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282 SetName(I:STRREF*)


This will set the character name of the target, not the scripting name (unfortunately).

... but likely won't work for Player1, since it'll be overridden by the name in the CHR header.


Also, reversing Trigger.ids 0x4092 InLine(S:Name*,O:Object*) to 0x4092 InLine(O:Object*,S:Name*) works. Now, if I could just find a way to trick it to accept 2 objects!
BCS is a fixed format, so this should be true of any action (the integer, object, and string parameters will always compile exactly the same, regardless of order). I was never able to get InLine() to really work (changing it to InLine(O:Object) seemed to make it behave like See()).


EDIT: you can't change the order of like types, however

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This will set the character name of the target, not the scripting name (unfortunately).


That was added a while ago, IIRC (the old sesc was "set scriptname, or player name?", whereas the current desc is "set player name").


Anyway, thanks :)

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