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Comet destroys enemy loot. Can this be changed?


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I really like the changes that Altered Spells makes to the game, and it's nice that Comet is no longer a worse choice than Dragon's Breath. However, one major advantage that DB does have over Comet is that it doesn't destroy enemy loot.


I did some testing and found that Comet always destroys any non-quest items, whereas DB leaves the loot intact. I think this makes Comet the weaker spell. Whether or not the stock Comet did this, I don't know.


Would you please consider altering Comet for a future version of the mod, and could you also tell me how to make this change to my current game (using Near Infinity?).



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Frozen bodies=item destruction. Every source of cold damage does this, if the enemy's deathblow is caused by cold. I think turning off the Gore setting might prevent it. I can't prevent cold damage from destroying items, I'm afraid.


Hm. This is something I hadn't considered. I'll have to think about whether it might be better to change Comet to pure impact, instead of half impact and half cold.

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The problem would then be whether or not that cold damage does the kill and therefore destroys the body. Even a very small level of cold might be enough to put you over the line. One could always use Comet as an opening spell and make sure you finish off enemies with less disintigrating methods of damage.

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That's good to hear. I'd quite like it if you could keep the icy look, since I think it's much, ah, cooler than the firey original.


Also, would it be possible to have this new version of Oversight not bork the stats.ids?

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That's good to hear.  I'd quite like it if you could keep the icy look, since I think it's much, ah, cooler than the firey original.


Also, would it be possible to have this new version of Oversight not bork the stats.ids?

To my knowledge, Oversight shouldn't do anything bad to stats.ids now. What's it doing?

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Well, on my machine it added [] before each spell.  I'll have to see if I can find the long thread that talked about the problem.

Oversight does a couple of APPENDs and REPLACE_TEXTUALLY; not sure what it could be borking.

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Me... I posted in the first thread confirming hashed ids. I didn't get far enough to tell you where, but i remember opening the file in several different text editors, trying to figure out what the darn funny boxes were.

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Well, I've obviously had this. Also, my mate had his stats.ids messed up by Oversight, but he didn't get the odd [] boxes. This is despite installing EXACTLY the same mods and components in EXACTLY the same order as myself.


We're doing a multiplayer game together and have completely identical installs. Both our stats.ids were fine before installing Oversight (although we did have to repair them, first after installing Ascension and then again after installing Kelsey), but messed up after installing Oversight - I had the [] and he had extra spaces between the entries, but no []. Repairing stats.ids prior to installing Oversight meant that BP Detectable Stats installed fine, but I'd obviously rather that stats.ids weren't messed up in the first place.


I've believe there's a more recent thread on PPG where people are having a similar issue, but I can't seem to access the site in order to find it.

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