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Khalid tries to talk about the boy and his dog

Guest Radish

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Guest Radish

Khalid appears to want to say something regarding the demon-boy and his dog Ruffie once I reunite them, as I hear his greeting sound and music, but he doesn't actually say anything. He tries to talk right as the demon is teleporting away, and I hypothesize that that combined with the "all dialogues pause" tweak is causing some kind of problem.


But regardless of the cause, I want to see the dialog, so, if someone could tell me where in what .d file it's in, and/or what variables I could dink with using the console to force the conversation prematurely, that would be frickin' swell.

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It is probably just that. I will see if I can put a delayed timer there or check for not seeing Rufus. The dialogue should be in the Phase 2 folder, D subfolder, X#XZINT.D, unless it is one of the Phase 1s, then it will be in the Dialogue/X#XZAR.D.

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It is probably just that. I will see if I can put a delayed timer there or check for not seeing Rufus.


Fixed for Alpha 4 by adding !See("Rufie"), found in \BG1NPC\Phase2\DLG\X#KHINT.D


// Khalid, With Jaheira In Party, after Albert and Ruffie Disappear
~Whew! A cynical old t-tutor of mine once said, "No g-good d-deed goes unpunished." I'm starting to b-believe him.~
DO ~SetGlobal("KWJIPARD","LOCALS",2)~
== _BJAHEI ~That is the reason your goodness should be grounded in the Balance of Nature. You are not then concerned with punishment or reward.~
== _BKHALI ~Q-quite. I do wonder, though, if it was t-to exactly this sort of situation to which your own t-teaching referred.~

Also added into X#KHINT.BAF after RESPONSE#100 Wait(2) just in case it was a speed of processing thing

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