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Cannot install PST tweak pack.......

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Guest Question

This is the error message when i get when attempting to install the PST tweak pack :


[C:\Torment\setup-G3PSTweak.exe] WeiDU version 185


Choose your language:

0 [English]

1 [italian (Translation by Salk)]

2 [French (Traduction par Garfield des D'Oghmatiques.)]

3 [spanish (Traducci≤n por Ana, aka Immortality)]

4 [German (Translation by Jester)]


ERROR: No translation provided for @3

ERROR: problem parsing TP file [sETUP-G3PSTWEAK.TP2]: Not_found


FATAL ERROR: Not_found


Press ENTER to exit.


ALL the files are there....with the installation file in the main torment directory.I cannot figure out why it insists the TP2 file is not there...when it very clearly IS.

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It's a problem with the associated .tra file, not the .tp2 itself. Make sure there is a "G3PSTweak" subfolder in your PS:T directory, and an "english" subdirectory below that. Look in that "english" directory for a file named "Setup.tra". Open it in a text editor, such as Notepad.


You should see a line that says:

@3 = ~Higher Stacking, Including Rings/Bracelets/Earrings~


If not, add it between @2 and @4.


If it's there... um, then I don't know.

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Does sound like the .tra file is missing for some reason--perhaps the original poster moved the .tp2 file somewhere strange by mistake?


As an aside, I am not sure that @1 and @2 are used by the mod (they were for the fixpack, which I did not get permission to convert to WeiDU) which would explain why the error's cropping up at @3.


But if the files are in the right place there should be no problem. :)

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