range: STR: 8-18 DEX: 3-17 CON 11-19(+1) INT 3-18 WIS 3-18 CHA 3-16(-1) Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Bard, Psionist Thief Skill Adjustment: OL +10%, F/RT +15%, CW -10%, RL -5%. Typical Alignment: Any Maximum Age: 300+2d100 Movement Rate: 6 Appearance: White or Suntanned skin color (Turning Granite Grey past 300+), and Brown to Fair hair. Special Advantages: 60' Infravision, +1 to HP Initially, + 2 to hit Ogres Trolls, Giants and they Suffer -4 to hit. +1 to save vs Magic and Poison for every 4.5/CON points. Disadvantages: None Deep Dwarf Information Source The Complete Book of Dwarves/30 Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane Principle Deities: Dwarven Pantheon. Ability Adjustments/Score Range: STR: 8-18 DEX: 3-16 CON 16-19(+2) INT 3-18 WIS 3-18 CHA 3-15(-2) Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Psionist, Bard Thief Skill Adjustment: PP +5%, F/RT +10%, HS +5% Typical Alignment: Any Maximum Age: 280+2d100 Movement Rate: 6 Appearance: Pale-Brown to Light Tan skin color with a reddish tinge, Washed-out Blue Eye Color, and Flame Red to Straw Blonde hair. Special Advantages: 90' Infravision, + 2 to hit Ogres Trolls, Giants and they Suffer -4 to hit, +1 to save vs Magic and Poison, +1 to save vs Magic and Poison for every 4.5/CON points. Disadvantages: 20% Magical Item Malfunction, -1 to all Rolls in Bright Light., optional 10% experience penalty Duergar (Gray Dwarf) Information Source: The Complete Book of Dwarves/31 Encountered: Prime Material Plane, Wildspace, Toril, Underdark Principle Deities: Dwarven Pantheon. Abilty Adjustments/Score Range: STR: 8-18 DEX: 3-17 CON 11-18(+1) INT 3-16 WIS 3-18 CHA 3-15(-2) Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Bard, Psionist Thief Skill Adjustment: PP +5%, F/RT +15%, MS +10%, HS +5%, DN +10%, Typical Alignment: Any Non-Good Maximum Age: 300+2d100 Movement Rate: 6 Appearance: Pasty skin color,, and White Dull Grey hair. Special Advantages: 120' Infravision, +1 to HP Initially, Immunity All Magical and Alchemical Poisons, Paralysis, and Illusions. can cast on self innate ability enlarge 1/day and invisiblity 1/day each. Casting of these innates is done at twice their level (A 2nd level dwarf casts invis as though they are a 4th level wizard and so on), +1 to save vs Magic and Poison for every 4.5/CON points. Disadvantages: No racial animosity bonuses, Dexterity and Attack Rolls at -2 in Sunlight, -3 reaction penalty with other dwarves, optional 20% experience penalty Gully Dwarf Information Source: The Complete Book of Dwarves/30, Imoen's BGII comments to Korgan Encountered: Prime Material Plane, Toril Principle Deities: Dwarven Pantheon. Abilty Adjustments/Score Range: STR: 6-18(+1) DEX: 6-17(+1) CON 8-16 INT 3-12 WIS 3-14 CHA 3-12(-2) Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Thief Thief Skill Adjustment: PP +10%, OL -5%, F/RT +5%, HS -5% Typical Alignment: Any Maximum Age: 200+5d20 Movement Rate: 6 Appearance: Olive Brown to Light Yellow Skin, Dirty Blonde Hiar to Dull Intermediate Colors, Dull Watery Blue, Dull Green, and Dull Hazel for Eye Color. Special Advantages: 30' Infravision, + 2 to hit Ogres Trolls, Giants and they Suffer -4 to hit, +1 to save vs Magic and Poison for every 4.5/CON points. Grovel (When fighting, but not engaged in melee Gully Dwarves can grovel. The opponents (all within sight range) must make a saving throw vs magic. If they fail they may not attack the gully dwarf for 1d6 rounds, but they may immobilize him. The saving throw is modified based on the gully dwarf's level: Level: Modifier: 1-4 0 5-8 -2 9-12 -3 13+ -5 Disadvantages: Stupidity, 20% Magical Item Malfunction when using charged items. Arctic Dwarf (Inugaakalalurit) Information Source: The Great Glacier/92 Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane Principle Deities: Dwarven Pantheon. Ability Adjustments/Score Range: STR: 14-18(+1) DEX: 3-16 (-1) CON 13-18(+1) INT 9-18 WIS 3-18 CHA 3-14(-1) Class Options: Fighter, Ranger, Thief, Psionist Thief Skill Adjustment: OL +10%, F/RT +15% Typical Alignment: Any Maximum Age: 250+2d100 Movement Rate: 6 Appearance: White with Blue undertones or Sunburned Red for skin color, Blue Eyes, and White hair. Special Advantages: 60' Infravision, Immunity to non- and magical cold, +1 to save vs Magic and Poison for every 4.5/CON points. Disadvantages: None Korobokuru Information Source: Oriental Adventures/12, Monstrous Compendium Kara-Tur TSR 2116 Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane Principle Deities: Any. Abilty Adjustments/Score Range: STR: 8-19(+1) DEX: 6-18 CON 12-18(+1) INT 3-15 WIS 3-17 CHA 3-16(-2) Class Options: Fighter, Barbarian, Mage, Thief, Priest, Psionist Thief Skill Adjustment: OL +10%, F/RT +10% Typical Alignment: Any Maximum Age: 300+2d100 Movement Rate: 6 Appearance: White or Suntanned skin color and Brown to Blonde hair, Bright Blue, Green, Brown Eyes. Special Advantages: 120' Infravision, +1 to HP Initially, + 1 to hit Goblins, Trolls, Ogre Magi, Giants and they Suffer -4 to hit. +1 save vs spells, wands, rods & saves vs poison/death 4.5/CON points. Disadvantages: None Zakharan Dwarf Information Source: Arabian Adventure/20 Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane Principle Deities: Enlightened Pantheon. Abilty Adjustments/Score Range: STR: 8-18 DEX: 3-17 CON 11-18(+1) INT 3-18 WIS 3-18 CHA 3-17(-1) Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Mage, Thief, Bard, Psionist Thief Skill Adjustment: OL +10%, F/RT +15% Typical Alignment: Any Maximum Age: 275+2d100 Movement Rate: 6 Appearance: Cinnamon-Brown, Mahoganey-Hued, Brick Red skin color and Dark hair. Special Advantages: 60' Infravision, +1 to save vs Magic and Poison for every 4.5/CON points. Disadvantages: None Derro (Dwur-rohol) Information Source: Dragon Magazine 241/40 Encountered: Oerth and Toril, Prime Material Plane, Underdark Principle Deities: Diirinka, Diinkarazan, Beltar. Ability Adjustments/Score Range: STR: 3-17 (-1) DEX: 12-19 (+1) CON 3-18 INT 9-19 (+1) WIS 3-18 (-1) CHA 3-18 Class Options: Fighter, Mage, Specialist Mage, Thief, Psionist Thief Skill Adjustment: PP +5%, OL +5%, F/RT +5%, HS -5%, DN +30% Typical Alignment: CE, CN, N Maximum Age: 170+2d20 Movement Rate: 9 Appearance: White with Blue undertones for skin color. Coarse Pale Yellow hair. Hairless eyebrows and chin. Mustaches common. No visible irises. Special Advantages: 30' Infravision, Blind-Fighting Proficiency (no melee penalties for blindness), 30% Magic Resistance Disadvantages: Loses -1hp per hour in sunlight and -2 penalty to all rolls. Any use magical equipment or self-spell have to pass the 30% Magic resistance to take effect. Desert Dwarf (Maztican) Information Source: Maztica Alive/45 Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane Principle Deities: Maztican Pantheon. Abilty Adjustments/Score Range: STR: 8-18(+1)* DEX: 3-18(+1)* CON 16-19(+1)* INT 3-17(-1) WIS 3-18 CHA 3-17 Note*: +1 to STR, DEX, or CON. Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Psionist Thief Skill Adjustment: PP +5%, F/RT +10%, HS +5% Typical Alignment: Any Maximum Age: 280+2d100 Movement Rate: 9 Appearance: Pale-Brown to Light Tan skin color with a reddish tinge, washed-Out Blue Eye Color, and Flame Red to Straw Blonde hair. Special Advantages: 30' Infravision, + 2 to hit Ogres Trolls, Giants and they Suffer -4 to hit, +1 to save vs Magic and Poison for every 4.5/CON points, +1 to Attack with Stone Weapons. Disadvantages: -1 to all Rolls in Bright Light.
NiGHTMARE Posted March 15, 2004 Posted March 15, 2004 The player will have to chose their subrace after their ability scores have been rolled, whereas in pnp they would chose the subrace first. Because of this, and because we need to take into account what "standard" members of the race get (e.g. Dwarves recieve +1 con, -1 cha), some changes will have to be made. Hill: cha increased to 3 if less (at the moment Dwarves in BG2 can have 2 cha, but this is against the rules) Mountain: cha increased to 3 if less Deep: dex reduced to 16 if more, cha increased to 3 if less; +1 con (to a maximum of 19), -1 cha (to a minimum of 3) Duergar: int reduced to 16 if more, cha increased to 3 if less; -1 con, -1 cha (to a minimum of 3) Sundered: int reduced to 16 if more, cha increased to 3 if less; -1 con Gully: dex increased to 5 if less, con reduced to 17 if more, int reduced to 12 if more, wis reduced to 14 if more, cha reduced to 12 if more; +1 str (to a maximum of 18), +1 dex, -1 con The other subraces aren't in the Complete Book of Dwarves, so I can't do them ;D BTW, from what I can find, Gully and Sundered Dwarves don't exist on Aber-Toril.
Caedwyr Posted March 16, 2004 Author Posted March 16, 2004 For Jungle/Wild Dwarves, See Monster Compendium Annual Volume 2 TSR 2158: page 47, They are also mentioned in several other locations including Demi-Humans of the realms, and the Forgotten Realms Campaing Setting. The stat mins and maxes for Wild Dwarves are as follows: Ability Min Max Str: 8 18 Dex: 3 17 Con: 11 19 Int: 3 18 Wis: 3 18 Cha: 3 16 Also, the correct stat modifiers are as follows: -2 Cha, +1 con, +1 hit points initially. The correct Thieving modifiers are: OL +10%, F/RT +15% The correct saving throw modifiers are: +1 to save vs magic & +2 to save vs poison for every 4.5 con points. +4 to save vs parasitic infection/disease, -1 damage/die from insects bites and heat related attacks. For Arctic (Inugaakalikurit), See See Monstrous Compendium Vol III TSR 2166: page 35, and The Great Glacier page 94. The stat mins and maxes for Inugaakalikurit are as follows: Ability Min Max Str: 14 18 Dex: 3 16 Con: 13 18 Int: 3 18 Wis: 3 18 Cha: 3 14 Also, the correct stat modifiers are as follows: -1 Cha, -1 dex, +1 str, +1 con The correct class limitations are: Fighter, Ranger, Thief, Barbarian, Psionicist and the multi-classes using these classes. The correct Thieving modifiers are: OL +10%, F/RT +15% For Korobokuru (Oriental Dwarf), See Monstrous Compendium Kara-Tur TSR 2116: page 36 The stat mins and maxes for Korobokuru are as follows: Ability Min Max Str: 8 19 Dex: 6 18 Con: 12 18 Int: 3 15 Wis: 3 17 Cha: 3 16 About the Gully dwarves, Imoen calls Korgan a Gully dwarf at one point (as an insult), so they are obviously known of in the realms, and the complete book of dwarves says that all of the dwarven races introduced there are valid for play in any game world. Additionally, I came across another dwarf race native to toril: Dwarf, Desert (Maztican): See Maztica Alive page 45 Principle Deities: Maztican Pantheon. Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane Abilty Score Range: Ability Min Max Str: 8 18 Dex: 3 18 Con: 16 19 Int: 3 17 Wis: 3 18 Cha: 3 17 Ability Score Modifiers: Str +1 or, Dex +1 or , Con +1, and Int -1 Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Psionist Thief Skill Adjustment: PP +5%, F/RT +10%, HS +5% Typical Alignment: Any Movement Rate: 9 Appearance: Pale-Brown to Light Tan skin color with a reddish tinge, washed-Out Blue Eye Color, and Flame Red to Straw Blonde hair. Special Advantages: 30' Infravision, + 2 to hit Ogres Trolls, Giants and they Suffer -4 to hit, +1 to save vs Magic and Poison for every 4.5/CON points, +1 to Attack with Stone Weapons. Disadvantages: -1 to all Rolls in Bright Light. and another: Dwarf, Zakharan: See Arabian Adventure/20 Principle Deities: Enlightened Pantheon. Encountered: Toril, Prime Material Plane Abilty Score Range: Ability Min Max Str: 8 18 Dex: 3 17 Con: 11 18 Int: 3 18 Wis: 3 18 Cha: 3 17 Ability Score Modifiers: +1 con, -1 cha Class Options: Fighter, Priest, Sha'ir (Elemental Mage), Thief, Bard, Psionist Thief Skill Adjustment: OL +10%, F/RT +15% Typical Alignment: Any Movement Rate: 6 Appearance: Cinnamon-Brown, Mahoganey-Hued, Brick Red skin color and Dark hair. Special Advantages: 60' Infravision, Detect Hidden Doors, +1 to save vs Magic and Poison for every 4.5/CON points. Disadvantages: For Hill Dwarves: Abilty Score Range: Ability Min Max Str: 8 18 Dex: 3 17 Con: 11 18 Int: 3 18 Wis: 3 18 Cha: 3 17 For Mountain (Shield) Abilty Score Range: Ability Min Max Str: 8 18 Dex: 3 17 Con: 11 19 Int: 3 18 Wis: 3 18 Cha: 3 16 Also, apparently both the Gold Dwarves and Shield dwarves can also be bards.
Bri Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 Yes, it is possible for Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes to be bards (ala the Player's Handbook to Bards), but dwarves and halflings don't cast spells per se. If I remember correctly, they learn the spell normally, but rather than being able to cast it, they get a chance to make a person casting that specific spell fail instead (focusing their magic resistance, I guess). I can check the books later...
Caedwyr Posted March 16, 2004 Author Posted March 16, 2004 I've redone the dwarf entry in the same manner as the Elven entry. I've also added several new subraces that exist & thrive on Toril.
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