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Alora NPC


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Ok I've changed my mind. I'll do a Maztican NPC after I'm done reading the trilogy. In the meantime, I have an idea for turning Alora (the halfing in the High Hall of Wonders, I think her name is Alora) from BG1 into a BG2 NPC. Because she is such a crap thief, I thought I could make her a cleric/thief or just a cleric of Gond. She's spent so much time around the inventions in the High Hall that she has given up her life as a petty thief and become an inventor and acolyte of Gond. She could have some Jan Jansen-style inventions as perhaps retain some thieving abilites. What do people think?

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It's a pretty bare-bones concept (but what NPC starts out fully fleshed?). It does sound interesting, however, having never really played with Alora, I don't know how likely her sudden conversion to Gond worship would be. [EDIT] She is the happy-go-lucky type and as Icelus suggested, it might be a stretch for the character.


My advice though is that if you want to start a Maztican NPC, don't wait, start getting things together now. NPCs are not the kind of thing you can polish off in a few weeks. ;)

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True. If you don't mind spelling errors, that is.

I don't often agree with Ice, but in this case I do. I can't see Alora becoming a cleric either. If you want to make your own version of Alora, go ahead, but I'd advise to keep her a thief. ;)

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I don't think you guys are using your imagination. She's curious and inquisitive and she's only very young, so who's to say that becoming a cleric of Gond isn't her window to maturity? I think she's curious enough to become an inventor. I've already finished the Maztican NPC btw, but I havn't done any dialogue because I need to know what happens in the Maztica Triology so that his backstory makes sense.

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And remember what Quayle is like. He changed completely in the time between BG1 and 2. I think what I'd really be interested in is bringing some BG1 NPCS to BG2, with a bit of a character twist to them (providing they aren't making cameo appearences already, e.i. I won't make Ajantis because Keldorn points out that you kill him in Windspear Hills). I know people are sick of NPC mods, but characterization is what I'm really interested in. My life goal is to be a novelist, and this is an awesome outlet for making characters and stories, then letting people see my work, so that you for putting up with that, I guess. :)

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Dialogue is that part of the NPC that takes the longest time, you know. :)


As for Alora, I don't think it's impossible that she should change, just unlikely. Halflings are generally settled creatures, but Alora seems of the highly adventurous type and a rapid conversion to Gond does seem strange (not that halflings are particularly mechanically inclined either). For me it's the time involved between BGI and BGII that is the main barrier. Her progressing to a Gondite as some form of maturing process is possible, but the conversion is likely to take many years to happen, if she can be convinced to sit still long enough for it to happen at all.


Conversion to a halfling faith might be a different matter, however.




[Edit] Quayle does have a reason for hs conversion: He adopted Aerie.

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Alrighty, I've just found that halflings can't be cleric/thieves, so she's just a thief. However, she does have some ill-gotten BG1 objects that people might recognise in her pack, quest items that do nothing that I've given abilities to. I'm working on Shar-Teel for bg2 as well, and I want to give her a sword that does extra damage to males, but I've noticed that you need to make an EFF file to do that. Can that be done? If so, is there somewhere where I could learn to do that, or could someone tell me?

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As for Alora, I don't think it's impossible that she should change, just unlikely. Halflings are generally settled creatures, but Alora seems of the highly adventurous type and a rapid conversion to Gond does seem strange (not that halflings are particularly mechanically inclined either). For me it's the time involved between BGI and BGII that is the main barrier. Her progressing to a Gondite as some form of maturing process is possible, but the conversion is likely to take many years to happen, if she can be convinced to sit still long enough for it to happen at all.


Conversion to a halfling faith might be a different matter, however.


I agree. She could, however, pay tribute of sorts to Gond or a halfling god(dess). You don't have to be a priest to have faith. :) She spent much time among humans in cities, so it's possible she could convert to a human god, but it'd be more likely for her to convert to a halfling god. 'Sides, the only human god halflings throughout the realms worship is Tymora. Some gnomes worship Gond, whom they know as Nebelun. :p


Alrighty, I've just found that halflings can't be cleric/thieves, so she's just a thief.


No problem. Use a program such as Near Infinity or ShadowKeeper (I'd advise NI) to alter a character's race, class, aligment, avatar, etc. That way you can create a character that normally wouldn't be possible due to rules, but if it's appropriate for the character, why not? Some examples: Aerie is a multiclass elven cleric/mage. Only half-elves can be a multiclass cleric/mage. :) Kido is a chaotic evil jester. Jesters are bards, who can't be chaotic evil. But it's appropriate for Kido, so why not? Allison is an elven druid. Only humans and half-elves can be druids. The list goes on. Just saying that making a halfling cleric/thief isn't a problem, as long as it's appropriate and believeable.


And good luck on your other NPC's, mate. ;)

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