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V6 Install bug maybe ?

Guest John

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I just d/l and installed Ver 6 of the Kivan mod. I got the following messages during the install process, otherwise everything installed fine according to the install process. I haven't played yet, so don't know if it will affect the game. I look forward to trying it.


The modder uses \ in a wrong position in kelsey\Backup

The modder uses \ in a wrong position in kelseyToB\Backup

The modder uses \ in a wrong position in keto\Backup

The modder uses \ in a wrong position in Fade\Backup

The modder uses \ in a wrong position in Fade\English\Setup-Fade.tra

The modder uses \ in a wrong position in banterpack\Backup

The modder uses \ in a wrong position in npcflirt\Backup



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Yeah, 190 hit the shelves after I sent the files over to Cam, so.... All this means that in those mods the slash (/) was put in a different direction. The way the slash is leaning over is important for Macs, iirc, but not for Windows. Now, someone who knows more than I can explain it better. :down:


But in any case this is nothing to worry about.

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