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Improved Acrobat kit


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Hello, I've got a proposition to change or tweak for Acrobat kit. I've a few time ago tell about that Andy.





- +1 to dexterity

- +1 to AC

- +1 to AC vs. missles and +1 to movement speed per 8 levels

- Can achieve specialisation in short bows, darts, slings and daggers



- Can use only leather armors

- Can use only thief weapons

- Only 1/2 of lore

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For the record, I really don't like stat bonuses from kits.


Me neither. Why not simply duplicate the effects of that stat instead? In the case of dexterity, it has several effects:


- THAC0 with missiles

- Armor Cass

- Thieving skills


Each of these things can be given as kit bonuses without giving a dex bonus.

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Hmm... I don't like stat boost's too, but Acrobat... Acrobat is a special character, which got really good dexterity. Did you seen chineese (form China) acrobats? They're got 26 dexterity ;)


In my opinion, dex bonus in this case is good.

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Since you've already given him a +1 AC bonus, why don't you simply also give him a bonus to missile THAC0 and/or pick pockets, so that he has all the benefits of +1 dex anyway?


That way,an acrobat would actually be more skilled in these areas than another character with the same dexterity.

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Hmm... I don't like stat boost's too, but Acrobat... Acrobat is a special character, which got really good dexterity. Did you seen chineese (form China) acrobats? They're got 26 dexterity ;)


In my opinion, dex bonus in this case is good.


Yeah but once you say that, you can justify every kit giving some form of stat bonus.

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That's a good point, Grim. I think that giving a stat bonust because of the kit sort of puts the cart before the horse, because being nimble enables you to become a thief in general, rather than being a thief makes you more agile. Plus, giving this bonus might potentially carry a character over the allowable racial dexterity. Which, in my view, should only be done on a particular character basis, via quests, items etc and that rarely....

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Personally, I'm not a fan of giving non-fighters access to any specialisation (c'mon, what else have they got?). It's in pre-existing kits though, so I just grumble about it.


Anyway, perhaps instead of giving the dexterity bonus, you could also increase the general bonus to their AC at the same rate as the bonus to missile attacks. I represents a +3 over the entire life of the game (up to level 30, anyway), and it makes the ability dependant on the experience of the acrobat, not how much Dexterity you pump into them at the beginning of the game.

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