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The Planes - A BG2 Mod


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I am not sure how well a Rilmani would fit into the party--they'd try and balance out whatever you did...
An Eladrin would be possible, though, I imagine. It would also give your mod another Good-aligned character, which it seems to be lacking (though that's really not such a bad thing, I guess)
Thanks for the input guys, points taken. I dont think i could do a convincing Eladrin as i know less than nothing about them. I COULD, however, probably do enough research to do an eladral aasimar to compliment Asaea...


Failing the idea of the eladral aasimar (if you think 2x aasimarii are overkill) the other options floating round my head, other than the Rilmani, are a fallen Dabus or a Glabrezu. Thoughts on either of these 3?

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Just like you design any other character, I guess... there are good-hearted, amiable Tieflings (Kylie) and evil, cold Aasimar (Qaida) in Planescape canon, so the basic heritage seems to be only a starting point for any descendant of an Outsider.


I would tend to associente some personality trails with elements, though; fire puts me in mind of a quick temper, or a short attention span. Earth, stoic and sensible. Water, empathic and patient. Air, mercurial and flighty.


Or you could work it from the opposite end; design a character, and assign an elemental heritage to match. A swashbuckling Spelljammer sailor might fit with the idea of being a Salt Genasi (a son o' the brine!), say...

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Hmm, ok, i'll think about it. I think i'll get some work done on the basic NPC's first, and then worry about extras.


I've extracted all the relevant BAM's for the Abishai'... can someone point me in the direction of a tutorial for how to make them available in BG2 to assign them to a creature/character? I've found the following tutorial which explains the basics, but its not very detailed beyond the process of renaming the animations and making mirror copies :phttp://www.blackwyrmlair.net/~chevar/tutor...opentut&tutID=7


Sorry about the green backgrounds and red shadows - thats how BAM Workshop exports them :p


Red Abishai walking -> Green Abishai casting -> Black Abishai attacking.


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OK, i've got a few stray animations i'm trying to find the correct naming format for. Below are the animations i have for the the Black Abishai (the Green and Red ones are identical bar the colouring :p). The ones i know the naming scheme for, i've listed as such : any advice on the correct naming for the others would be appreciated.


MxxxA1.BAM - Attack #1



MxxxA2.BAM - Attack #2



MxxxCA - Release Spell (i.e finish casting time)



MxxxDE - Dying



MxxxGH.BAM - Getting Hit



MxxxGU.BAM - Get Up (from dead etc)



MxxxSC.BAM - Combat Stance (standing still in combat mode)



MxxxSD.BAM - Normal Stance, Bored (plays when char is standing still for more than a few seconds.) - or something like that.



MxxxSP.BAM - Casting Spell



MxxxWK.BAM - Walking


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Please post some information about the Rilmani, I have no idea what they are :p


A dabus would be fun. You wouldn't even need voicing for it.


I agree. A rogue one like Fell? Maybe even Fell, or is that messing too much with PS:T?

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Fell = a fallen Dabus. So yes, that's what i'm thinking of. It wouldnt be Fell, just someone LIKE Fell in some ways :p I cant do a non-fallen Dabus because any party trying to recruit a normal Dabus would get shredded beyond recognition by the Lady of Pain :p


Just going to scan the Rilmani pages from my planescape manual, will BBS.

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I'd suggest not Fell, since he's a pretty important pnp character who is documented to stay in the City of Doors. Not sure that any other rogue dabus are known, though. It might be possible for one to be out of the city doing the Lady's work.

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I admit, I'd probably recommend not using a Dabus. It's never explained what the Dabus actually are, for the same reason that it's never explained what the Lady of Pain is - they're anomalies that make the Planescape setting possible. If you have a Dabus NPC then you'll have to skirt around the idea of what a Dabus is completely, as there is no canonical answer and, indeed, there isn't supposed to be. And skirting around that issue might be something of a trial.

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I admit, I'd probably recommend not using a Dabus. It's never explained what the Dabus actually are, for the same reason that it's never explained what the Lady of Pain is - they're anomalies that make the Planescape setting possible. If you have a Dabus NPC then you'll have to skirt around the idea of what a Dabus is completely, as there is no canonical answer and, indeed, there isn't supposed to be. And skirting around that issue might be something of a trial.


Well, it might be possible to work around that with a rogue specimen, but I see your point.

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... as do i, but what if the ambiguity of the Dabus's is an integral part of the character? After all, he's an NPC - he doesnt have to reveal exactly what he is, any more than Keldorn has to reveal what colour G-string he's wearing on any given day :p


Any takers on advice for the animations?

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