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General Discussion for Auren


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A bit of background information here, as you may be wondering how in the world the mod was released here in a V3...and maybe some other things as well.


Auren was originally the protagonist of a BG2 fan fic I started over at The Attic at gamejag.net. I didn't intend for there to be an Auren/Nalia romance but it just sort of developed. I decided after looking through several tutorials at various modding sites that I would try my hand at modding myself...and I felt that Auren would be just the character.


I started the mod back in October 2005 and Auren was officially released in February of 2006. After some serious bug hunting, she was patched up and brought out into V3. All this couldn't have happened without the help and input of some very talented people, all of whom can be found in Auren's README.


I hope you all enjoy Auren as much as I enjoyed bringing her to life. I decided to make this thread because I know that some of you, after playing the mod, may want to know more about Auren as a character and would like a bit more indepth description of her than what is given in her overview and biography.


I usually don't like giving spoilers but I will definitely warn you if I do. If you have any questions regarding Auren and/or the mod itself, go ahead and ask it here. Chances are, your question is also someone else's question.



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Aye, congratulations. Also lookin' forward to Auren ToB and newer versions and stuff. And, well, I might as well use this opportunity to apologise for every wrong thing I did on IEP/MSN. Hope you can forgive.


Oh, I have a question. I saw two soundfiles seperate from the Aurenv3 file on IEGMC. Does that mean I have to overwrite the seperate ones with the ones in the file, or is it just seperate for listening pleasure only? :) I'm guessing the latter, but you never know.

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Congratulations on getting version 3 out! One quick question though - why the portrait change? The original portrait was one of the better ones that I've seen (thanks for leaving it as an option), even if it didn't scream "fighter" at you.

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Congratulations on getting version 3 out! One quick question though - why the portrait change? The original portrait was one of the better ones that I've seen (thanks for leaving it as an option), even if it didn't scream "fighter" at you.



I had a suggestion that perhaps a more "BGish" portrait would look better. I figured it couldn't hurt to add another option for people, and I personally liked this one better (she's cuter than the other one :) ) but I made sure to leave the original. Who knows, if I find more I like, I might add another optional portrait.



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Is it safe to assume that the stuttering bug from v1.0 is gone now? There's only one stuttering bug I like, and that's me!


(I figured I'd ask this here since I'm not actually reporting something from 3.0)

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Is it safe to assume that the stuttering bug from v1.0 is gone now? There's only one stuttering bug I like, and that's me!


(I figured I'd ask this here since I'm not actually reporting something from 3.0)


Yup as Grim said, the buggies are gone, including the crashing bug. And the bug that formatted your HD for you...er....oh, I don't think I ever told you about THAT bug.....:p

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I partially feel bad saying this...but did you read the readme?



When you install Auren V3 (and above from now on) after the installation of the mod, it will ask if you want the alternate portrait (which is the original). Say yes and you'll get the old portrait back.

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