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Romance Scripting Question

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Well this question clearly falls into the area of this mod was not created with this purpose in mind but as you people had scripted the mod, you would know if the romance scripts were created in the same manner of baldurs gate 2 romances or not which would affect if editing tricks that worked in the original game would work in the mod.


Well in Baldurs gate 2 you could have a same-sex romance if you started as the opposite gender and used shadow keep to switch genders after creation and still proceed as the match global values would not change. The question is whether it would be possible to do the same in this mod or if trying is a waste of time. Obviously theres no problem if this is a question you don't know.


So far I've found Coran and trying to strike up conversations but so far a Coran equivalent variable to X#SharInterest has not shown up.


Just curious, if you don't know theres no disappointment

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It's more complicated than BG2 scripts(or Xan BG2 scripts, where O#XanRomanceActive variable is the only variable controlling the romantic relationship), but setting Match variable should do it.



for Xan - SetGlobal("X#XANMatch","GLOBAL",1)

for Branwen - SetGlobal("P#BranMatch","GLOBAL",1)

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It's been a long time, but I think Coran checks for romance, and matches up after his friendly talks are done, ie CoranFriend Global went up to 1. You can always open BAF files from each romance in a text editor and take a look at the conditions there. However, uhm, text-wise the romances are not genderless, so your male PC is going to be reffered to as a "Lady" and stuff like that.

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