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Remix question

Aragorn II

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I've been tempted by a warrior class/kit mod too, though I am not sure exactly what I'd want to do with it--I'd like a duelist kit, similar to a Swashbuckler in ethos, and think the Wizard Slayer could use some tweaking. But I for one have not coded anything yet.

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I'm working on a design--the Wizard Slayer is wrapped up and (I think) very nicely balanced, I'm giving pretty much every class (except the Mage/Sorcerer and the Cleric) some variation of the Archer, I have some vague ideas on how to make the Beast Master worth playing, I'm adding a Shieldbearer kit for Fighters and a Martyr kit for Paladins, and I'm toying with giving pureclass Paladins, Rangers, and Barbarians the ability to Master in a weapon, as compensation for not having a kit and not being Multiclassed.

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