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Coran romance dialogue bug/problem


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I seem to be having issues with a certain dialogue. I've tried to figure out what the problem may be, but lack the skills to do so :p and so here I am.











I'm at the point just after Coran has returned the baby and we meet again. I get a dialogue when resting at an inn about "the mirror" The next time I rest, I get dialogue initiated from Coran, this time however, all I get is the flirt options and not an actual dialogue. It happens no matter where I rest. I think it must be the second to last or last romance dialogue he has.



Edit: It may not actually be the dialogue after the mirror one, I *think* I reloaded from a save after I had issues with the mirror dialogue. Same thing happened with it, Coran initiated dialogue, the flirts came up, I chose one, then tried resting again, that seemed to fix it, I got the mirror talk on the second rest. Sorry for not explaining things very well.





**End Spoilers**


Any advice/help would be really appreciated. Thanks :p

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Just to add a bit of info..I checked the saved game and coranmirrorflirt is 2, the LT is 33. So the problem is with the talk after 33. Sorry for my messy explaination. I'm very much a noob when it comes to anything below the surface of the game.

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No, no, that's good, I see what you are saying, the only trouble being that LT32 (A rogue’s life is not a long one.) that shifts the Global to 33 is the last talk in the sequence.


So, the rascal s trying to bring up a lovetalk from a different sequence or one of the flirts and there is no matching variable.


Can you give me the value of the "CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL" ? That would be my suspect for glitching here.

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No, no, that's good,  I see what you are saying, the only trouble being that LT32 (A rogue’s life is not a long one.) that shifts the Global to 33 is the last talk in the sequence.


So, the rascal s trying to bring up a lovetalk from a different sequence or one of the flirts and there is no matching variable.


Can you give me the value of the "CGBabyTalk","GLOBAL" ? That would be my suspect for glitching here.


Thanks very much for replying. I thought I was missing some vital event :p I feel much better now! heh.


The value for CGBabyTalk is 7.



I've really enjoyed this romance, thanks so much for writing it, you can tell a lot of thought and effort went into it.


I may be reading more into it than what's there, but I was really surprised at the subtle depth that lay beneath the surface of Coran. I eventually saw the character's personality as a sort of male archetype of sacred sexuality/love, which is really neat because you don't see that very often. ( First dialogue I had in a certain sequence of talks made me think " Oh..Interesting..Tantric" :p

Even if you didn't intend that type of image for him and I'm just imagining things, it's a testament to the writing, it gives the reader tools to flesh out a character mentally and give the character more depth.

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I'll take a look tonight, and if I can't find the problem in the script, I will need your saved game to try to pinpoint which dialogue is glitching.


Yes, it was the intention for love to be Coran's reason d'etre, and to try creating something that would make a passable impression of the higher degree of sensuality and sensitivity in the elves. Depending on what prevailed in him: goodness or chaos, he either becomes less superficial ("Good" solution to his quest) or more superficial ("Chaotic" solution of the quest).


When Kulyok first brought up the idea of writing a dialogue about Hanali, I made a research on the three main sources I could thought of at the time: Classical Greece (eros, lutus, pragma etc), Kama-Sutra and troubadour's ideals. In the end, it became a cycle with the couple of additional flirts in its wake (mirror flirt, I think, is easily recognizable as Kama-Sutra material, for example).

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I'll take a look tonight, and if I can't find the problem in the script, I will need your saved game to try to pinpoint which dialogue is glitching.


Yes, it was the intention for love to be Coran's reason d'etre, and to try  creating something that would make a passable impression of the higher degree of sensuality and sensitivity in the elves. Depending on what prevailed in him: goodness or chaos, he either becomes less superficial ("Good" solution to his quest) or more superficial ("Chaotic" solution of the quest).


When Kulyok first brought up the idea of writing a dialogue about Hanali, I made a research on the three main sources I could thought of at the time: Classical Greece (eros, lutus, pragma etc), Kama-Sutra and troubadour's ideals. In the end, it became a cycle with the couple of additional flirts in its wake (mirror flirt, I think, is easily recognizable as Kama-Sutra material, for example).


Thanks very much, I appreciate you taking the time to look into it. If you need a saved game, just let me know.


Your research shows. I think you captured the spirit of the various philosophies really well, it adds a flowing, dream like quality to the romance. I really liked the talk about Henna and petals too, I thought it was great that you added that. Light/dark/in between, it's all part of it.


Sorry to babble on :| I analyze/think about things way too much. :p Thanks again for your help.

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Ok, I think what's happened, and I am a bit dazed by it, is that I deleted Commitment Talk when I added the three new flirts. I can see it in V10, but it's simply gone in V11. That's what copy-paste does to you, I suppose. It will be restored for the next version. Please, reset the ComitmentTalk Global to 2 to prevent the script from firing the talk again. Thank you for reporting!

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Thanks again. I'll set it to 2.  :)


Inuna, I PM'ed you a link to the alpha, and am in the process of updating that alpha (3) with Domi's file. It is not really an "alpha" per se, as huge amounts of it have been playtested repeatedly, so hopefully you will enjoy the stories bug-free. :) Happy almost-end-of-exams!

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Thanks again. I'll set it to 2.  :)


Inuna, I PM'ed you a link to the alpha, and am in the process of updating that alpha (3) with Domi's file. It is not really an "alpha" per se, as huge amounts of it have been playtested repeatedly, so hopefully you will enjoy the stories bug-free. :) Happy almost-end-of-exams!



Woot! Thanks very much, got it.

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