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I almost had an overdose of this chemical once and now I am addicted.:D I carry a bottle with me wherever I go. No, not styrofoam.


Griffin tipping rulez. :D


Looks like somebody - several somebodies - didn't pay attention in elementary science class! :D


Teacher: What is the chemical formula for water?

Bongani: "HIJKLMNO"!!

Teacher: What are you talking about?

Bongani: Yesterday you said it's H to O!

I almost had an overdose of this chemical once and now I am addicted.:D I carry a bottle with me wherever I go. No, not styrofoam.


Griffin tipping rulez. :D

Some Gnomes wear turnips as shoes

Others 'come Adventurer's to leave behind their blues,

Oh,Ma Jansen,dear,

We're not like the long-limbed ones,

And gnomes,

They wanna have fu-un.


Just wanna have fun.


Some Gnomes like to tip over griffins,

Others dress like halflings and answer to "Merry and Pippin",

All this raving fanboy stuff,

Gnomes, just can't get enough!

But gnomes,

They just can't get enough,

Oh,gnomes,just can't get enough

They just can't get enough.....

not enough....


When the day's turnip stories are done,


They wanna have fu-un,


Just wanna have fun....



They want,

Wanna have fun.


Wanna have


Break the dishes, smash the plates,

That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!

Now Jan's got ME doing this fanboy stuff!

Oh Jan,

I just had enough!

Oh Jan,

I just had

His stories will do that to ya-aa....



When the day's turnip stories are done,


They wanna have fu-un,


Just wanna have fun....



They want,

Wanna have fun.


Wanna have


They just wanna,

They just wanna.....

They just wanna,


They just wanna.....

(Gnomes just wanna have fun...)



Gnomes just wanna have fu-un...

They just wanna,

They just wanna....

They just wanna,

They just wanna....


They just wanna...

(They just wanna have fun...)

Girls just wanna have fu-un...


When the turnip,

When the turnip stories are done.

Oh, When the turnip stories are done,



Just wanna have fu-un...


They just wanna,

They just wanna....

They just wanna,

They just wanna have fun...


Gnomes just wanna have fu-un..

They just wanna,

They just wanna....

They just wanna,

They just wanna....

(Have fun..)


They just wanna,

(Gnomes wanna have fun)

They just wanna....

Oh, gnomes...

(Wanna have fun....)

Gnomes just wanna have fu-un.


When the turnip,

When the turnip stories are done.

Oh, When the turnip stories are done,



Just wanna have fu-un...


They just wanna,

They just wanna....

(Oh, gnomes...)

They just wanna,

(Have fun....)


Girls just wanna have fu-un


They just wanna,

They just wanna...

When the turnip stories are done...



"Bravo! Bravo!" The rest of the party clapped as Pippineous Orcsmiter, Terror of the Sword Coast, and Hero of Baldur's Gate finished his song. The party had stopped over at Vvatri's pub after recently arriving at Trademeet, and found everyone was crazy about a new fad that was sweeping Trademeet, called "Kareoke" in which people sang out their own versions to popular songs. Vvatri provided the music by a small band he had hired for the purpose, and sheets of the original lyrics that the patrons could read while belting out their performances of popular songs. Though sometimes, the patrons changed the lyrics to suit themselves, just as Pippineous did...


"Why, I didn't know you had it in you, Pippin! Frodo and Sam would be so impressed!" said Jan with a big grin on his face. As usual, Jan called Pippineous "Pippin" and as usual, Pippineous grimaced.


"Jan, for the last time, my name is Pippineous, not Pippin!" said Pippineous.


"Oh my, our revered leader has forgotten my name again, Aerie. Do you think that he got hit on the head in our last battle? I do wish my uncle, twice removed Dr. Sigmund Jansen, the world famous gnome-ologist was here to give Pippin a good talking to. Though he has some strange ideas about the mind and how it works, his patients almost always recover. His monograms all claim that the basis of all neurosis are based on Turnips! I sometimes have to remind Uncle Siggy that sometimes a turnip is just a turnip..." said Jan as Aerie giggled.


"Oh, you know Pippin, Merry, he's sometimes too busy thinking weighty party leader thoughts to remember things you know." said Aerie with a giggle, playing along.


"Haroom...harooom...small folks?" said the walking tree as it walked into Vvatri's Pub.


"Merry!!! The tree! Its talking!" exclaimed Pippineous, as he in his astonishment used the name Jan insisted on being called as soon as he found out that the party leader's name was Pippineous.(And until now Pippineous had steadfastly refrained from using.) Mazzy, Korgan, Jan, Aerie and Pippineous looked in astonishment as the ambulatory conifer walked tword them. As he approached closer, they could tell it was actually a human druid, clothed in moss and with about 20-30 pounds weight of twigs and leaves stuck in his beard and hair. Pippineous instantly knew he was a tree hugging druid, only gone a bit far into radical "Nature Chic" to the point where instead of a few twigs and branches stuck into his clothing, he looked like he was a tree. Either that or he seriously lacked personal hygene skills, and had spent too much time in the forest.


"Sorry, as the changling chameleon can blend its appearance to match its surroundings to better hide himself from predator and prey, I, Cernd have matched myself to my surroundings lest I am barred from fufilling nature's mission. I assume you are Pippineous Orcsmiter? As the eagle may not shed its claws, or the wolf its fangs, I can see the dangerous light in your eyes, and the feline grace of the..."rambled Cernd.


"Will ye get to the point, yer walking privy for canines?!" roared Korgan, brandishing his axe.


"Besides, he's sorta goofy...who tries to blend in to the background in a bar dressed like a frikking tree?" muttered Pippineous to Aerie, who started to giggle.


"Well, the point is that I need your help with the presence of the Shadow Druids in the Grove..."started Cernd. JUst then a bright green tiefling with horns, red eyes and fangs dressed in a very fashionable white lounge suit with rhinestone buttons and gold piping on the seams walked up.


"Hello kiddies, the name is Lorien, THE Lorien...you know, trasdimentional traveller extra-ordinare, fashion god and able to fortell the future if someone sings? Well, I just caught that snazzy number you just performed, and I can tell you..." started Lorien.


"Gah! I'm stuck in crossover hell..." muttered Pippineous as both Lorien and Cernd tried to talk at the same time.


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