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Comet destroys enemy loot. Can this be changed?


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Guest Simian Mania
Yes, I think pure impact damage is the way to go. I'll need to talk to CamDawg about releasing another version of Oversight.

Any ETA on this new version (not wishing to rush you)?

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Sorry, Bursk, just noticed your reply. At that point I hadn't installed Oversight yet, and I could swear that at that time the Readme stated otherwise than it does now. Checked in-game, it does blunt damage, though it still carries the blue/cold BAM animation of old.

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Sorry to necro this. I was confused by a discrepency I think nobody pinpointed or bothered to change yet. The comet spell changes in the two readme pages describing this mod's components are different. Not much more than a typo kind of thing, but the updated damage was never comfirmed in this thread and two different descriptions got me spinning just like Daulmakan a few posts back.


The revision was not edited on this page where it still says half cold/half crushing damage: http://www.gibberlings3.net/oversight/index.php#

I assume this was implemented, but revised only on this page: http://www.gibberlings3.net/readmes/ReadMe-Oversight.html

It confused me. Might confuse others who don't investigate. Changing it would be a quick and positive thing.


Also if anyone cares to fix it, the first page I linked here has broken links to the Oversight Forum and Readme (above the Download button).

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