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Tweak idea for future patches


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This is something i've wanted, but probably one of the more time consuming tweaks.


Randomize set encounters.


Where when you approach an area with a set encounter, such as the dryad by Nashkel mines, the enemies you fight will come from a random pool. This isn't to say every set encounter needs to be redone, but if done correctly it would get rid of cheese buffering using ooc knowledge and give a more interesting and dynamic game experience.

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Also another tweak, probably more contriversial, make dialogue choices more appropriate to circumstances. Truley evil options for a lawful good palaidin just don't make sense...

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Also another tweak, probably more contriversial, make dialogue choices more appropriate to circumstances. Truley evil options for a lawful good palaidin just don't make sense...


Something like this is being developed here: http://forums.rpgdungeon.net/index.php/board,44.0.html




Definintely not the same thing.

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