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BAM editor


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Some time ago I saw a post where someone asked what was a good BAM editor. The answer was something that started with a G and worked on both PC and Mac (I use a Mac). But of course, now that I NEED a BAM editor, I can't find the thread. Anyone know a good BAM editor?

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I knew it started with a G!


Thanks ;)


I already looked at BAM workshop and DLTCEP, neither run on the mac.

Speaking of which, is the DLTCEP source available?

Yes, it is in the gemrb cvs repository on sourceforge, follow my sig ;)

If you port it to the mac, and want to distribute it, then you must publish the source.

Guess that's not a problem.

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Yes, it is in the gemrb cvs repository on sourceforge, follow my sig ;)

If you port it to the mac, and want to distribute it, then you must publish the source.

Guess that's not a problem.


Actually, I was just curious what it would take to port it, since I think that actually porting it is probably out of my skill range. Especially since I can't even figure out how to download the source.

I grabbed the entire gemrb repository through CVS (at least I think I did) but I can't find DLTCEP.

What's the module name?

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"utility" or something.


I never looked through the source; I don't find myself particularly wanting or needing DLTCEP vs. NI. If he's using some Windows framework to do the interface, you'd have to write a new front-end, and then just the usual lower level junk.


It would probably be pretty easy to overhaul the front end with the Cocoa frameworks, but you'd likely want to know Objective C.

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Nope, not utility.


It's been a while since I've actually done any sort of programming, and that was with C++ and Java.

My real problem with NI is that it has some issues that are never going to get fixed, since it's no longer in development. And that annoys me.

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I use Netbeans to edit/compile NI. My knowledge of Java is slim so I mostly worry about keeping the structures up to date with the IESDP and my own findings (which takes very little Java knowledge). I have a book on Java for if I ever get the itch to modify any core functionality though.


Just out of curiosity, what issues did you have with NI? I use it for most everything except stuff requiring WED file editing.


FYI, Jon Olav hasn't touched NI since early last year, and won't likely be returning to it. As mentioned, the source code is available for free, though if anyone's considering submitting an updated version of NI for public download, Jon Olav would like them to e-mail him about it first.

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Part of my problem with NI is that it isn't super mac friendly. There are a number of files it can't access (well, it can find the data, but it wont let you select them, it's weird), you can't even TOUCH biff's (this was a real problem for me the other day) because it re-writes path names incorrectly. That was what prompted me to download the scource, and I fixed that problem (I think) but I couldn't get it to compile so I found a way around my problem.


I'll take a look at Netbeans though.

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I use Netbeans to edit/compile NI. My knowledge of Java is slim so I mostly worry about keeping the structures up to date with the IESDP and my own findings (which takes very little Java knowledge).




It is not nice to tease us with hints of an NI with updated structures. ;);)


DLTCEP is powerful, but the user interface is uhmmmm, intimidating. Which is why NI is still my editor of choice.

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