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pst effect #195 (tint screen), #196


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IESDP doesn't mention that the dice values are used as the fading speed parameter (the mode in param #2 has no effect on this).

The mode just turns on/off the speed. This is important because a speed 0 crashes.



This effect starts special effects based on Param#2, but it is used mostly in CFB's (with self as target, even if the resulting projectile will go towards pre-target).



This effect has no duration (it is always instant or delayed).

Known values of parameter #2 (mode):

0 - stop all action

1 - enable actions


This effect stops the gui (timer stops, selections don't work). But scripts and animations work.

To re-enable the gui one must start another (delayed) effect with mode=1, otherwise the game will appear frozen. See the usage in the CFB for SPWI308.

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